Can't Do This To Me Baby

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I got back to the clinic and let out a sigh of relief to see that Mai and Ty Lee were still where I left them.

"What's going on?" I heard Ty Lee weakly as I entered back through the window.

"Oh, good, she's awake!" I said happily.

"Ashley is helping us escape the capital." Mai explained, as if it was really boring.

Ty Lee struggled to sit up and looked around. "Where are we?"

"We are in my father's clinic. I hooked you up to an IV to get you some energy." I explained. I looked at the bag of fluids and was surprised to see it was almost empty. "You guys are probably good to leave. Just make sure you can get some food once you are out of here." I added as I took out the IV from Ty Lee's arm.

They both nodded, and Ty Lee stood up slowly. She gave me a tiny hug. "Thank you for helping us."

"Hopefully Azula doesn't kill you. Are you sure you don't want to come with us?" Mai asked.

"I have to stay here. Zuko will be back when the comet comes." I hypothesized. "And besides, I don't want to make you guys even more of a target."

They both seemed pleased with that answer and started heading out. Once they were out of sight, I gave a tired sigh and sat down on the cot for a moments rest. I finally got up and decided to peek around the clinic before leaving. I found what looked to be a desk, my father's desk. He had things written down, all in English. I guess he thought that would keep things confidential, just not from me. The notes were all innocent; normal doctor things. At the end of the day, that was his job I suppose. I eagerly looked through all of his drawers. I found a big box labeled "Ashley". Bingo. I opened it with no hesitation and saw all of the syringes laying proudly. The syringes that took my bending away. "Don't mind if I do." I said before snatching it to myself. Hopefully these were the only ones left. I continued looking around his desk casually. I looked up and narrowed my eyes as I saw a photograph sitting at the top of his desk, as if it were mocking me.

I grabbed it with shaky hands and held a flame in my other hand so I could actually see it. I inhaled a breath in shock as I saw my mother. It was their wedding photo. I dropped it on the table as if it burnt my skin to hold and dispelled my flame. I stared at it in shock for a few moments. Why was it there? He had no right to look at her face. He had no right. I stood up in anger and tore the photo to shreds. He didn't love her. He probably put that there, just knowing I would see it. It was just another way to torment me. I shook my head to rid of the thoughts and grabbed the box of serums. I stormed out of the clinic and threw my hood on. I raced down to a tiny stream that crossed through the capital. I started throwing the bottles of the serum into the water one by one.

By the final bottle, I couldn't help but let out a yell of anguish. I wasn't thinking about getting caught at that point. If my father's intent of that photo was to piss me off, it worked. I finally threw the box in the stream and then put my hood back over my head. I began my trip back to my room. I was about halfway back when I heard someone call me.

"Hey! You! Who are you?" It was a very strict voice, no doubt a guard of some sort.

I froze in my tracks until I felt someone grab my shoulder.

"You shouldn't be out at this time of night-"

I spun around and swept the guards leg. He fell on the ground with thud. I generated a fire dagger and stabbed him in the thigh as I glared at him soullessly. He would be fine after some medical attention, perhaps from my crazy father himself. He let out several noises of pain as I stalked off. I got blood on my hands.

I made it back into my room and went immediately to the tub. The bath I had prepared beforehand was still there. I warmed up the water and then cleaned my hands in the sink before going into the tub. I put lots of bubbles into it and closed my eyes mindlessly. I definitely fell asleep within seconds.

The Fire Within - an atla fanfic (Zuko x OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora