Chapter 14

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Gibbs: cuddles close to Tony to keep warm*. Ducky: walks in yes tony. Tony: how's McGee and when can Gibbs go home.Gibbs: sleeping soundly. Ziva: getting food*. Ducky: he should be able to go home right after treatment. And McGee should be fine. Ziva comes in with food and coffee. Tony: oh coffee yes. Thanks, Ziva. Ziva: you're welcome
Gibbs wakes up vomiting from the smell of coffee. Tony: rubs his back you're ok. Ziva takes it into McGee's room. I'll come to get it after. Leave the soup on the table by the door, please. Ziva: nods * put the food by the door then takes the coffee to McGee's room*. Gibbs: vomiting. Tony: rubs his back. Boss, how do you still have the stuff to throw up? You haven't eaten in days. Gibbs: sighs* acid. Tony: that's exactly why I want you to eat some soup when you're ready. Gibbs: nods softly laying back down on Tony’s lap*. Tony: runs my fingers through his hair. Gibbs: falls asleep. Tony: slide out from under him and goes into McGee's room to see him awake. Hey man, how you doing. Grabs the coffee and drinks it. McGee: better how’s boss. Gibbs: sleeping soundly. Tony:, he's finally asleep he's been throwing up for 30 minutes.McGee: that stinks off and on or what. Tony: Off and on. Ducky: watches Gibbs sleep after putting a new warm blanket on him*. Vance comes in with a very excited Jenny. Ducky: sees them and puts his finger to his lips. Go see dada in the McGee's room. Vance: wait why does McGee have a room. Jenny: DADA.Ziva: walks out shh Jenny papa ain't well. Gibbs: snoring loudly. Jenny: why papa ain't well and sorry. Ziva: you know how there are bullies right. Jenny: nods. Ziva: well there are some bullies that aren't people. And ones being mean and making your papa sick.
Jenny: how's he going to beat them up then. Ziva: there's some medication that will do it for him. Jenny: but cuddles. Ziva: ok go cuddle him but be careful of the wires and stuff. Ok. Jenny: help then. Ziva: nods. Picks her up before placing her on the bed with Gibbs. Jenny: lays down next to Papa. Gibbs: cuddles the new source of heat*.McGee: can't wait to go home. Tony: me to McGee me too. McGee: so why you drink coffee here and not with Gibbs.Tony: bc when Ziva brought the coffees to me he threw up from the smell. McGee: that's new.Tony: the treatment is messing up his stomach.  McGee:: that's not good. Tony: nope especially since he loves coffee. McGee: yeah it's probably going be rough in him not drinking coffee. Tony: ya but he'll manage. He's stronger than anyone we know. McGee: yeah I'm going to go back to check on him. Tony: ok let's go together. be careful of your side remember. McGee: how about the wheelchair then. Tony: ok. Grabs the wheelchair and brings it next to the bed. McGee: very slowly moves. Tony: let me help you. Gently picks him up and sets him in the wheelchair. Ducky: looks up ok I'm not happy your out of bed but at least you not walking. Tony: considering I didn't even let him stand up. He wanted to see Gibbs. He was worried.McGee: smiles
Ducky ok 15 then back to bed then you may go home tomorrow. All but Tony and Gibbs will go home to sleep. Tony: ok *sighs*. Ducky: Tony you're staying with Gibbs here. Tony: nods I wouldn't leave even if you tried to make me. Ducky: I know. Tony: walks over to Gibbs. Wake up, love. Gibbs: no. Tony: jenny's here. Gibbs: she'll keep me warm.Tony: McGee is here to see you Gibbs and I want you to try and eat plz. Gibbs: very slowly sits up a tiny bit. Jenny: sleeping. Tony: ill get the soup. You talk with McGee. Gibbs: how you guys feeling. Mcgee: just a little sore and nauseous from the meds. Gibbs: swallows hard*. Mcgee: boss please don't puke or I will.Ducky: McGee how about you go back to bed for a bit to rest
Gibbs: swallowing hard. Mcgee: bye boss. Rolls back to his room. I hope I can't hear him. Probably can but oh well. Ziva: hey he's really sick and the med is making him sick. Mcgee: I know but if I hear him get sick ill get sick. The med they gave me is making me a little nauseous. Sorry. Thankfully I'll only get sick once or twice. Ziva: gets in and snuggles McGee
Gibbs: keeps swallowing hard. Tony: boss why are you swallowing it. Gibb: I'm fine *lays back down*. Tony: so if I were to lightly push on your stomach nothing would happen. Boss is it bc of what McGee said.  Gibbs: press my stomach your dead and no it's not about what McGee said.
Tony: boss if you are going to be a bastard about me helping ill go hang out with McGee. He won't turn down my help. Gibbs: just cuddle me please. Tony: fine whatever. Mcgee: um guys. Gibbs: grabs the bowl and vomits a lot
Ziva: yeah. Mcgee: covers his mouth. Ziva: give McGee a bowl. Tony: rubs Gibbs back it's ok I got you, boss. Mcgee: *being stubborn and swallows it*.Ziva: press on his stomach. Gibbs: spits then lay down. Mcgee: Lurches forward with a heave. And then continues dry heaving for 10 minutes, before throwing up heavily 3 times. You just hand to go and do that, didn't you? *whimpers before crying* I didn't want to do that in case I set off Gibbs. Though  I do feel better now. Gibbs: buried face into Tony's chest. Mcgee: sorry boss I tried to hold it in but Ziva press on my stomach. Gibbs: *asleep*. Mcgee: at least I didn't set Gibbs off *gives Ziva a small smile* Right. Ziva: nods *kisses your head*. Gibbs: sleeping soundly cuddling Tony. Jenny: dada is Papa going to sleep a lot. Tony: ya I'm sorry princess he's quite sick. Jenny: what can we do to help make him better. Mcgee: so Ziva will you go out with me. Tony: I'm a sorry princess but papa has to get better on his own. All we can do is support and encouragement him. Jenny: so nothing to make Papa smile. Ziva: how about a movie date at home. Mcgee: I would love that. Tony: you could make him a get well soon card. How does that sound?

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