Chapter 24

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Ziva: smiles. Gibbs: *glares at Ziva*.  Ziva: see that wasn't so bad plus you not getting coffee cause the last time the vomited over the smell of coffee. Gibbs: I don't want coffee anyway. Ziva: *uncuffs Gibbs from the bed* now need anything. Doc: *once seizure stops tries again to inabate Tony*. Gibbs: I need tony by my side. But other than that no
Tony: is still unconscious and losing his battle with life slowly.Doc: let's move him to the OR now. Ducky: grabs a side of his bed and wheels him into the or. We can't let him die or his fiance will kill himself by stopping treatment and everything he loves including his job. Doc: what about family *gets Tony to the OR*.Ducky: he lost his wife and daughters to a murder and he just lost his adopted daughter to a kidnapper. He doesn't have family.Doc: ok you want the lead then. Ducky: nods in his primary doctor too. Let's do this. Doc: *helps ducky*. Ducky: starts making the incision. *hisses* I'm surprised he lasted as long as he did. The bullet nicked an artery. Doc: he must really want to live. Ducky: tony has been waiting for Gibbs to finally realize that he loves tony. Tony finally asked Gibbs to marry him before he got kidnapped. Doc: the got the bleeding to stop
Tony:  .Ducky: looks at the heart monitor and curses. Doc: what. Ducky: his heart stopped. Doc: goes and grabs the paddles. Ducky: ill be right back. Runs to Gibbs's room.* Gibbs his heart stopped. Gibbs: *sleeping soundly cuddling his blankie*
Ziva: what. Doc: working on tony.
Ducky: walks over to Gibbs and wakes him up* Gibbs Tony's heart stopped. Gibbs: *dreaming* no no don't go Tony don't leave me no Tony no, please. Ducky: come on Gibbs the longer I'm out here the less chance tony has. Ziva: just go I'll wake him and tell him ok. Ducky: I wanna tell Gibbs the risks of reviving him. Ziva: ok, GIBBS COFFEE. Gibb: *bolts awake*where. Looks around.Ziva: there you go Ducky. Ducky: Gibbs Tony's heart stopped. Doc: still working on Tony. Gibbs: why here and not with him. Ducky: his heart stopped Gibbs. Gibbs: why are you out here then. The chances of getting it back are slim and the chance of brain damage is high. Gibbs: I still don't see why you out here and not with him. Doc: come on Tony. Ducky: Gibbs I'm advising you to let him rest in peace instead of trying to get it back. Gibbs: ok *turns to face the window*. Ducky: are you will take me advice. Gibbs: guess you're the doctor. Ducky: I'm sorry Gibbs. Please don't hate me. Sighs before leaving. Guys, I don't know what to do. I know if tony doesn't make it Gibbs is going to stop doing everything but if tony comes back different Gibbs will probably feel really guilty. What should I do? Ziva: will watch Gibbs closely along with maybe moving him out of his house into Abby's maybe. Ducky: ok ill be back. Walks into the operating room we have to save him. Gibbs has already started to shut down. Grabs the paddles and shocks tony. Tony come on Gibb needs you he's already shitting down. Doc: it's been 30mins. Ziva: you ok Gibbs. Ducky: please He need him. Gibbs: just stares at the wall. Doc: 5mins then I'm calling it. Ducky: ok thank you* continues shocking him for 4 minutes, before he hearts the heart monitor beeping with a steady rhythm. Doc: ok lets finish this up. Ducky: stitches him up and yawns. Doc: now we wait but will move him next to Gibbs. Ducky: nods, I wanna surprise him. Doc: ok. How. Ducky: watch this. Wheels tony to gibbs door and puts my fingers to my lips. Walks in along. Gibbs: I'm sorry. Doc: ok. Gibbs: cries thinking he lost tony. Ducky: motions for them to bring tony in. Doc: slowly brings Tony in. Ziva: looks at Tony. Gibbs: still crying and doesn't see tony yet. Ducky: gibbs look up for a second. Doc: puts Tony next to Gibbs. Tony: mumbles g gibbs before falling into a coma. Gibbs: no he's dead. Ducky: just look up I promise you won't regret it. Gibbs: *looks up*. Tony: *laying on the bed breathing deeply in a coma*. Gibbs: TonTon. Ducky: gibbs he's in a coma. He didn't want to die. He should have died at the scene. Gibbs: Ton close. Ducky: I'm sorry Gibbs but he has to stay in his bed.
Gibbs: bars down. Ducky: we could do that* puts the bars down on tonys bed*. Gibbs: *goes to move closer to Tony*. Ducky: careful gibbs. Stay still for a minute.Ducky: careful Gibbs. Stay still for a minute. Doctor: brings in a bigger bed and sets it between them before moving tony to it. Ducky: ok now you can move Gibbs. Gibbs: *Moves closer to Tony* yawns. Ducky: sleep jethro he might be awake when you wake. Gibbs: *asleep cuddling Tony and his Marine Blankie*. Ducky: snaps a pic and sends it to Vance. Vance: why is Tony on a ventilator. Ducky: his heart stopped during surgery and now he’s in a coma. Vance: ok. Gibbs: snoring*. Ziva: *bolts to the bathroom vomiting*. McGee: follows her. Aww ziva what happened. Ziva: i don't know my stomach has been a little sour. McGee: I think I know what might be wrong. Be right back. Walks over to the nurse hi is there a way you can find out it some one is pregnant. Nurse: ya why. Ziva: comes out of the room* McGee i'm not pregnant.McGee: well you can’t be sick we haven’t been near anyone who is. I’m still checking. Ziva: sighs fine. Nurse: hands her a cup to pee in. Here. Ziva: your going pay later McGee, *takes the cup and goes to the bathroom and pees in it*.McGee: you mever told me to use protection. Ziva: i didn't think had to tell you. McGee: well I love you so i didn’t think you would mind. Abourt it if you don’t want it,*walks-to the roof. Ziva: chases after McGee after handing Nurse the cup of pee* McGee i'm sorry i'm going be happy either way i love you. Gibbs: *sleeping very soundly cuddling Tony during a round of treatment*. Mcgee: how could you tell me you want kids and then get mad at me.
Ziva: I don't know.  Mcgee: I know your scared ziva but so am I and yet I would never change it. Nurse: tests the urine before confirming she wAs indeed pregnant. walk-on to the roof. So I have news. You are indeed pregnant. Ziva: ok how far
McGee: wow that was fast. Nurse: almost a week.McGee: ok so what now. Ziva: *asleep on McGee*.Mcgee: picks her up and brings her down to gibbs room and lays her on gibbs bed*. Doc: checking on Gibbs and Tony. Ziva: sleeping soundly. Ducky: hey mcgee what's wrong with ziva. McGee: she's just tired.

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