Bucky except even prettier this time

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Post civil war
I don't know why I didn't bother to crop the picture deal with it ok.


Anyways on with the story. This has my ultimate brotp, winterwidow because yeah.

An upbeat pop song played loudly. Bucky slid from one side of his room to the other, nodding his head and shifting his body to the music. This is what the soundproof walls were really for.

Everyone else was asleep. He, however, had never felt more awake. He had his first cup of coffee (followed by another 3 cups) in over 70 years, and it affected him more than he remembered. The coffee in the army was strong and bitter, drinking it wasn't for faint hearted. The coffee he and Steve could sometimes afford when they lived together was weak and tasteless. This coffee... was full of sugar and chocolate. He loved it.

'It's called a mocha.' Steve told him as he ordered drinks for the both of them. 'You'll like it, promise.'

He took a reluctant sip off the coffee, and his eyes lot up. 'This is good!' He drained the cup within a minute, and gave Steve puppy dog eyes. 'Can I get another to take home?'

Steve laughed at him, but he did get another in a to go cup. Bucky savoured it on the car ride home, only taking his first sip when they walked into the compound. This one he didn't drain immediately, instead taking his time. Steve watched him with amusement in his eyes, taking him by the hand and pulling him up once he finished.

'They sell ones you can make yourself at the store.'

Bucky nodded eagerly, hyped in on caffeine and sugar. They drove to the mall and chose a few different types of coffee they could make themselves.

Steve ended up cutting Bucky off after he made another 2 cups back at home.

'Don't overdose, Buck. And don't get addicted.'

He laughed to himself as the song changed, remembering his conversation with Steve. Steve looked so happy to see him enjoying something, he just had to go over the top. And yeah, he did like the coffee, but the fourth cup was just because of the happy look on Steve's face.

He stopped the song and walked out of his quarters. The room across from his belonged to Nat, so went to it and knocked on the door, which opened almost immediately.

'What do you want, Barnes?'

'I'm bored and I can't sleep. Got anything for me?'

'I was watching tv. That scratch your itch?'

'Uh, sure.'

She moved aside to let him in and he went and flopped onto the bed.

'Let's jump on it!'

'No. How about we....' she pursued her lips and looked around the room for inspiration. Her gaze fell on a small bag on the dresser.

'Can I do your makeup? No, scratch that. I am doing your makeup'

Bucky shrugged, feeling a little excited. 'Sure, why not?'

'Yes!' She pumped her fist in the air. 'Ok, let me find you a headband because your hair is going to get in your face and I will not stand for that.'

A minute later, his hair was pulled back and Natasha was twisting his face to see it from all different angles.

'Your skin is actually really good, so I won't bother with foundation. Also, it's expensive, and might not work for you, so I'll just keep that for me. I can probably use a little concealer though...'

She went on talking like that, of if the words not meaning much to Bucky. But it was fun. She contoured his cheekbones, highlighted his face, and added eye liner and eyeshadow to his eyes. She didn't put any lipstick on him, saying it would 'give anyone who looks at you an aneurysm'. She did, however, smear glossy stuff that felt like pudding and tasted gross into his lips.

'There! Done.' She said, pulling the headband off his head. 'Would you like to see the finished product, milady?'

Bucky grinned at her, and closed his eyes. 'Guide me to the mirror so I can see how you've deformed me.'

She did as he asked, and when he opened his eyes he was speechless. He loved the way he looked. Honestly, he imagined himself looking more like a girl, but that wasn't the case at all. His features were more defined, and there was a strange effect that the smoky eyeshadow had in his eyes. He couldn't get over they way he looked.


Natasha smiled slyly at him. 'I knew you'd like it.'

Just then, Someone in her door. Bucky glanced at the digital clock on the table and cursed softly. It was already 6 am.

'Hey Nat, do you know where Bucky is? I knocked in his door so we could go for our morning run but he didn't answer.'

Crap. Steve.

'Oh yeah, he's just in here with me.'

'Can I come in?'

Natasha turned and smirked at Bucky, whose face reddened. 'Oh, sure!'

Steve stepped inside and saw Bucky, who willed his face to go back to its normal colour and tilted his head up with a smirk that mirrored Nat's.

'Wow, you look amazing.'

Bucky was speechless again, opting to just nod at Steve. He noticed Natasha quietly slipping out of the room, and he didn't know whether to curse her, join her or thank her. He decided on thank when Steve kissed him.

He could feel the gloss on his lips smudge, but he didn't care as Steve ran his fingers over his cheek. His lips parted softly as Steve's other hand combed through his hair (which looked a little odd from the headband). He eventually broke apart from him, grinning softly.

'Let's take this out of our friends room.'


Hi I'm actually pretty happy with this one let me know what you think!

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