Winter, Summer

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Thank you for 700 reads! I forgot to say that on the last chapter lol (now it's almost 1k wth)... Also wow 100 votes.... holy hell. I had such writers block during this, dk how good it is lol. Also Zola gets sick earlier in this timeline cause I hate him.

Wind rushed into the train, toppling over everything inside. Two men were holding on to the side, helplessly dangling over the edge.

'Can you get back up?' The blonde one yelled to the other. The handle they were holding slipped further down, and the brunette shook his head.

'I think it's the end of the line.'

They looked at each other, determination set in their faces.

'If we go down, we go together.'

They both let go at the same time, falling into the snowstorm below.


'Their mission failed. Both Barnes and the Captain fell from the train.'

A short, stubby man turned to face his informer. 'Both? Bring them to me.'

'We don't know where they are, the train was going at high speeds. They're most likely dead-'

'I'm sorry, did I not speak clearly enough for you?' He walked up so he was in the mans face. 'I said, bring them to me. I don't care how long it takes you to find them.'

The man nodded hastily, the hurried away. Zola turned back around and tapped a thin vial on a stand on his desk.

His serum. It wasn't perfect, and there was only enough for one. But the other already had it in his veins- and wouldn't that be useful?

He walked out of the room, calling to no one in particular. 'Prepare the medical room and the mind wipers.'


It took him a long time to break their minds. When they finally did, he had left his body behind for the technology, and his efforts were not as much as he hoped them to be, without a corporeal form. 20 years spent wiping, torturing, programming their brains, and they were finally ready.

The first mission was a simple one, and only Winter (Barnes. The captain had been nicknamed Summer to tell them apart) was sent. His objective was to eradicate a man who had made a breakthrough in weapons design and was going to sell his plans to America.

The strike team was sent out with him, and they were back within 2 days. Winter was put back in cryo for almost a year, until a bigger mission arose.

'A winter soldier has escaped.'

The room lit up as Zola's form appeared in the screen. 'Which one? Not one of the Originals?'

The informant shook his head. 'No, a new one. I'll send Winter and Summer after him.'

'How much of his memories are still intact?'

'He's distressed and confused, but he knows most of himself still. We don't know how he escaped, there are guards checking it now.'

Both Winter and Summer were sent after the man. They located him after only a day, but they made the mistake of letting him talk.

'Why do you let them do this?' He hissed, eyes widened and red. Summer was holding both his arms behind his back. 'You must be weak to subject to HYDRAs conditioning so easily!'

Winter stepped forward and slit the mans throat, blood staining the snow red. Summer looked up at him and lowered his mask.

'He has a point. Why do we stay?'

Winter shrugged. 'It's easy. And we're just helping keep order.'

Summer nodded, pulling his mask back up to cover his face again.

This time, they were in cryo for only 3 months before they were pulled out. The details of the mission were whispered into their ears, and they were sent out.

Only this time, they didn't return.

Summer, who looked more gaunt and tired than the last mission, turned to Winter.

'I'm sick of this. Why not relax for a while?'

Winter stopped, considering it. He shrugged lazily before answering.

'We've served them well. I think we deserve a break. You know where the trackers are?'

Summer looked down at his uniform. 'All over the armour, probably in our bodies too. I'm sure we can find someone to disable the harder ones.'

They found it easy to steal clothes from a local store, switching out the heavy black uniform for clothes they saw others wear on the street. They tracked down a man, a self professed 'genius', holding him at gunpoint while he disabled the trackers inside them.

'This should mess with the signal enough that whoever put those in you can't pinpoint you anywhere. Is that all? Can I leave?'

Winter smiled softly at Summer. 'I think it will be a little to easy for them to find us if a loose lipped dimwit like you knows about it. What do you think, Summer?'

The blonde shrugged. 'S'pose your right, Winter.'

The man didn't have time to scream before Winter pulled the trigger on him.

Using some of the geniuses money and a gun to convince the landlord, they got themselves a small, out of place apartment.


'I think.... we were on the other side. Of the fight.' Summer spoke suddenly one evening, his head rested on Winter's lap.

'Other side? So what do you want us to do, go back to them?'

'You think they'd take us? Probably no better than the ones we worked for.' Winter laughed at that, running his hands through Summers hair.


'Our names weren't Winter and Summer.' Winter told him the next day, earning an eye roll.

'Oh, you think? Haven't been out here long, but I've figured people aren't named like that.'

Winter reacted out and punched him (softly, by his standards). 'You were... Steve, or something dumb like that. And I was Bucky.'

Summer snorted. 'Bucky?'

'Oh, it was probably a nickname. Shut up.'


'Agent White, with S.H.I.E.L.D. Do you two have the means to explain this unregulated apartment- which you apparently threatened the landlord for- and the fact that you've registered in our system as HYDRA soldiers?'

Bucky looked over at Steve, nodding towards the floor. Steve understood, uncovering a backpack they hid there. Both were out of the apartment before the agent had taken her gun out.

'Well, seems like we're on the run again.' Bucky spoke in a cheerful tone, once they were far enough away. Steve smiled and grabbed his hand.

'Where in the world are we visiting now?'

Ahhh. I actually liked this one a lot better as it went on, hoped you all enjoyed!

*edit: VILLAIN AU'S that's it carry on.*

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