Chapter 33

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Nurse: goes back into the room and tells everyone they have to be owned up or they have to leave.
Ziva: why*lays her hands on her belly. Ducky: I'm going, only because I'm going to be sick and he needs a perfectly clean.
environment.*gets up and heads out the door to the hallway. Before throwing up in the bucket"
Mcgee: I'm staying. Tony: Gibbs Gibbs. Gibbs: I'm here Tony what's going on. *on the phone*. Nurse: we suspect he has bacteria meningitis. Gibbs: what
McGee: Ziva how about you go see Gibbs since your pregnant. Ziva: nods but McGee they don't know I am yet. Nurse: she especially has to be tested before she goes anywhere. McGee: please sweetie.
Ziva: I will go after im tested. Tony: Gibby come.  Nurse: he can't sweetie. If he caught meningitis it could be deadly bc of cancer. Tony: *starts crying*. Ziva: I have an idea* goes and grabs the phone before going on messenger and press the video call button*
Palmer: *answers the video call button*. Tony: I want Gibby with me and my back really really hurts. Nurse: I know but that will have to do. We need to get you rested and resting will hurt. Tony: cries himself to sleep. Nurse: I will go get the doctor and Ziva ill send you to another room to be tested*.Tony: crying in his sleep
McGee: what do I need to do to stay in here.   Nurse: gown up* come Ziva* head out the door* points to a male doctor* he will do your testing. McGee: Is there a female person to do it. Ziva: McGee doesn't be so jealous. I want you and only you.  McGee: I feel more comfortable with a female with doing the testing  Ziva: fine* looks at the nurse*. Nurse: sorry sir but he's also a gynecologist. And since your wife is pregnant he has to do it. McGee: can I go with before I stay with Tony. McGee: puts the gown stuff on*
Tony: crying in pain*. Ziva: goes and lays down. Doctor: comes in all gowned up. Ok, this will hurt but let's get it over with so we can get the results. McGee holds Ziva's hand. Doctor* pulls her shirt up a bit before cleaning the area and grAbbing the needle:* ready. McGee holds Ziva whispering nursery ideas to you. Doctor: *slowing sticks the needle in Sivas back*  McGee: *letting Ziva squeeze his hand*. Doctor: almost done* pulls back on the needle to get the fluid out before pulling the needle out and handing it to his nurse* gently massages her back where the needle was* ok you done no sitting up for a couple of minutes. Ziva: that hurt and ok. Mcgee: lays down in front of her pulling her close. It's ok to love
Doctor: walks into Tonys room And sits behind tony. Doctors: tony roll onto your side, please. Tony: hurts. Doctor: I know but we wanna get the results fast so we can treat you. Tony: ok *tries to move to his side*. Doctors* slowly helps his shift*. Doctor* cleans the area before slowly pushing the needle in his back* Doctor: almost done* pulls back on the needle to get the fluid out before pulling the needle out and handing it to his nurse* gently massages his back where the needle was* ok you're done no sitting up for a couple of minutes. Tony: can't even stay on my side without pain*. Ziva: sleeping soundly. Gibbs: *watching Tony on the phone* why can't I be with him, Palmer. Abby: hey how are you feeling Gibbs. Doctor: I know and I'm sorry but if you move it will her more rn. How about we play a game to pass the time and distract you. Palmer: he might have an illness that could kill you If you got it. Tony: want sleep but can't. Doctor: let's play 21 questions. Tony: ok. Doctor: favourite colour. Tony: blue. Doctor: favourite tv show. Tony: anything Gibbs is watching. Doctor: a favourite moment with Gibbs. Tony: everything but when we are home relaxing and cuddling on his old couch is the best moment. Doctor: favourite movie. Tony: can't pick a favourite I like it a lot. Doctor: favourite movie line. Tony: round up the usual suspects. Doctor: *laughs* you can move now. Tony: hurts. Doctor: ok ill go check on the results*walks out to the nurse's station and grabs the folder and look at it* ok I need the treatment for bacterial meningitis* heads back into tonys room* ok we have the results. Tony: Gibby come. Doctor: no I'm sorry you were positive for bacterial meningitis. McGee: sleeping with Ziva.  Tony: Doctor: McGee and Ziva we're negative. Doctor: sir are you ok. Tony: Gibbs: has fallen asleep on the phone with Tony. McGee: snoring. Doctor: walks over to tony and lays my hand on his head before yelling I need some ice and fever reducers*. Nurse: here's a fever reducer. McGee: sleeping soundly. Doctor: I need ice to* injects the fever reducers in his iv. Doc: found the ice blanket *lays it on Tony*. Nurse: brings in ice packs*.Palmer: takes the phone and tucks Gibbs into bed*.  Doctor: lay them down around him. We gotta get his temperature down. Nurse: yeah. McGee: sleeping soundly with his hand on Ziva's tummy*. Doctor: you stay with him in going to update his friends and co-workers. Nurse: yeah
McGee: sleeping soundly with his hand on Ziva's tummy*. Doctor: you stay with him in going to update his friends and co-workers. Nurse: ok. Ziva: sleeping.Doctor: walk out of tonys room into Ziva's room and goes and wakes up McGee*.  McGee: mm yeah *slowly wakes up*. Doctor: tony was positive for bacterial meningitis. You two are negative. McGee: how you treat him now *wakes Ziva up a bit*. Doctor: let her sleep* he needs very strong antibiotics. McGee: ok how is he. Doctor: he's unconscious * his fever is too high*. McGee: ok. Tony: whimpers in pain. Nurse: welcome back tony. We will start the treatment right away.

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