Frick you Mr Media sir (p2 of last oneshot)

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Like the day after the last oneshot lol. This is one of the longest ones I've written tbh so read on.

Steve woke up with the bright sun on his face. He shielded his eyes, regretting not closing the curtain before he went to sleep. It seemed like a nice idea then- the stars looked really nice- but now it resulted in painful, bloodshot eyes.

He reached his hand out next to him, patting the bed, looking for his boyfriend.

'Buck? You there?'

He heard a groan from the floor, making him laugh. He crawled to the other side of the bed and stuck his head over the side, smirking at Bucky, who was lying in the floor.

'Watcha doing down there, Buck?'

Bucky shot him a death stare. 'I have no idea, I fell. Or something. Maybe your dumbass pushed me.'

Steve rolled his eyes at him and extended his hand down. 'Get up, you laze.'

Bucky rolled over and grabbed his hand, pulling him onto the floor next to him. 'I'm good, thanks.'

Steve rubbed his head, groaning. Bucky pouted at him. 'Aw, did the little baby hurt himself? Let me kiss the booboo better.'

He leaned forward and kissed the top of Steve's head, making him blush. He would have gladly lain on the floor for the rest of the day when his phone pinged. Several times.

'Hold, up, let me get that.' Steve stood up, rubbing the spot in his head that had hit the floor as he did. He opened his phone to see Nat had texted him links to articles. He frowned. What could this be?

Opening the first one, he almost dropped the phone when he saw the title. 'CAPTAIN AMERICA CONTROVERSIALLY ANNOUNCES BISEXUALITY, TO THE SHOCK OF THE NATION.'

Underneath, in smaller letters: 'Parents "cannot believe" he would do this to thousands of children who looked up to him.'

Bucky sat up and saw Steve staring at his phone, tears forming in his eyes. He scrambled up and put his arm around Steve, reading off the phone. 'Steve, wha-? Oh my God. Those absolute-'

Steve cut him off, turning and looking him in the eyes, his face hurt and angry. 'I thought the 21st century was ok with this. I wouldn't have done it if I knew people still thought like this.'

He continued. 'Most of these people say their Christians, only doing this for God. I'm Christian, and I'm sure they know that. What's the point of 'love thy neighbour' if they find the first person who's different from them and immediately harass them?'

Bucky pulled Steve down so they were both sitting in the bed. 'I know, Steve.  Its not- they aren't being smart. Most people are ok with it, but there's still a few- well, more than a few. Some people still think of it as sinful, that it isn't natural. Their wrong, I promise you.'

'Am I a bad impression now?' His eyes were seeking an answer, an answer that told him he was ok.

'No, Steve. It's horrible what their saying. But, you can't get arrested for it anymore- at least, not in America.' His eyes darkened. 'But I guarantee you, you are not in the wrong.'

Bucky grabbed his phone off the table and opened it to see Nat had sent him the links too. It's not too bad, she typed. I only saw 5 that were against it. Most were congratulating him.

A line break before her next message. Then, I take it back. It's still awful. I can't believe anyone could say that.

Thanks for telling us, Nat. I'd hate for him to find out in some horrible way. This is shocking, but it's better.

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