Pretty Bucky

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Post civil war

This one isn't angsty it's cute dw :)

Also includes my attempt at writing a longer kissing scene (I have never kissed a human being... but I read a lot so I think I have the general idea lol)

While most of the avengers were out on a mission, Steve and Bucky were staying in the compound. Steve because Nat demanded he take a break after jumping out of 4 seperate windows above the fifth floor, and Bucky because he hadn't been deemed well enough for missions yet.

Steve was sitting at the dining table reading a book when Bucky walked into the room carrying a box.

'What's in the box?' Steve called over to his boyfriend. Bucky blushed and muttered something under his breath, before retreating to his room.

That was a bit weird, Steve thought, but he didn't dwell on it. He knew that pressuring Bucky to tell him would just make him clam up.

A few hours past, and Steve got bored of his book. He stood up and walked to Bucky's room. He knocked on the door, and heard a faint 'come in'. The doors opened to allow him.

The first thing he noticed was that the room was lit a soft shade of pink. Bucky had got fairy lights and strung them around the walls, creating a beautiful glow. The bed now had several cushions in it, all of them bright, some with a hand sewn look, some fluffy, some sparkly. A dream catcher hung above the headboard, and there was a framed photo of Bucky and Steve together in the wall.

Steve looked at Bucky, who shrugged. 'Pretty.' The brunette whispered, his eyes scanning the room and his face content.

Steve sat down next to Bucky on the bed, putting his arms around him and pulling him close. He noticed that Bucky's hair was pulled back in a bun, and looked as if it had been washed that day. He was wearing an overly large hoodie, in a pastel green colour, and he looked happier and calmer than Steve had seen him in a long time.

'Not as pretty as you though.' Steve whispered into Bucky's ear, before kissing him softly on the nose.

Bucky groaned quietly at the cheesy compliment, but then nestled his head into Steve's neck. They stayed like that for a moment, but Bucky pulled Steve so they were lying down instead, and it wasn't long before they both drifted off.

Of course, their sleep was interrupted by a knock on the door.

'You guys in here? We lived, losers. Dinners ready, if you want some. Unless your busy.' The person- Nat- laughed behind the door and walked off.

Steve groaned. 'Guess we should go out and eat. I'm starving.'

Bucky nodded and yawned, rubbing sleep from his eyes. 'Guess we should.'

The got up reluctantly and walked out to the main room. Everyone looked up to see them and Tony even raised his eyebrows at Bucky.

'New look, Winter? Real pretty boy style you have going on.'

Pepper, who had joined them that night, rolled her eyes at Tony.

'A lot prettier than you, Tony. If you were going for an insult, it didn't work.' She pinched Tony's cheek and laughed when he made a face.

Bucky gave tony a big, fake grin, and put his hands under his chin, framing his face. 'I want to be the prettiest boy you've ever seen, Tony!'

Tony choked on his food, glaring at Bucky. 'Course you are, Winter.' He said sarcastically. 'At least Capsicle seems like he likes the look.' He gestured to Steve, who was hugging Bucky from behind.

'Aw, that's cute.' Wanda called from her spot at the table. 'You guys are adorable. Please be my grandpas.'

Steve looked slightly confused and Bucky laughed. 'It would be our honour, Wanda.'


Everyone went to bed early that night, tired from the mission. Steve and Bucky decided to head in too, the main room was boring without the other avengers to liven it up.

When they were back in Bucky's room, Steve moved to sit on the bed, but Bucky grabbed his hand. Steve grinned and laced his fingers around Bucky's neck, pulling him closer until they were just inches apart. The blonde finally closed the gap, pressing his lips to Bucky's in a way that set fireworks off inside him. Bucky smiled into the kiss, pushing Steve down so they were both sitting on the bed.

Bucky ran his hands through Steve's hair, letting out a small sigh when Steve kissed his neck. Steve had always found the idea of kissing strange: someone just moving their mouth against yours. But when it was Bucky's mouth... well, he wasn't going to complain.

Bucky pulled back a few minutes later, pouting. 'I'm tired.' He whined. Steve chuckled and kissed his forehead.

'Fine. But I'm big spoon.'

'Aw, Steve. You couldn't handle that. You are the definition of aggressive little spoon.'

'Shut up and cuddle me.'

After experimenting, Steve decided that little spoon was the way to go. So they cuddled up and were soon asleep.

Hi this isn't as long as usual but I really like it, got some cute domestic stucky. Also Bucky is the literal prettiest boy so had to make that clear.

I'm adding this because I was 2 words off 900 words and it annoyed me k bye.

Stucky oneshots ♾حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن