Chapter 28

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Nurse: ok and I'm sure Gibbs will be fine. Ducky: that's what I'm worried about. Nurse: why. Ducky: Gibbs tends to get into trouble. Nurse: how* gives iv*. Ducky: every way. Nurse: ok now try to sleep. Ducky: nods in a minute. Nurse: ok. Tony: sleeping. Ducky: groans before burping* excuse m*throws up* sorry. Lays down. Nurse: better. Ducky: nods* burps* excuse me*blushes*. Nurse: it's ok. Ducky: falls asleep. Nurse: *tucks Ducky in then leaves*. Everyone: sleeping. Nurse: sees the team sleeping. Tony: *goes to roll to the other side but hisses in pain*. Ducky: still sleeping. Tony: whimpers in pain. Nurse: walks in a gives him some morphine
Ducky: wakes up before vomiting on the floor. Ziva: how's he doing and where's Ducky. Doctor: goes to help Ducky. Nurse: motions towards the sound. Over there. Ziva: oh he ok. Nurse: I think he's just overworked. Ziva: ok
Tony: a lot of pain. Nurse: I'm sorry tony but I can't give you any more meds. Tony: please anything. Nurse: hands him some Advil. Tony: anything stronger than over the counter. Nurse: no sorry.Ducky: vomits again. Tony: sighs. Doctor: rubs Ducky's back. Tony: takes med. Gibbs: sleeping most of the day. Nurse: the morphine should work soon. I gotta go back to ducky* walks out.
Tony: ok. Nurse: walks over to ducky's the same room* aww ducky do you still feel sick. Ziva: walks over to his room and runs over rubbing his back. It's ok ducky. Ducky: nods. Gibbs: sleeping soundly. Palmer: he still asleep. Palmer: he looks more peaceful sleeping. Abby: Yea he does. I wonder how toys doing. Abby: ya hopefully. I'm gonna call ducky to see. Ducky: sleeping soundly. Palmer: he might be sleeping so try Ziva. Abby: true* calls Ziva. Ziva: answers* hello. Abby: hey Ziva how tony and where's ducky. Ziva: Tony's in pain and Ducky is taking a nap via Nurse's orders. Abby: ok is that tony? Ducky: wakes up and vomits* oh boy. Ziva: they gave him as many meds they can safely give him and no that's Ducky. Abby: what! I thought you said the duck was sleeping. Ziva: he overworked to the point he's sick. Abby: we should have seen that coming. Ziva: yeah, hey can you do a favour. Abbie: sure what is it.
Ziva: look of a comfy bigger couch but make sure it will fit with Gibbs living room colour. Abby: nods ok I'll look online. Abbie: ok any news on to tonys back. Ziva: no new news yet. Ziva: a Nurse want's to keep an eye on him though. Abby: ok I'll go look for a couch. Bye, ziva*hangs up*. Ziva: bye *rubs her stomach a bit*. McGee: hey babe how the baby. Ziva: good as far I can tell. Mcgee: I can't believe we made this little miracle. Abby: browsing for couch till I find a spacious black one. Palmer: do you see black in this room or house
Gibbs: *wakes up coughing* one down. Abby: because when Tony comes home he's not in as pain when he lies down and no offence but the couch you have now is lumpy. Gibbs: ok how about the one below. Abby: that's actually not a bad one. Hey, Gibbs, I didn't know you knew fashion. Gibbs: four wives. Abby: true. Let's get that one*orders it*. Gibbs: should we take the carpet out or leave it if Tony can't walk. Abby: probably take it. I don't like it anyway.K: yep now there's going be a good reason *coughing very very very hard*. Gibbs: bag *coughing hard*. Abby: hands him a bag and bucket. Gibbs: *digs in his bag and finds the inhaler takes a puff sighs* one word out of this house about this inhaler I will kill you *lays back down* now what else do you think we should do to the living room. Abby: um Gibbs you do realize everyone already knows. Gibbs: not about the inhaler. Abby: ya they do. They just didn't say anything. I have one to see* shows my inhaler* so does McGee. Gibbs: building boats and smoking. Abby: I and McGee are the only ones who know about smoking. Palmer: what you mean you smoke
Gibbs: you want to live Palmer. Palmer: nods. Gibbs: slowly falls asleep again. Palmer: *goes and grabs a pillow off the bed upstairs and brings them down to Gibbs*. Tony: *crying a bit in pain*. Gibbs: thanks falls asleep
Nurse: sir lay straight it should help. Abby: *puts more wood in the fire* need anything else, Gibbs. Nurse: it's time for your cat scan. Tony: ok can someone go with me. Nurse: who do you want to come with me. Tony: McGee since Gibby ain't here. Tony: McGee since Gibby ain't here. Nurse: ok let's go. *wheels tony down the hall. Mcgee: follows. Nurse: sets him on the cat scan machine. Before running the scan.Tony: *hisses as he's moved*. McGee: it's ok Tony. Nurse: tony you gotta stay still. Tony hurts too much to stay still for too long. Nurse: if you stay perfectly still ill give you some pain meds when we get back to the room. Tony: I'll try. McGee: smiles. Nurse: almost done tony. Tony: *bitting his lip*
McGee: just think of Gibbs. Nurse: there you go tony. All done. Tony: can I move off my back now. Nurse: let me get you back to your room first.* moves him back to his bed before wheeling him to his room. McGee: see you done you did really well. Tony: Pain.
Gibbs shakes his head. Abby: need anything else, Gibbs
Tony: sighs and slowly relaxes
Nurse: let me go look at your scan and I'll be right back. Tony: sure thin *asleep*. Abby: ok. Nurse: goes and looks at his scans before signing. Tony: sleeping
Palmer: that fires nice. Ziva: hopefully Tony gets better
Ducky: hey guys. Nurse: walks back to the Tonys room. I have the news of the scan.

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