Star spangled canine

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Post civil war

2 updates in one day how elite am I?

This is another fluffy one stg. Nothing else. This is kinda long but yeah I like.

Trees flashed by through the windows as Steve drove down the highway. The avengers compound was a few miles outside of the city, but the drive to it was scenic so he didn't mind the extra time it took.

He made it to the Main Street, passing the animal shelter. He saw it every time he drove in, and had been meaning to check it out (not necessarily to buy a pet), but Bucky made him promise he wouldn't do it without him.

He took in the posters out the front. Dogs that looked like they were smiling, cats with their eyes closed in content as a hand stroked their back, wild animals playing in large trees out back. He imagined the world if people had this amount of care for damaged humans.

He ignored the shelter, reminding himself again that Bucky would kill him if he went in while he wasn't there. He instead drove into the grocery store parking lot, opting for the small store over the mall.

A few people glanced at him curiously while he was buying some food (eggs, milk, chocolate, coffee. Basic things) but no one approached him. Good. He thought. Leave me alone for just one more minute-

'Mr Rogers? Can you sign, my, uh... glove? No, sock. Let me find a sock in this store. And a pen. Then can you sign it?'

'Sure, kid. Bring it over here.'

He waited patiently while the boy ran and found what he needed in the store. When he came back, a large grin on his face, he signed it as personally as he could, fake smiling through the whole thing.

He let out a large sigh when he got back in his car. Maybe the hat, sunglasses and hoodie disguise was getting old.

Driving home, he decided to take Bucky to the shelter the next day. He doubted Tony wield let them keep a pet in the compound, so actually getting an animal was out of the question, but saying hi to a few animals would be fun.

Bucky jumped and hugged Steve, arms around his neck, when he told him he would drive him into town the next day. He kept threatening to steal one of their cars and drive in himself, but everyone knew he wouldn't do it without a license. He was so grateful to Steve for the simple gesture he regretted not taking him earlier.


'I can't sleep. I'm excited.'

'Christ, Buck. It's an animal shelter, not a holiday.'

'I haven't had a pet since I was a kid!'

'We aren't getting a pet. Tony would kill us.'

'You say that now. Imagine tomorrow, we can have a big dog sleep on our feet. Or a kitten sleep curled up on our pillows.'

'Well, we can't have kids, so a pet sounds like a nice substitute.'

'I knew you'd come around!

'Sh. Go to sleep now.'

Bucky put his head in Steve's chest, falling asleep almost immediately. He had actually been quite tired, but for the sake of convincing Steve, he had stayed awake.


'Wake up, punk.' Bucky shook Steve softly, who groaned and buried his face in his pillow.

'Let me sleep. You know it's open until 6pm, right? We have time.'

'"I love you, jerk, let's go get a new member of our family and get married!" It's not that hard to be nice, you idiot.'

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