Chapter 39

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Vance: call 911 now we got an agent with a back injury and is throwing up blood. Mcgee: got it* calls 911* hi we have an agent with a back injury and is throwing up blood. Gibbs: I'm not an agent anymore, I quit. Vance: hold still. Gibbs: *vomits even more blood*. V Vance lifts u up m my s shirt, please.  Vance: why. McGee: there on their way. Gibbs: eitherI'mu do it or I will.  Vance: ok ok I'm going to put you on your back but don't move *carefully puts Gibbs on his back and carefully pulls Gibbs shirt up* you want it off. Gibb: *nods* hot so hot. Vance: ok *slowly takes Gibbs shirt off* McGee where are they. Gibbs: v Vance t they knew I had surgery so t they cut it b back open. T that why I I puke b blood. So t tired.  Vance: no stay awake Gibbs stay with me MCGEE. Gibbs: c can't t to t tired*falls asleep*
Mcgee: they should be here soon.  Gibbs. Mcgee: the paramedics are here.  Vance: ok *still holding Gibbs head still*. Gibbs:*. Medic: move. *sits next to Gibbs and checks for a pulse before starting CPR*. Vance: he has a neck injury. Medic: I'm more worried about getting him back alive. But thanks. Keep holding his neck straight, please. We need a stretcher. Vance: ok *stays with Gibbs*. 2 medic: *grabs the stretched and brings it over* here let's lift him up. We gotta hurry. Vance: goes with the medics still holding Gibbs head*. Mcgee: ill bring your car back to the hospital. Medic 1: *Still performing CPR* come on. It's almost time to call time of death. Gibbs: *GAGS hard*. Medic 1: jumps back* slowly roll him on his side and place a bucket under his mouth* that's it easy. Gibbs: gagging a lot*.  Medic 1: *rubs his back* try and get it up. Do you need help? The more you gag the harder on your back it is. Gibbs: gagging. Medic 1: let me help you. Try not to bit me ok. Gibbs: gagging. Medic 1: *slowly sticks his fingers in Gibbs's throat before clearing his throat and triggers the gag reflex*. Gibbs: vomits a lot*. Medic 1: *is to slow to remove his arm* pulls out his arm covered in vomit* there you go now breath. Gibbs: where am I.
Vance: your in an ambulance you were kidnapped. And we were made to believe you commit suicide. Gibbs: Vance why you here. Where tonton. Vance: Gibbs calm down tony thinks your dead. You will see tony after you get stuck up it you'll scare him with the amount of blood on you. Gibbs: TonTon though. Tony: asleep after trying twice with the Morphine drip to put himself to sleep. Vance: I know Gibbs you'll see him soon don't worry. Gibbs tries to move. Medic: were here let's get you to surgery to stitch you up. Vance: NO Gibbs don't move. Gibbs: glares at Vance as he tries to move again. Vance: if you keep moving you will end up paralyzed and not able to take care of tony. Gibbs: *stops moving*. Medic 1: *steps out of the ambulance before getting the stretcher out* let's go* walks in the door* middle age mad possible spinal cord injury cancer patient vomiting blood. Gibbs: I'm fine. Vance: *hasn't moved his hands from Gibbs head*. Vance: if you don't get check out I will make sure you don't see tony*glares at Gibbs*.  Gibbs: fine. Vance: good* removes my hands as there placed with a neck collar*. 
Doctor: *wheels him to the operating room* before getting to work on his wounds*. Gibbs: *yawns*. Doctor: sleep Gibbs when you wake you'll be able to see tony.*stiches up Gibbs wounds*. Gibbs: *snoring*. Doctor: *smiles* before getting to work on his back* we need an x-ray to see any possible damage. Nurse: ok. Gibbs: snoring*.Nurse: *goes and grabs the x-ray machine before setting it up*. Doctor: removes his wedding ring before taking the x-ray and putting the ring back on his finger* let's see what the damage is. Gibbs: sleeping soundly
Nurse ok. Doctor: looks at the x-ray and sighs* let's get him all cleaned up and in a room please* walks out to see Vance. Vance: waiting still covered in Gibbs blood*. Doctor: the surgery went well and from what I could tell he should have any permanent damage except scars. You should go tell McGee he's in Ziva's room. Vance: how is that possible. Doctor: I'm not sure. It's a miracle. Vance: ok can we set him up in Tony's cause they haven't really seen each other *gets up so he can tell McGee*.   Doctors: we should be able to. Ziva looks up when she hears someone enter the room.* gasps when she sees Vance covered in blood* Vance what happened. Vance: ok I'm thinking I should have changed, Gibbs he was kidnapped he's alive though and sleeping next to Tony. Ziva: WHAT!!!! so the blood is his. Vance: Yeah but he's fine. Ziva: good. Where's McGee? Vance: I thought he came to see you and the twins. McGee: showering and changing*. Ziva: he must be in the shower. Vance: ill wait with you
. Gibbs: sleeping. Tony: wakes up and screams in Joy*. Gibbs: *jumps awake and screams in pain* ow FUCK. Tony: Gibbs you're alive. Gibb: tony doesn't ever do that again*looks down to see my shirt has a bloody spot. Damn it tony. Tony: what happen you ok why you in a bed I thought you were dead. Gibbs: pushes the nurse button*lifts my shirt to show tony all the cuts and bruised*. Tony: what happened. Gibbs: I was kidnapped and they sent a clone back to pretend to be me and jump. Tony: ok why. Gibbs: how should I know. I got fed up with being beat that I escaped and killed them. Tony: ok just glad you're ok. Gibbs: *presses the nurse button as he feels faint from blood loss* t tony* passes out*. Tony: HELP Gibbs wake up please I can't lose you, Gibbs. Tony: what's wrong. Nurse: don't have time to explain* runs out after them and to the operating room. It looks like he pulled his stitches*. Gibbs: out cold. Tony: waiting for Gibbs. Nurse: let's get this done * stitches up his wounds again* -3 hours later-. Gibbs: sleeping. Tony: still waiting. Nurse: wheels Gibbs back into the room* no scaring him this time. He pulled his stitches last time*. Tony: sorry. Gibbs: sleeping soundly. Nurse: that's ok. You should call ducky, Abby and Palmer they don't know Gibbs is alive. Gibbs: still sleeping. Tony: don't have a phone and they are all visiting the twins in Ziva's room. Nurse: ok I'll send them in ok *walks out and into Ziva's room*. Abby, ducky and Palmer tony's got surprised for you but you have to be quiet ok.

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