An abundance of bUCKY

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Hi so idk if you've read it but there's this scene in 'an abundance of Katherines' by John green that sorta gave me the idea for this pls go read it it's by the same author as the fault in our stars but I genuinely like it better. This is basically set modern day and Steve and Bucky weren't born in the 40s, they were born... idk like late 80s? So their in their early 30s in this.

Also I'm still spamming today because I'm sick at home and don't want to do schoolwork. Enjoy.

It had been a week since Bucky had fallen. A week since he was confirmed dead. No one could survive that fall. It didn't stop him from hoping, yearning with all of his being that some crazy force had kept him survive.

He pictured Bucky landing in the softest pile of snow, sinking in, not injured at all. Trekking back up the mountain. He'd be home soon.

He imagined him landing on a rock ledge, spraying his ankle and bruising his body, but still alive.

He saw him grabbing a tree root, dangling there until he had the strength to climb back up.

Every version but the truth played over and over in his mind.

He stayed in his apartment for a while. He didn't want to leave. On the 7th day, he opened his fridge to see a gaping hole.

Alright, Rogers. He thought to himself. Time to rejoin society. Just to the store. You can do it.

He sat on the floor and cried. Bucky was gone. It had been a week. The alternatives were out of his head, he now only saw a bloodied and broken body. What was the point of staying alive when half of you had died?

His phone rang, miles away but just on the bench next to him. He pulled himself together, stood up and tried to sound as if he wasn't crying.

In his head, he said: Hi, Natasha. Good to hear from you. Yes, I've recovered after the love of my life died. What was his name again? Oh that's right! Can hardly remember, I moved on so well.

But in reality, it came out as a sob and a few small words.

'He isn't coming back, is he?'

Natasha sounded like she had been crying too. Her voice was shaking as she responded.

'I don't think he is. Can I come over?'

'Bring some food.'

She clicked the phone off and drove to his place, picking up some food from the store as she did. She remembered all the times she'd go to that store with Bucky. With Bucky and Steve, holding hands and laughing. Trudging through the snow in coats, beanies and scarves, burying each other's heads into the crook of the others neck. They acted so in love. She'd never see that again.

She'd never see her friend again.

Never hear Tony call him some dumb nickname. Never hear him sing along badly to every early 2000s song that came on the radio. Never hear him call Steve a pet name that belongs in the 30s.

She stopped the car, resting her head on the wheel. She sat there and cried, cried for Bucky, cried for Steve, cried for herself.

Steve noticed that Natasha was taking longer than usual to drive to his place, even with the added stop. He opened his phone to call her but ended up tapping a different name instead.

'Hi, this is Bucky. Oh! Um, I mean, James Barnes.' There was a slight pause. 'Sorry I can't take your call right now, I'm probably on a superhero mission because I'm cool. I'll call you back?' The beep sounded and Steve was left with a empty void.

He closed his eyes and played the memory of Bucky recording the message.


'Hi, this is Bucky.' He spoke into the phone, a smirk playing on his lips. They were walking in a outside mall, looking around different shops. It was late at night, and snow was surrounding them.

Steve shoved him in the chest and he coughed slightly, shooting a glare at his boyfriend. 'Oh! Um, James Barnes.' He cleared his throat, his voice becoming more professional.

'Sorry I can't take your call right now, I'm probably on a superhero mission because I'm cool. I'll call you back?'

Steve laughed at him, and Bucky buried his face in his hands.

'That was so bad. I'm redoing it.'

'No! I thought it was cute.' Steve cupped Bucky's face with his hands, bringing their lips together in one sweet kiss.


The door clicked open as Nat let herself in. He gave her a key the year before, when she figured out how to jimmy the window. She walked in to see him sitting on the floor, phone in hand with Bucky's contact on the screen, and sat down next to him.

She didn't speak, just hugged him and ruffled his hair. They stayed like that for the rest of the day, phones ringing with calls from Tony and Bruce and all their friends.

Sorry for two angsty ones in a row. I actually really like this one.

Also yeah Steve and Nat are brotp, same as winterwidow.

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