chapter 9

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Mcgee: jumps out and breaks the door down.TONY WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU. Tony: get out. Mcgee: NO. YOU ALMOST KILLED GIBBS. DO YOU EVEN CARE about HIM. Walks up to him and punches him in the face. You bastard.Tony: WHAT I only tackled him. Tony: OW. Mcgee: when you tackled him he landed on the knife. He's having emergency surgery. I should fucking kill you but I won't for Gibbs's sake. He wouldn't agree to go sedation bc he thinks you don't. Care. Looks down at my clothes covered in blood and gestures this is what he threw up in on heave. Tony: I need to go see him*
Ducky: I feel a lump Doc*Mcgee: no you don't get to see him. You caused this. Doctor: yes this patient has stomach cancer. Mcgee: grabs toys shirt. I swear to God if you ever hurt him again I will kill you. Ziva: I agree. Ducky: should you remove it. Gibbs: heart rate goes up as he dreams about his daughter wanting to go to her*
Tony: I didn't mean it I swear. Mcgee: good. Now get the fuck out of my face. Tony: makes your self at home it's yours *leaves the place*. Gibbs Heart monitor slows before flatlining. Doctor: his surgery was scheduled for next week but. Looks down*damn. Mcgee: tony shouldn't be driving. Runs out and tosses him in the back seat. Come on Ziva. Ducky: starts CPR* Gibbs don't give up I don't want to see you on my table.
Ziva: Speeds to the Hospital. Doctor: here ducky* hands him the paddles and takes over CPR. -Time skip 5 minutes-
Gibbs Heart: starts beating again*.Tony: ZIVA SLOW DOWN. Doctor: thank God. His family has had enough bad luck: Ziva: tony shut up. We wouldn't be out here if you hadn't fucked up. Mcgee:
Ducky: yeah he's gone thru a lot.
Ziva pays attention to the road, please. Ducky: gets the bleeding to stop and assist the doc to remove the tumour*. Ducky: gets the bleeding to stop and assist the doc to remove the tumour*. Doctor: he will still need strong chemotherapy. Ducky: I'll make sure he stays in the office and I can help give him the treatment. Doctor: that's good. Tony: gets out of the car and goes back to Gibbs room Tony: gets out of the car and goes back to Gibbs room
.Ducky: plus lease time here for a nurse or doctor to do it. Doctors: true are you taking over his care. Ducky: yeah but let's get him back to his room and talk to his family
Abbie: waiting with Cat-Pow and a strong black coffee*. *wheels him back into his room*. Gibbs: asleep
Abbie: goes to hug him tight like always. Ducky: stops her Abby be careful. Abbie: I got coffee for him though. Ducky: he might be able to have a couple of sips
Gibbs starts groaning. Did I hear the word coffee? Doctor: you can't have coffee will on the treatment.
Gibbs: glares.McGee: you want us to die.  .Ducky*actully he can drink and have anything but it might not be too great coming back up. Oh except alcohol NO. ALCOHOL.
Gibbs: but steak and beer are great together. Doc: no steak. Ducky.No Gibbs, it will hurt and pull your stitches out.Doc: I'll give you a list foods you can have
Gibbs: sighs at least I can work. Ducky: you're on desk duty remember Gibbs: look around and avoids looking at Tony. Gibbs pouts and glares
Tony: don't worry Vance gave us his office to work in
McGee: ok how come you get his office, Tony.
Tony: bc I'm with Gibbs. Ducky: it's a safe place for Gibbs we can keep the germs down.Mcgee: nods ok. Gibbs: duck my stomach hurts.
Ducky:  you just had surgery. Gibbs: nods and yawns. Ducky: sleep Gibbs ill be here when you wake.Looks at Gibbs and notice he sweating. Lays my hand on his forehead and frowns. Gibbs: don't need sleep.Abbie: move over Gibbs. Gibbs: shifts over. Abby: curls up next to him. Sleep dad.Gibbs: I'm *yawns* no *yawns* tired. Abby: runs my fingers through his hair. Sleep dad. I'll wake you if somethings wrong. Gibbs: fights the sleep*. Abbie: Gibbs please you need sleep.Gibbs: fin *asleep*. Abby: smiles before falling asleep herself. Ducky: guy his heart stopped for 6 minutes on the operating table. Team: WHAT !!!!Doc: shh.Teddy: he won't wake up
Tony: no he won't a Hurricane could go through here and he would still be sleeping.
Ducky: he died for 6 minutes. I'm not sure how much more his heart can take. Ziva: what you mean how much his heart can take. Ducky: what I mean is if his heart stops again I'm not sure if I could get it back.McGee: whos his power of something. Ducky: I'm his emergency contact. So me. McGee: sighs
Doc: I'm starting his treatment now ok so we can get the best chances of beating this. Tony: But didn't he just have surgery. Ducky: Doctor I'm in charge of his case now. I'll decide when to start it. Doc: ok you're in charge *hands Ducky the chart and then leaves*
Tony: how about McGee Ziva and Abbie go get Vance's office very clean. Ducky: no let Ziva and McGee and teddy do it. Abby's sleeping. And you know she doesn't sleep much. Tony: true
McGee: Vance always keeps his office clean. Ducky: I know but you have to remove all the files and scrub everything please or he could get really sick. McGee: ok *goes to the car*.  Ziva: follows the man out.Ducky: tony why don't you go help and then shower. Tony: no I'm good.Ducky: it wasn't a suggestion.Tony: I'm not going away from him.Ducky: tony doesn't make me force you.*says strictly* Now GO. Tony: no he needs me. Ducky: you'll make him sick if you don't shower soon. At least shower in the bathroom then. Tony: ok *Goes shower in the bathroom that's in the room and then shaves to make it smooth*.Gibbs: groans duck I feel sick. Gibbs: no I'm not sick. Ducky: tell that you the fever your sporting.Ducky: tell that you the fever your sporting.Ducky: I was gonna wait till your healed before I did that. Gibbs: but cancer. Ducky: we removed the tumour. But if you want we can start it tomorrow. Gibbs: *vomits again*.

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