Duolingo time

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Post civil war

More angst yay. Also this is me using google translate I'm probably saying really sketchy things but like it's google translate what do you expect. My Wattpad has glitch where I can't copy and paste anything in without it really mucking up so this isn't in actual Cyrillic just using the English letters sorry. Translations at the end, I'll also out them in the comments.

'Akh eto on.' Natasha smirked as Steve entered the room. 'Soldaty-'

Bucky cut her off with a glare. 'Vyrezat' eto, Natasha.'

Steve looked at the both of them. 'Anyone care to explain what's going on?' He asked, a grin spreading on his face. Bucky rolled his eyes as Sam walked in.

'Yeah, guys, care to explain to Steve what the hell is going on?' Sam said, giving them suspicious looks.

'On znayet, chto proiskhodit?' Natasha muttered to Bucky. He shook his head, and glared at Sam.

'Peredat' varen'ye.' He pointed at the falcon.

'Pochemu ty tak smotrish' na nego?' Natasha gave Bucky a quizzical look.

'Ya khochu, chtoby on dumal, chto my govorim o nem chush'.'

'Imeyet smysl.'

'Ok, stop.' Steve called. 'I just what to get my breakfast in peace, without this passive aggressive thing you guys are doing.

'Eto ne passivno-agressivnyy! Pochemu on mog podumat', chto eto passivno-agressivnoye?' Bucky asked Nat defiantly. She shook her head and laughed, spreading jam on her toast.

They continued on like this for a few days, and when they showed no signs of stopping, Steve took it into his own hands. He bought a few books and started an online course in Russian. He first learnt a few phrases (and trash talk), then showed it off at dinner.

'Vau, khoroshiye spagetti.' Bucky muttered sarcastically at Sam, shooting daggers with his eyes.

'It is nice spaghetti.' Steve replied, a big grin in his face.

Bucky spat out his food and looked at Steve in surprise.

'What the hell, Steve! Where'd you learn that!'

'Oh, you're speaking English again! I learnt like 5 phrases about food, if you said anything that wasn't food related or trash talk I wouldn't understand.' Steve sighed.

Sam turned and whispered something into Steve's ear. Steve immediately turned beetroot red.

'Oh my god! Sam, I don't need to know that.'

Bucky turned to Sam, curious. 'What'd you tell the innocent one, Sam.'

Tony laughed loudly. 'Innocent. Steve. Sure.'

Sam gave Tony a look then turned back to Bucky. 'I was telling him about that one time when you got drunk, and-'

'Oh, we definitely don't need to hear the rest of that story.' Bruce cut in. 'Let's just finish our dinner.'

'- and Bucky basically admitted that people talking other languages is his kink-'

'SAM! I did not say that! You paraphrased!'

'Ok, well his exact words were-'

Steve slammed his hand over Sams mouth, pulling it away when Sam licked his finger.

'Your a grown ass man, Wilson. And you just licked my hand.'

'I did. Tasted like soap. And not that cheap soap, expensive soap.'

For a moment, it seemed like Bucky's thing was forgotten as they all laughed at Sam, but of course Tony brought it up again. Soon they were all laughing and teasing Bucky, who managed to work in some embarrassing stories about Sam and Steve.

That night, when Steve and Bucky were curled up in bed, they turned the TV on to watch a show, PowerPuff Girls. It was a 90s kids show, stupid, but bright and fun and innocent.

The episode ended and, considering how long the stayed at the dinner table, they decided to go to sleep. Bucky kissed the top of Steve's head, and (despite actually being a bit taller) Steve snuggled his head into the crook of Bucky's neck, wrapping his arms around him.

Steve often woke at night to hear Bucky mumbling things in Russian, but he never thought anything of it. After so many years of mainly hearing it, surely his sleep talking would just naturally revert to the language. So that night, when he heard it, and he didn't recognise any of the words, he went back to sleep.

A few weeks passed. Steve continued to learn Russian, and got quite good at it. He was naturally smart and picked up the language fast. Bucky and Natasha helped him by speaking it with him, and soon they were all trash talking the others.

Example (translated from security recordings in the training centre on March 17th):

Steve: 'Wow, Bruce's pants with that shirt? No.'

Natasha: 'The real question is, are you Gay or European?'

Steve: 'Irish and Bisexual, so both?'

Bucky: 'This is a fun conversation, but anyone see the new pattern on Tony's latest iron man suit?'

Natasha: 'Does Sam think he's making a statement by growing out his beard?'

It continued like that, everyone growing increasingly irritated by them. One night, Steve woke up to Bucky mumbling again, this time understanding the words.

'Ya ne tvoya marionetka.'

'Bucky? You ok?' The words, the words. He could only be dreaming of HYDRA. I am not your puppet.

'Ya ne budu delat' vashi stavki. Prichinyay mne bol', skol'ko khochesh', ty nikogda ne doberesh'sya do nego.' You will never get to him? Who was he? That had to be him, who else would they use to get to Bucky?

'Bucky!' Steve shook him frantically. 'Come on, wake up.'

Bucky's eyes shot open, his hair matted to his forehead with sweat. His metal arm grabbed the air until he found Steve. Steve held his hand and whispered words of comfort to him until he calmed down.

'It's ok, Buck. I got you.'


'I'm here.'

Bucky shook his head, pulling Steve closer to him and burying his head in Steve's shoulder. Steve lay back and let Bucky fall asleep again.

Some nights, he noticed Bucky speaking things along a different line. Not even a week later, it turned darker.

'Tsel' poluchena. Zheny zdes' net. Dolzhny vysledit' yeye.'

He didn't dare to wake Bucky up during those dreams. Instead, he held him close and waited for it to be over.

Translations in order

-Ah, it's him. The soldiers-
-Cut it out, Natasha
-Does he know what's happening?
-Pass the jam
-Why are you looking at him like that?
-I want him to think we're talking trash about him
-Makes sense
-It's not passive aggressive! Why would he think it's passive aggressive?
-Wow, nice spaghetti
-I am not your puppet
-I will not do your bidding. Hurt me as much as you want, you will never get to him.
-Target acquired. The wife isn't here. Have strike track her down.

Do you know how much I love writing things Sam is saying and just picturing it in Anthony Mackie's voice he is a king and it makes me so happy to do that.

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