Together forever

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AU- sorta? Just changing a few things, so as a Pinterest thing said, UA (universe alterations)

Preserum but then not lmao

I'm sorry for the title I could literally not be bothered. And yeah so I did one wholesome one to make up for the angsty one but Mama Mia here I go again.

^I've changed the title now so it makes no sense but I'm leaving that note there

Steve had been talking about it for months. How he was going to enlist in the army, gain some weight, kill Hitler and land himself a pretty dame. Bucky smiled at his fantasies, feeding them, although he knew it was impossible that they would choose Steve for the army. 80 pound, asthmatic Steve. But the boy was stubborn, and he kept trying.

For Bucky, however, joining the army was his worst fear. Leaving his life - Steve, his family, Brooklyn, Steve- just to serve a country he didn't particularly like? He was one man, he wouldn't make a difference. So he continued working his boring job that kept him with Steve and out of harms way.

So when Bucky was drafted, he felt like breaking down. Steve would stay in Brooklyn, obviously. He would probably die without him. But Bucky had to be strong for the boys sake. So when felt the tingle of "Steve's done a stupid thing again", he went and found his best friend being beat up by a back alley bully.

'Hey! Pick on someone your own size!' He punched the man and kicked him, sending him running off.

He turned to Steve, reprimanding him about this habit of  his, which earned a cocky reply. He glanced down at Steve's hands. A small white slip.

'So, you're from Paramus now? You know it's illegal to lie on the enlistment form.'

He kept talking, but then he noticed Steve looking him up and down. Oh. The uniform.

'You get your orders?' The boy said almost suspiciously, immediately aware of this new Bucky.

Analysing Steve's reaction, Bucky smirked and tilted his head up. 'The 107th. Sergeant James Barnes, shipping out for England first thing tomorrow.'

Steve looked defeated. 'I should get going.' He muttered, his eyes on the ground.

Bucky's eyes bore into him, matching his look, before brightening and putting his arm around Steve's shoulders.

'Come on, man! My last night. I gotta get you cleaned up.'

His last night with Stevie. His best friend. What if he died in service? He could never say a goodbye that accounted for that. But he put on a happy look for Steve, grinning at him.

'Why? Where are we going?' Steve queried, looking confused.

Sergeant Barnes answer was short. 'The future.'

The stark expo, to be exact. Steve frowned a little when Bucky told him he arranged two girls as their dates.

'What'd you tell her about me?'

'Only the good stuff.' Bucky promised. Truth be told, he saw no bad things in Steve. Baby blue eyes, perfect blonde hair, amazing artist, and smart as Einstein, as far as Sarah Rogers had been concerned. He couldn't find a bad thing about Steve if he tried.

The one time he did try, he had been drunk. It resulted in a headache and a realisation that he was in love with his best friend.

But of course he couldn't be with Steve. Not that girls were exactly lining up to be with him, anyway. He knew Steve would never talk to him again, and probably report him to the police if he admitted his feelings. So they stayed safety tucked away in his brain.

He planned for a night of looking at wonderful inventions (he was a massive science nerd, not that he'd admit it) with his Steve, but the little bastard ran away to try to enlist again. Eventually he caught up to him, but Steve was intent on spending the night attempting to get his spot in the army. Bucky knew this would probably be their last interaction before he left, so he risked it and gave Steve a hug.

'Your a punk.'


The next day, he was off to the 107th. He started to enjoy it, almost. There was order and patterns that were brutal but kept a good schedule, one that worked well for Bucky. He got along with most of the men. But he missed Steve endlessly.

When the 107th were captured, all he could think of was Steve. He would never make it home now. Steve would die, alone, frozen, sick...

And then he was targeted, out of the entire group, as the one for Zola's experiments. They did awful, unspeakable things to him, leaving him muttering only his name, rank, and service number, as he was trained to do.

When Steve came to rescue him, he thought he died. Surely this was the afterlife, because there was Steve, looking healthy, strong, and so happy to see him. He almost pinched himself.

He and Steve were reunited. Full of a new kind of confidence, Steve stole Bucky away one day and gave him a kiss behind one of the service tents, leaving them both breathless and utterly happy.

They made the howling commandos. A new initiative, one that fuelled their purpose, right up until the day on the train. All Bucky could think was 'No, this isn't how it ends. I just got him back, I am not leaving him again.'. But he left him, falling from the train, his hand so close to Steve's.

As he fell, he saw the determination in his Stevie's eyes. 'NO!' Bucky screamed. But nothing could stop Steve.

The once short, scrawny boy jumped from the train, pushing himself down with the muscle in his legs, grabbing onto Bucky. They fell together, and when they landed, they died together.

The howling commandos were so enraged by the death of their two leaders, they targeted two extra HYDRA bases, eradicating the officers that would've retrieved the bodies of Steve and Bucky.

Some say, the lovers bodies are still there, frozen in the ice. Some say they have smiles in their faces, because they finally can't be stolen from the one they love.

I'm so so sorry this wasn't going to turn out like this it just happened I swear. Sorry again 😬

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