Galileo Galileo Galileo Galileo

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Zuko led me to the Royal Dining Room by the hand and sat me down at a neatly organized table. I looked at the plate and saw what looked like roast duck. "Ah, your favorite."

Zuko looked down at it. "Yeah... I was going to ask the cook for something you like, but I know you don't really have a favorite."

I nodded and took a sip of the tea. "Not as good as Uncle's." I commented.

Zuko frowned. "Yeah, I guess so."

I smiled to change the subject. "So, did you talk to your dad? How did it go?"

Zuko looked to the side and shrugged. "He said he was proud of me."

"That's great Zuko, why do you seem upset?"

"He said he was proud that I killed the avatar." He said, looking at me knowingly.

I narrowed my eyes in confusion. "But you didn't kill him. Azula did."

"Azula told him I did." Zuko said in disgust.

"Why would she do that?" I asked.

"Because she knows." Zuko said, his jaw clenched.

"You don't know that," I reassured.

A realization hit Zuko. "Oh yeah, my dad also said he wants to talk to you eventually.

I nearly spat my food out. "What?"

"Well, Azula told him you helped me. He said he wanted to meet you."

I frowned in disgust. "No offense, Zuko, but your dad doesn't seem that nice."

"Well, he isn't. But don't worry, you probably won't have to talk to him for a week or so."

I shook my head slowly and kept eating.

"Anyway, what did you do today?" Zuko said, changing the conversation.

"Oh, I just practiced with Azula, and then I got ready for dinner."

"Is your firebending improving?" Zuko asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, I think I've gotten a lot stronger. Azula has been making me work hard."

Zuko fumbled with his thumbs. "Why don't I train you tomorrow? I'd love to see your progress."

I looked down guiltily. "I can try. Ty Lee is supposed to help me get more flexible tomorrow. But I should be able to."

"Well, what time could you?" Zuko asked.

"I probably could around mid-afternoon." I responded. I didn't want to disappoint Zuko by saying I might've been too busy the next day.

Zuko smiled slightly. "Ok, nice. We can practice outside near the turtle duck pond."

I smiled back and kept eating. "This food is good, actually."

Zuko nodded in agreement. He looked up from his plate and glanced behind me, narrowing his eyes.

I looked at him in confusion and felt a presence behind me.

"Azula, what are you doing here?" Zuko said, hostility in his voice.

"Zuzu, I just had to tell Ashley something." Azula replied, standing next to our table, her hands behind her back.

I looked up at her. "Azula, I'm kinda busy right now."

"Well, this is more important." Azula responded. "I just talked to father. I told him how much your firebending was improving. He wants to meet you."

The Fire Within - an atla fanfic (Zuko x OC)Where stories live. Discover now