Chapter 38

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Vance: sure but just so you know he's paralyzed. *stats heading out*. Jackson: ok *follows Vance to his car*. Vance: *drives to the hospital before seeing the blood on the pavement and sighing*. Jackson: did he shoot himself? Vance: *shakes his head before looking up at the roof*. Jackson: *follows Vance's glaze* he jumped. Vance:*nods* ya let's go*walks into Ziva's room*. Jackson: hey Ziva. Ziva: hey Jackson. Vance what see you doing here. Jackson: who are these two little ones. Ziva: this one is very Jethro jr and this one is Shannon kelly. Vance: I have some news about Gibbs Ziva. Ziva: what he with Tony. Vance: no he's not he's at NCIS. Inca drawer* frowns as a tear slides down his cheek*. Ziva: why he at NCIS. Vance: h he k k ki.*shakes his head* I can't do it, Jackson. Jackson: it's ok to take your time. Ziva: what's wrong. Vance: *sighs before taking a deep breath* he killed himself. Ziva: he did what. McGee: I gave our son Gibbs name cause Gibbs couldn't take the treatments anymore and he jumped off the roof here. Vance: *walks away to cry* damn it, Gibbs. Ziva: but he was just here. Jackson: I know * sighs and follows Vance* you ok. Ziva: *starts crying*. Vance: I can't tell Tony he's been waiting to see Gibbs. Jackson: ill tell him if you like. Mcgee: shh Ziva* holds her*. iva: he can't be gone
Vance: please then just stay with him cause he would want to stop treatment for a massive infection from his back. Jackson: ok I'll go tell him now*heads into Tonys room*. Mcgee: I'm sorry Ziva. Ziva: *falls asleep*
Tony: sleeping with his wedding ring on that matches Gibbs a bit*. Jackson:*sighs before walking over to tony and shaking him a bit* tony wake up. Tony: wakes up* Gibbs your here. Jackson: no it's me tony I have something to tell you. Tony: where is Gibbs I want to see Gibbs. Jackson: I'm sorry but that won't be possible. He killed himself. I'm a sorry tony.
Tony: *goes silent pressing the morphine button down*. Jackson: smacks his hand away before disconnecting the button.  Seriously tony. Gibbs wouldn't want you to do that. He would want you to support your friends through the journey of parenthood. Tony tries to move away but can't*. Jackson: tony look at me he was my son. I loved him but he didn't love himself, please don't make me lose him. Your the closest thing to a son I have now. Tony: Can I be alone, please. Jackson: no not in your stat if mind I'm sorry Tony. McGee: hey Tony want to see your nephew and niece. Tony: not right now. Mcgee:* nods* Jackson come with me for a second, please. Tony: just stares at nothing. Jackson: yeah but just outside the door. Mcgee: I think it would be best to let tony do it. Jackson: do what. Mcgee: you know what um talking about it. Jackson: no I'm letting him kill himself. Mcgee: he won't make it without Gibbs. He will die of a broken heart. Jackson: he has us. Mcgee: ya but we're not Gibbs. He doesn't want us. Jackson: he'll have to learn to live without Gibbs
Tony: Mcgee: he can't*walks into Tony's rooms*. Jackson: *grabs McGee taking him out of Tony's room* no don't do it McGee I'm warning you. Mcgee: I'm not going to murder him you ass hole* punches him* I was checking on him. I didn't hear anything. *walks back into tony's room* tony you ok. Tony: Gibbs
Jackson: walks in Tony's room. Mcgee: get out* shoves him out. Walks over to tony. Do you need anything? *gives tony one of Gibbs sweaters*.  Jackson: waits for McGee to leave*. Tony: blankly stares. Mcgee: here tony *hands him Gibbs sweater*. I'm sorry Tony. Tony: *.  Real Gibbs: wakes up and groans* looks around and sees a phone* calls Vance*. Vance: answer* hello. Gibbs: v Vance h help* hangs up. Vance: it can't be Gibbs he's dead. Tony: just stares at nothing cause the only thing he wants is dead*. Gibbs:*calls Vance again as he's being tortured* ahhhhh. Vance: Gibbs where are you second me and you are having a long talk. Vance: Gibbs where are you. Gibbs: *screaming Jn agony*. Vance: do you know where you might be. Gibbs: t trace c call*screams as he's being cut*. Gibbs: y you bastard*gets up and starts beating them before grabbing his gun and shooting them*. Vance: ok *goes to Ziva's room* McGee do you have your Laptop. Mcgee: ya*goes over and sits in front of it.* what do you need? Vance: trace the last call I got. Mcgee:*starts tracing the call* I got it. There at 422 Lakely street. Do you want me to come? Vance: ok thanks sure but you also just became a dad so it's up to you *leaves the room and goes to his car*. Mcgee: *follows Vance to his car* is it, Gibbs. Vance: yes and he has a lot of questions to answer when we get him. Mcgee: he was probably kidnapped and a clone sent as him. Let's just go get him. Gibbs: *goes to move but screams in agony*. Vance: probably *gets to the location* GIBBS. where are you? Gibbs: v Vance h help m me* passes out*. Vance: McGee we can't for medics lets get him in the car. Gibbs: p please don't move me. Vance: ok why. Gibbs: b back h hurts. Vance: ok I'm going to hold your head still that way we keep your spine straight McGee call 911 and say we have someone with a back injury. Gibbs: I'm sorry I shouldn't have a runoff. Someone kidnapped me and sent an identical person in my place. *coughs before puking* ow. Vance: ok that would explain a lot second why did you run off all Ziva wanted was just her and McGee in the room tell after the birth when Jackson told Tony all he did was pressing the morphine button to the point Jack had to unplug the med he's on suicide watch. Gibbs: I don't have to tell anyone my reasons* throws up again*. Vance: *very very carefully rolls Gibbs to his side* what about Tony who was so happy you wanted to marry him. Gibbs: *throws up again*. Vance: *still holding Gibbs head still* McGee. Mcgee: yes Vance
Gibbs: *starts throwing up blood*. Vance: call 911 now we got a agent with a back injury and is throwing up blood. Mcgee: got it* calls 911* hi we have an agent with a back injury and is throwing up blood. Gibbs: I'm not an agent anymore, I quit. Vance: hold still. Gibbs: *vomits even more blood*. V vance lift u up m my s shirt please.

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