Steve simping over buckys hair

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Preserum, but their already "together" (not really cause 30s/40s but yeah)

Yeah a lot of these are preserum but it's my favourite to write so I'm not sorry haha

Steve sat in the small, creaky bed situated in the corner of the bedroom. Bucky had gotten home from his job at the docks less than 20 minutes ago, and was now in the shower. The apartment was small, so he could hear the pitter-patter of water on the shower tiles. It was calming, and helped him get "in the zone" while he drew on his sketch pad.

Bucky turned the tap with a clunk and the shower shut off. Steve sighed. He always found it harder to concentrate in silence.

Luckily, or maybe not so luckily, it wasn't silent for too much longer. Bucky had dropped a bottle of moisturiser (he was very particular about using it every day) right on his foot, and loud angry swearing could be heard even from 3 apartments over.

Steve put his sketch pad down and stood up, walking to the bathroom. He knocked on the door. 'Barnes. Cover yourself, please.'

He heard a groan from behind the door. ' "Geez, Bucky. I would be honoured if you would let me come in and see if you are injured." Yes, Steve. I am covered. Come in.'

Steve opened the door and saw Bucky lying on the floor, with the bottle next to him. He sat up when Steve walked in. 'Why are you such a drama queen? Surely it didn't hurt that much.' Steve muttered in annoyance

Bucky wiggled his foot and gave Steve pleading eyes. 'But it hurts!' He whined.

Steve laughed and realised how good Bucky looked. He was wearing simple slacks, and and old shirt, but Bucky with wet hair... was really something else. It was enough that Steve knelt on the floor and kissed Bucky right there. Bucky cupped Steve's face with both his hands, and the smaller boy wrapped his arms around Bucky's neck. They stayed like that for a few minutes, Steve's hands exploring Bucky's hair, until Bucky pulled back.

He smirked at his boyfriend- (no, not his boyfriend. His friend. With benefits. Many benefits) and proceeded to pinch his cheek like a grandmother does.

'Stevie, let me finish in here before all this. You want my skin to dry out? I plan on looking 25 when I'm 100, so no thank you.'

Steve did his best impression of Bucky's smirk, causing Bucky to laugh loudly. 'That was bad. Leave, punk.'


Steve left the room and took his sketch pad to the couch, where he worked on drawing Bucky. But not a close up of his face like he usually did. This drawing had Bucky, wearing old clothes and with wet hair, sitting against the wall in the bathroom like he had when Steve walked in. It was a great shot, but he needed a better reference than a few second memory in his mind.

He whistled as the walked down the shirt corridor and into the bathroom. He opened the door suddenly, causing Bucky (who was shaving his face now) to jump and make a startled noise that was almost a squeal.

'Steve! You scared me. Why are you in here? And why do you have your drawing book thing-'

Steve shushed Bucky and pointed to the floor. 'Sit. Like you were sitting when I came in earlier. I need a reference.'

'Hold on.' Bucky turned to the mirror, quickly wiping his face clean, then grinned at his reflection. 'Perfect.'

Bucky then sat as he was instructed, taking in the scene. 'Aww, are you drawing me, Stevie?'

Steve rolled his eyes. 'Yes, you jerk. Give me a moment.' He went a grabbed a chair from the kitchen, bringing it back to just outside the bathroom door. He wasn't tall, at all, so sitting in the chair gave him a fairly similar perspective to earlier when he walked in.

Bucky was used to posing for Steve's drawings, so he stayed fairly still. All Steve needed was the general outlines- He knew Bucky's face well enough by now, he could draw it in his sleep. The background was simple, he could come back later and add more detail. The thing he mostly needed to do now was Bucky's clothes. Once he had all he needed in the page, he sat up straight and grinned at Bucky.

'Got it! You can move now, sorry. I just needed the outlines.'

Bucky stood up and studied the drawing. 'That is so amazing, Steve. You've gotten so good over the last few years, I remember when we were kids and you'd be drawing people without noses!' He chuckled at the memory.

Steve laughed with him, remembering a few years ago when he tried to teach Bucky to draw. He wasn't bad, but he had no understanding of lighting or perspective, so his drawings looked extremely 2D. He gave up after almost 2 months, but neither of them had been particularly invested in it. It was Steve's thing, and Bucky was more interested in seeing Steve draw then doing it himself.

Within a few days, Steve had finished the drawing. Only he added oil paint to it, using the cheap paints Bucky had gotten him for his birthday a year or so before.

'Steve, the only thing more beautiful than this painting is you.' Bucky said upon seeing it.

Steve punched him. 'That makes my heart hurt, it's so cheesy. Not as cheesy as the burger I can't afford but really want though!'

Bucky groaned. 'Leave the humour to me, Steve. But seriously, I love it. We should hang it in our room.'

That night, when they were lying in their small bed, pressed up against each other, Bucky kept looking over at the painting. He hadn't been over exaggerating, it was Steve's best piece yet. Although he thought that about every piece.

He did notice one thing, though.

He leaned over and poked Steve. 'Why is my hair so oily in the painting?'

Steve kicked him as hard as he could without pushing him off the bed. 'You had just gotten out of the shower. Your hairs wet. Besides, I thought your hair looked good like that.'

Bucky grinned. 'Oh so you like my hair like that?' He whispered, kissing Steve softly. Steve returned the sentiment with another kick in the knees, and it wasn't long before they both drifted off.

Hi sorry this is a little short but smol artist Steeb is on if my favourite things especially when he draws Bucky!

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