Chapter 32

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Ducky: sorry for waking you u* throws up repeatedly*. Do you want me to go to my room *frowns*? Tony: no I was trying to get comfortable again when I heard you. McGee: no you can stay here. Ducky: *nods before heaving violently * thanks, guys. McGee: you're welcome. Tony: Yeah. Ducky: groans before cursing in pain. Ziva: you ok. Ducky: now I know how you guys felt. McGee: yeah it's a bad flu. Ducky: ow ow ow. *curls my hand around my stomach*.  stomach cramp. McGee: try the bathroom.Ducky: *blushes* before getting up and heading to the bathroom with the iv pole. McGee: helps Ducky to the bathroom then goes to clean up the mess. Ducky: sorry bout the mess* closes the door before sitting on the toilet let as I go a lot* starts getting nauseous* lays a towel on my lap*. Leans over the tub before burping*. McGee: it's ok you helped us when we were sick. Ducky: *goes to respond but throws up in the tub instead*. McGee: hey Tony how you feeling
Tony: sore and wanting to move to my back or stomach. Ziva: goes and knocks on the bathroom* do you need help. Ducky: I'm good for now. Ziva: ok just shout if you need something. Mcgee: goes over and helps tony rollover. Tony: hisses a bit* can't wait till I'm not in pain. Tony: hisses a bit* can't wait till I'm not in pain. Ducky: throws up on the floor, before going in the toilet. Ziva: I think Ducky got what we all had. Mcgee: ya probably. Ducky do you need anything. Tony: back asleep kind of*. Ducky: groan before saying yes. I need a bucket. Ziva: softly singing to Tony to get him asleep more. Tony: falling more asleep*. McGee comes in with a bucket* need anything else. Ducky: grabs the bucket before heaving violently. McGee rubs Ducky's back. Ducky: going to the bathroom didn't help my cramps. I can't go. McGee: sorry. Ducky: help plz* throws up*. McGee rubs Ducky's back*. Ducky: groans before wrapping his arms around his stomach* help, please. McGee: there's not much for me to do you just got to let it passed. Ducky: can you ask the nurse for a laxative* blushes*. McGee: yeah *goes and asks a nurse to give Ducky laxatives*. Nurse: nods * is he constituted. McGee: probably he has the flu as we did. Tony: trying to sleep with pain. Nurse: *nods* here give him this.* Hands him some liquid laxative*. McGee: ok and Tony looks a bit uncomfortable *goes and gives Ducky the laxative*. Tony: *tries not to move much but he's in pain*. Nurse: gives tony some pain killers*. Ducky: thanks McGee* blushes* do you mind staying. You don't have to. Mcgee: ill stay. Ducky: thanks, McGee. Nurse: they should kick in soon. McGee: you're welcome. Tony: ok.Ducky: *groans before puking* farts* sorry. *blushes*. McGee: it's fine. Ducky: *farts before going a lot*. McGee: tries not to laugh. Ducky* looks at McGee and smirks* farts again. McGee: feeling better. Ducky: groans before going a lot again*farts* ya a little. McGee: it's going be a day or two of this. Ducky: Oh I know. I wonder how Gibbs is doing. McGee: probably dying to be here with Tony and not home resting. Ducky: probably. Abby: sleeping soundly
Gibbs: kind of sleeping on the bathroom floor. Palmer puts a blanket over Gibbs and a Pillow under his head. Ducky: I'm done, McGee. McGee: ok I'll turn and let you clean up*. Ducky:*nods*. McGee: *turns around facing the shower*. Ducky: quickly cleans up before getting dressed*. McGee: ok ready go back to bed. Ducky: nods: yawns. McGee helps Ducky to bed*. Tony: sleeping once the meds kick in*. Gibbs: groans before burping. Palmer smirks a bit*. Gibbs: what you smirking at.
Palmer: nothing. Gibbs:* nods before groaning*. Palmer: you ok. Gibbs: ya just a cramp.  Gibbs: sits up before heaving into the toilet.
Palmer: rubs Gibbs back. Gibbs: groans before vomiting back to back. Palmer: it's ok to get it up. Gibbs: groans before laying down. Palmer gives the blanket back. Tony: sleeping
McGee: helps Ducky lay down on the cot*. Ducky: thanks, McGee. Tony: snoring. McGee: you're welcome. Ziva: hey McGee what are we gonna name our baby. McGee: maybe Kelly or Shannan for a girl or Leroy for a boy. Ziva: aww that's so cute let's wait till there born before telling Gibbs. Mcgee: yeah. Ziva: only 8 more months. McGee: yeah so do we want to know the gender or be surprised. Ziva: I want to be surprised. McGee: ok. Tony: coughing. Mcgee: you tony.
Ducky: rolls over on the cot and ends up on the floor
Gibbs: wakes up before being violently ill. Palmer: rubbing Gibbs back. Tony: no. Mcgee: what's wrong tony. *goes to help ducky up*. Gibbs: thanks, Palmer. Abby: wakes up* you ok Gibbs. Palmer: your welcome Gibbs
Tony: pain and tired. Mcgee: anything, I can do to help
Gibbs: ya I'm fine abbs go back to sleep.*heaves before vomiting*. Abby: ok. Tony: not really. Mcgee: I'm sorry Tony. Tony: *nods*. Mcgee: walks out to the nurse's station. I excuse me but my friend is in pain. Gibbs: groans before sitting on the toilet. Palmer: want me to wait out or in here. Gibbs: *groans* it's up*goes* to you. Sorry. Nurse: we gave him morphine an hour ago we're thinking he's getting addicted to the drugs. Palmer: I'll wait in here for you. Nurse: ok. Palmer: yawns.
Mcgee: nods ok*heads into tonys room. Gibbs: Palmer goes to sleep. You don't want to catch the flu too. Palmer: I already had it. Gibbs: so did I and yet I have it again. There are millions of different cases of flu. Mcgee: the nurse should be in here soon. Palmer: true. Nurse: *walks over to tony and gives him 5mg of meds*. Mcgee:* thinks please Tony don't be addicted*. Gibbs: so go lay down and sleep.Palmer: ok. Tony: sighs a bit but rolls to his back and screams in pain. Mcgee: I don't think he is. Nurse: I agree. Tony roll onto your side please.   Tony: *slowly rolls back to his side* Gibby Gibby. Mcgee: ill Call him ok tony*calls Gibbs*.Nurse: looks at Tony's back before rushing out. Gibbs: answers the phone*goes in the toilet*. Mcgee: you ok boss. You don't sound good. Tony: looks at McGee when he asks that. Ziva: trying to keep Tony calm. Gibbs: I'm fine what's up McGee.
Mcgee: tony is asking for your boss.  Gibbs: hand the phone to him ok. Nurse: rushes to the doctor's office. Sir Anthony DiNozzo has a massive infection near his spine. I think it might be meningitis. Doc: ok have everyone either leave or gown up if they want to stay ok. Palmer and abby: sleeping.

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