Can I get a boyfriend without the media being like 'no❤️'

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Post civil war

GUYS I'VE BEEN SO CONFUSED. Ok so every time I read like any book they use "x" as speech marks where as I use 'x' instead. Turns out version A is the American way, version B is the British way (I'm Aussie lol). Anyway most people already probably know this but I thought I might be doing it wrong but neither way is wrong so yep I'm all good now.

Bucky pressed his lips to Steve's, smiling as he did. He was practically sitting on Steve's lap by this point, but he wasn't complaining. The moment was perfect, and Steve's mouth tasted like... coffee.

Steve made a sound that might've been a laugh as he ran his hand through Buckys hair. He pulled back and whispered into Bucky's ear.

'You need to wash your hair.'

Bucky groaned at him and lowered his head, kissing his neck and trying to seem annoyed while doing so (He wasn't successful. It came off as cute.) Steve laughed again and shoved Bucky off him.

'Seriously, go shower. Press conference in 2 hours, remember? Giving some big news.'

Bucky stood up and wiggled his eyebrows at Steve. 'So, does this mean we're boyfriend-boyfriend?' He giggled in a true 7th grade girl fashion.

Steve sighed. 'Considering I-'

He broke off. 'No, wait. That's tomorrow. Ignore me.'

Bucky smirked at him, figuring he knew where it was going. 'Ok, Stevie. Since your so keen to get rid of me, I'll go take a damn shower.'

Bucky walked out of the room. A few minutes later, Steve heard the sound the sound of the shower turning on. He sighed with relief and patted the little box in his pocket. 'One more day.'

Bucky was out of the bathroom 20 minutes later, dressed and smelling like deodorant. He had a toothbrush in his mouth as he tried to talk.

' 'o, 'en ah 'ee o-ing?'

Steve laughed at him. 'Spit it out, you slob.'

Bucky rolled his eyes and spat in the sink. 'I said, when are we going?'

Steve looked down at his watch. 'Starts in about 1 hour and 35 minutes, and considering the drive is 30 minutes long, I saw we leave in an hour?'

Bucky nodded. 'Plenty of time for me to prepare...' he flicked his hair dramatically. '...all this.'

It was Steve's turn to roll his eyes. 'Get dressed fancier, you look like a gang member. It's a good look!' He added the last part in after Bucky gave him signature puppy dog eyes. 'But these people are at a different level.'

'"Different level" my ass. Probably live in one bedroom apartments with their one fish that dies every other week, owning 3 suits that they wear whenever they do their fancy journalism things-'

'Not everyone's fighting Nazi organisations every day, Buck. They still gotta make a living. Also, Clark Kent. Journalist.'

'You made a good point that I'm going to ignore.'

Steve laughed at his grumpy face. 'Aw, did someone not sleep very well last night?' He asked, pouting at him.

'Maybe 'cause "someone's" boyfriend stole the blanket!' He muttered under his breath. Steve tackled him into the couch.

Bucky groaned, but secretly loved it. He squirmed around so he was facing Steve, pressing a quick peck to his nose. Steve blushed.

'Punk.' Bucky whispered softly.


Bucky did actually manage to leave Steve alone long enough that both of them could get ready, and they were off 5 minutes early. They sang along to their favourite 'modern' (as in any not 40s music)  songs in the car, Steve with one hand on the wheel and the other holding Bucky's metal hand.

'Hey Stevie, you hear the song? "Keep your eyes on the road, your hands upon, the wheel!"'

Steve laughed at him. His voice wasn't great, but it was clear and confident, and nice to listen to. Bucky loved the band "The Doors", going so far as to buy a CD which he constantly played in the car. Steve didn't mind, even memorising some of the songs himself.

'Well, we're here.' Steve turned off the car, turning toward Bucky as he undid his seatbelt. 'We got this.'

Bucky grinned at him. 'You got this. I'll just be watching from the sidelines.'

He pretended to dust Steve's shoulders off, then pressed their foreheads together. Thank God the windows were tinted dark. 'Let's go.'

They walked in, a respectable distance between them. Tony met them in the foyer, patting Steve's shoulder.

'You can do this, Cap.'

Steve took a deep breath. 'Yeah. I can do this.'

He walked into the room. It was full of chairs, every one taken up with journalists. Ah, press conferences. He walked to the front of the room, Tony and Bucky a few feet behind him.

He stood behind the lectern at the front of the room, clearing his throat into the mic then wincing at how loud and unprofessional it was.

'Hello, everyone. I've called this conference today because I wanted to share some big news.'

A middle aged woman with a large camera jumped in. 'Would this be regarding the rumours that Sharon Carter is pregnant with your child?'

Steve laughed a little at that. 'Ma'am, I guarantee those rumours are fake. Now, if I can continue with my speech. I have called this meeting to squash some whispers about me, and prove others, I suppose. You may have seen conspiracy's regarding my sexuality. Most of these seem to say that I am homosexual. This isn't true. After spending a while in the 21st century, and educating myself on this topic, I have decided I identify as bisexual.'

The room was full of chatter, cameras flashing and people yelling questions. Steve held his hand up to silence them, and let people talk one at a time.

'Were you ever in a relationship with Peggy Carter?' One man in the front row shouted.

'Is it true you got an STI from Howard Stark in the 40s?' (Tony groaned and pinched his nose at that one).

'How do you feel, being a idol to American children, saying this to such impressionable minds? Surely this isn't good for them, being exposed to 'homosexuals' at such a young age?'

'Are rumours around a relationship between you and James Barnes true? What are some hardships you face dating a national threat?'

Steve rolled his eyes a little. 'I was briefly with Peggy, I never got an STI from Howard, I think it's fine for kids to hear this, yes and I'm not sharing that today.'

There was silence for a moment as everyone processed what he said, then the ruckus started again. Tony held his hands up, walking out of the room with Bucky and Steve.

'Mr Rogers has no more to say!' Tony called. A journalist tried to push past him, earning herself a look at Tony Starks middle finger.

He ushered Bucky and Steve back to their car, sticking his head in. 'Drive safe.' He grinned at them. 'Nice job, Rogers. Let's never talk about you and my dad again.'

Steve laughed as Tony shut the door, heading back to his own car. Bucky turned to him, his face bright with a grin.

'You did it!' He leaned forward and kissed Steve softly, wrapping his arms around Steve's neck. Steve broke away, a lopsided smile on his face.

'Hell yeah I did it.'

This is going to have part 2 because there's actually quite a bit more to it. Hope you enjoyed!

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