Netflix and Grandpa

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Post civil war

Bucky yawned and lifted his head up. He had been lying in Steve's lap for the better part of the day, the Tv on in the background while the avengers lazed around the tower. A day of no monsters, no HYDRA, a day where they could be people. And enhanced super soldiers. Plus one God. But, nonetheless, people.

Steve groaned and stretched his arms, not wanting to get up. 'Hey, Sam, can you chuck me the remote?'
Sam chuckled and picked it up. 'You aren't even watching the tv, man. Do you know any of the shows that are on right now?'

Steve shook his head, laughing with his friend. 'I don't think I know any tv shows, let alone ones that show on a Tuesday afternoon. But I can... browse.'

Bucky sat up fully and looked at Steve. 'I have a feeling this will be entertaining. Steve, theres this thing called Netflix. Tony showed it to me. You can watch any show on it, whenever you want. No time slot. Not like the 40s.'

'Bucky, we barely had any idea how TVs worked in the 40s. Or have you forgotten the fact that there was a war and we could barely afford our apartment?'

Bucky laughed, a sound that was becoming more and more common as the days went on. 'What I seem to remember was little 12 year old you kicking my families TV when the president made a racist comment. Left a big ol' crack.'

Natasha, who was sitting in the kitchen bench, tilted her head back and laughed loudly. 'Steve, you did that? I can't say I'm surprised, given all the stories I've heard.'

Steve stopped laughing with her and groaned. One of Bucky's favourite pastimes was telling "cute" stories about young, asthmatic, Steve being a patriotic little brat. He enjoyed adding in extra details about the amount of times Steve came home with injuries in the most unlikely places ('How do you get a bruise behind your ear? Seriously, this kid got into the weirdest things.').

Bucky stood up and covered Steve's mouth with his hand. 'Steve, I know you're going to say something. It will probably be very righteous. I know you tried to beat up people for good reasons. But for now, can we just watch you try to use Netflix?'

Steve moved Bucky's hand. 'I thought that speech was going to be more of a pep talk. But fine, if you want my eyes to turn square and my body to waste away in front of a screen, go ahead.'

Sam threw the remote in a baseball style serve to Steve, who caught it easily. 'Go ahead, cap. Navigate the flix.'

Steve brushed off his shoulders and put on an over dramatic determined look. He looked down at the remote. 'Ok, I know that this is the on button, so I'm going to just go out in a limb and say this turns the tv on. I'm pressing it. Hey, it worked. Now, this button says 'Netflix' so I'm assuming that pressing it will-'

Sam stood up and walked in front of the TV. 'I'm going to stop your right there, Steven. I support you in your mission to conquer Netflix, I really do. But come on. Stop the narration, or so help me god I will.' He paused and mimed punching. 'Got it?'

Steve stifled a laugh and nodded. 'Ok, ok. Calm down.' He pressed the Netflix button and pumped his fist in the air when it led him to the app. 'I did it! Wait, what account do I use?'

Natasha got off the bench and walked over. 'So, we have the account for the under 20s - Peter and Wanda, basically. And the science bro's account, all they watch is documentaries and, well, it's tony but we don't go on that one. Then there's the normal account for me, Clint, Sam, Rhodey, basically anyone else, and here we have the grandpa account that we made just for you and Bucky!'

Bucky nodded. 'Just don't look at continue watching.'
Steve clicked in the account and, after a struggle to figure out scrolling, looked at continue watching.

'Why are these all Disney channel shows?'

Bucky shrugged. 'Their cute, I guess. Less dark than most of the other things. Also, Sam, don't spoil Good Luck Charlie for me. I'm only on season 2.'

Sam coughed and felt his face flush. 'How could I spoil it? I haven't seen it! But on that topic, how the hell do they afford that house? He's an exterminator, and does she even work? It's bull-'

'"Doesn't watch it" my ass.' Bucky muttered. 'Just don't look at my Spotify history.'
Sam, eager to get back at him after the Disney channel reveal, shouted to Natasha 'It's ALL one direction. He's obsessed!'

Bucky groaned, 'I just want them to be happy. Is that too much to ask?'

Steve started exploring the Netflix account with the remote. 'Guys, calm down. I thought you were meant to be teaching how to use "the flix"?'

Bucky nodded and glared at Sam. 'Right, sorry Steve. If you want to find a certain show, instead of looking through the recommended things, just click the search icon, and type out the name.'

They spent the rest of the afternoon looking at what shows were available that Steve might like. Bucky saw how Steve's face whitened when a documentary on WWII was recommend, so he slid his non metal arm around him, where it stayed until dinner time.

At around 7, Sam declared himself to hungry to keep watching TV, and got up to cook a meal. Sam was the best cook out of all of them, so no one complained. Not long after, a delicious smell was wafting from the kitchen, so they all stood up and walked to the dining table.

'Ok, so this is a potato bake my mum would make when I was younger.' Sam announced, walking with a large dish and playing it on the table. 'I won't say anything more, because I'm starving. Dig in.'

So they dug in, all of them helping themselves to seconds. It was only the 4 of them that day, as Clint and Wanda were with Clint's family, Tony was out with pepper, and Thor, Bruce, and Rhodey were god knows where.

Once they were done eating, they all retired to bed. Despite lazing around all day, Bucky felt like sleeping almost immediately after he finished eating. He and Steve went and lay in their bed, Buckys head on Steve's chest.

'Night.' Bucky whispered.
'Night, buck.' Steve replied, kissing the top of buckys head.

Anyway that was the first oneshot I wrote that wasn't a chatfic so hopefully it was good! Thanks for reading!
Not a whole heap of stucky but it's cute haha

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