Slow dance

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Fluff. Possibly kind of short but cute.

Preserum then post civil war (like real soon after, Bucky's still missing like almost all memories)

'Steve, you have to lead with the left foot, like this, see?'

'I understand, Buck. I physically can not.'

The taller man chuckled. He brought his head down to Steve's ear and whispered to him.

'Take your shoes off.'

Steve winked at Bucky. 'Trying to undress me already, Barnes?'

Bucky kicked him. Softly. 'You've stepped into my toes 8 times and even with all your 80 pounds, it hurts. If we're going to do this, the shoes come off.'

Bucky taught Steve how to dance, how to listen to the music and move accordingly. He didn't manage to teach him how to not step on feet, but as long as the blonde wasn't wearing shoes, it wasn't too bad.

Every weekend, when Bucky had a little too much to drink, they danced. It didn't matter if the song was slow or fast, they figured it out. Steve never got very good, but under Bucky's lead, their dance was perfect.

When they went on double dates with girls in their situation, Steve learnt to relax and dance with them. Bucky and Steve usually never risked dancing in public together, but when they were back at the apartment, no one could see them.

One night, they broke their rule and danced with eyes on them. Both girls had gone home at the end of a song- one came down with food poisoning- and when a new song started, a drunk man called over to Bucky.

'You just going to leave your friend there? Come on, show us a dance.'

Steve looked at Bucky, his eyes wide, where as the other boy just laughed.

'Let's go, Steve.' Bucky called to him, putting his hand in his shoulder in a friendly way, leading him the dance floor. 'Let's show these idiots our moves.'

So they danced, forgetting people were watching (Well, not fully. They remained their friendly manner). They danced into a second and third song, before deciding it was time to go home. The drank man laughed, while some younger boys from the back looked at them suspiciously.

'You boys been practicing that dance?' One called with a nasty smirk.

'Only with your mother.' Bucky winked at the boy, who shone red as he turned away.

When they were back at the apartment, Steve's face was a mixture of excitement and horror.

'We just danced. In public.'

Bucky laughed and hugged Steve from behind. 'We sure did.'

Steve bent his neck back to tried to look Bucky the eyes.

'I was so scared when that guy called out to you. I thought we were found out.'

'I wouldn't let that happen.'

Steve closed his eyes and turned around, hugging Bucky around his waist. Bucky sighed and his head in top of Steve's, feeling completely content in the moment.


'Why are your feet drawn to mine? Stop stepping on me!' Bucky teased, laughing at Steve's attempts at the dance.

'I'm only bad because you keep distracting me!'

Bucky stopped what he was doing (Cooking dinner. He found comfort in the simple task) and leant on the bench. Dancing. They danced together.

He kept running over the new memory in his mind, noticing new new details every time. Steve's old, too big socks. His own strangely well groomed hands. Sketch books lying on the couch behind Steve. So many small details that told him things about himself and Steve.

This was one of the nicest memories he'd ever gotten back, and he smiled fondly. He loved music- not so much modern music, but just the general idea- and while he never danced, it gave him comfort that he and Steve would.

When Steve came back from the mall, he walked up to him.

'I got another memory back.' He spoke slowly, seeing the smile that arose on Steve's face.

'That's so great Buck! What was it?'

'You. And me. We were dancing.'

Steve nodded and laughed. 'Yeah, we did that. You tried to teach me, I was so bad. I would always step on my dates toes when we went out.'

Bucky laughed with him. Hearing Steve confirm it made the memory seem more real, more concrete. It was a relief.

Steve stifled another laughed and looked him in the eyes. 'You know, I've been practicing dancing. I'm a lot better now.'

Bucky smirked at him. 'I don't doubt that, but I don't think even super soldier serum can make up for a complete lack of rhythm.'

'You'd be surprised.'

'Prove it.'

Tony ended up walking into the kitchen to see the two old men dancing. Steve was stepping on Bucky's feet, almost falling, while Bucky was actually doing pretty well, but they looked so happy. They were laughing, not noticing when he walked in.

'Didn't know you could dance, Winter.'

Bucky looked up (he had to keep his eyes on Steve's feet to avoid them) and his smile dropped a bit. Steve noticed his discomfort and spoke for him.

'We used to dance, before the war. I was showing him how much I improved.'

'If that's how you look now, I'm scared to see how you used to dance.'

'Yeah, yeah, I've heard it all from this one.' He gestured to Bucky.


They danced a few more times, in the following days. After dinner when everyone was in their rooms. In the training facility. Wherever.

The third time they danced, Bucky wrapped his arms around Steve, pulling him closer. They continued to sway to the beat, but not really dance. This time Tony didn't walk in, and they stayed like that as long as they wanted to.

I think this one is cute also I'm super close to 1000 words so just gonna drag this out uhhh there we go. I rewrote a part of this and now it's less words so doing this again anyway so yeah um haha 1000.

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