Carry On, Carry On

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I fluttered open my eyes as a searingly bright light shined in my eyes. "Father?" I asked blindly, the light reminding me of waking up after a surgery.

"What? No, it's Katara." A voice said.

I turned onto my stomach and pushed against the ground, my arms shaking with weakness. "What is going on?" I looked around, seeing we were on a ship. The bright light from the sun settled down as my eyes adjusted.

"When Aang went into the avatar state, he felt you fall into the water and he brought you to safety. You've been unconscious since last night."  Katara explained.

I looked at Katara with worry. "It's morning already? What happened to Zuko?"

"I don't know." Katara responded with a scoff.

I let out a frustrated sigh. "Damn it!"

"It doesn't matter, you know Zuko; you'll see him again. Just stay with us until then." Katara reasoned.

I flipped back onto my back and laid down, closing my eyes tightly. "This is terrible."

Sokka walked over. "Oh, she's awake."

I sat up and half-smiled. "Wish I wasn't."

"Don't say that." Katara scolded me.

I looked at her and scoffed. Katara was such a mom. "Thanks for taking care of me, Katara. I really appreciate it." I told her truthfully.

Katara smiled and nodded. Hopefully she wouldn't bother me for a while since I said that.

"We are ready to go." Sokka told Katara.

She nodded in response. "Come on, Ashley. We are going to leave for the Earth Kingdom."

I stood up begrudgingly, and looked around. "Where is my stuff?"

"What stuff?" Katara asked.

"My walkman." I responded.

"What is a walkman?"

Oh yeah. I didn't bring it the first time I was with them. I covered my face with frustration. "Oh, my god. I put it down next to Zuko before I got pulled into the water. It's probably still there-"

"We have to go right now." Sokka said. "It doesn't matter, anyway. It's just a... thingy."

"It's the only thing I have from home." I said with a tinge of anger. "Not a thingy." I tried to stomp away in hopes of going to find it, but Sokka grabbed my hand.

I looked down at him holding my hand and thought back to Zuko grabbing onto my hand before I plunged into the water. He probably thought I was dead. I stopped struggling to walk away and put my hands in my pockets. "Alright. Well, let's go then." I said with a tiny sigh.

We walked over to a few old dudes, one of which brought out a tiny flask of some sort.

"Katara, I want you to have this. This amulet contains water from the Spirit Oasis. The water has unique properties. Don't lose it." The man explained.

"Thank you, Master Pakku." Katara responded respectfully.

Katara gave him a short hug and then walked off. Aang went in front of Pakku and was given a brown box.

"Aang, these scrolls will help you master waterbending, but remember they're no substitute for a real master." He instructed.

Aang looked up at Katara, who was on top of Appa, and then exited to the left as Sokka stepped forward.

"Sokka. Take care, son." Pakku pat Sokka's arm, giving him nothing. Sokka's expression became very dejected and embarrassed, and I couldn't help but point at Sokka and laugh.

The Fire Within - an atla fanfic (Zuko x OC)Where stories live. Discover now