First meeting

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Look at me writing yet another cute one :)

A foot flew at his face. Blood and dirt mixed together into one disgusting substance. The only sounds were thuds of fists and feet connecting with his body. He was sure they were sneering at him, but he blocked it out. Thud. Thud. Thud.

'Hey! Get off him!'

One of them people kicking him left- or was pushed away. He uncurled his body to see a tough looking boy, taller and stronger than him, shoving the bullies off him.

The boy looked down at him. The anger in his eyes quickly turned to empathy as he knelt down. 'Are you ok?'

Steve wiped his mouth with his hand. It came away bloody. 'I'm fine. I can handle them.'

The boy smirked and held his hand out. 'I saved your sorry ass. I'm Bucky.'

Steve shook the boys - Bucky's - hand. 'Honestly, give me a few more minutes, I woulda got them! Their just bullies, anyway.'

Bucky pulled him up, off the dirt, and helped him walk to the bathroom so he could clean up.

'So, what's your name? And why were those kids beating you up?' Bucky was curious. He looked young, so Bucky assumed he only just started at the school, so how could this kid already be on someone's bad side?

'I'm Steve. Rogers. And he only beat me up because I stood up to him. He threw mud on a girls dress and yanked her hair out, then called her a crybaby when she got upset. I told him it was mean and he hit me. I tried to hit him back and he got his friends.'

'Seems like you were in the right.' Bucky wasn't like Steve- he didn't run to correct bullies every day. But even so, he had a clear sense of right and wrong, and knew that Steve was just doing what he had been taught was right, unlike the bullies.

'Course, the adults never think that. They say if I started it and provoked them, then it's my fault I got beat up. Only my mum helps me out when I get beat.'

'Well, your mum sounds great.' He almost didn't say it, but it slipped out anyway. 'And now you have me to help you as well.'

Steve stopped walking and stared at him. 'For real? You wanna be friends?'

Bucky grinned at Steve. He could tell, even without the beating he got, that he would find it hard to make friends. Small, skinny and extremely frail looking. But there was a brightness in his eyes, a ferocity behind his small fists that made Bucky like him.

'Why wouldn't I?'

Steve did a little bounce, then winced. 'Well, that was my foot. Rolled my ankle real nice.'

Bucky laughed and slung Steve's arm around his neck. 'C'mon, we need to clean you up before lunch break is over.'

He helped him clean the blood, and get it out of his hair. They got some bandages from the nurses office and wrapped them around the worst wounds. Steve instructed Bucky on how to do things ('My mums a nurse, I'm practically a doctor myself.'), but Bucky surprisingly already knew it all.

Once Steve was patched up and the old bell clanged, Bucky helped him to his classroom. He awkwardly shuffled when they got to the door.

'My grade is across the hall. I'll see you after school?'

Steve nodded and smiled at his new friend. 'Okay!'

When the day ended, Bucky was right at the classroom door, waiting for Steve.

'D'ya think you can come to my place? My parents will be fine, swear.'

'Probably. My mum works late, and she'd prefer me being at a friends house over getting into trouble.'

'Let's go!'

Bucky grabbed the small boys hand and dragged him outside the school. Steve broke his grip for a moment, already puffing.

'No running. Asthma.'

'Fine. 'least I know I can outrun you if you ever turn feral on me like you did with those boys.'

The walk to a little longer than usual, but Bucky didn't mind. Having company was nice, and Steve talked a lot. When they got to the apartment he 'oooh'-ed at the view and the old furniture from his grandmother.

'You have siblings?'

Bucky shook his head. 'Not yet. Will soon, though. Dad said we got one in the cabbage patch, and mum's getting all fat. I don't know where the cabbage patch is, 'cause we don't have a garden, but I guess it just hidden?'

Steve bounced in his heels. 'No, my mums a nurse, remember? I know where they actually come from. Those birds, forgot what their called. They bring the babies.'

'Maybe your race and everything depends on how you were brought? Like dark people are from the cabbage patch, light people are from the bird, or the other way...'

They talked about this for a few more minutes, before Steve asked if he could see Buckys room.

'Yeah! I got a poster, I don't know who it is on it, but it's pretty cool.'

Bucky showed him, and it was pretty cool. Everything looked second hand, but it was personalised and comfortable.

'This is so awesome. Your room has so much stuff!'

'Mum said I gotta give some of these to the baby when it comes along, though.'

'Baby doesn't deserve this stuff. Give it some bread, it'll be happy.'

'What kinda stuff do you have in your room?'

'Not much. I don't like spending money. I got some of my art of the wall though.'

'You do art?' Bucky's eyes widened. 'I never met an artist before!'

Steve puffed you with pride. 'One day, I'll be the most famous artist! Look, I can draw a flower.'

He took a pencil and a old newspaper off Bucky's table, glancing over at him. 'Can I rip a page out?'

Bucky shrugged. The newspaper meant nothing to him, only his dad read it. He only had it in his room because his dad left it when he woke him up for school. 'Sure, go ahead.'

Steve drew a flower on the page, and it was the best flower drawing Bucky had ever seen. It was clear he practiced it a lot,and it lacked the childlike cartoon qualities Bucky's drawing had. It couldn't compare to an actual artists work, but Bucky had never met an actual artist.

'When we're older, I'll bet we're both famous. Your an artist, and I'm a.... a broadway actor! And you draw my headshot.'

Steve laughed. 'But I'll make you ugly and funny looking. No one will hire you. The scandal ruins your career, you go to selling plums on the street.'

They continued to plan their future for the entire afternoon, until Bucky's parents came home and Steve left. But they continued it for days after, stopping only on weekends. When Steve was sick, Bucky went to his place. Their lives before they met the other were forgotten.

Hello. Goodbye.

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