Mission texts p2

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Post civil war

Haha number 5 after the last angst filled chapter... I said this would be angsty but honestly this isn't at all. Good luck. And wowwowow 400 reads? Thank you so much!

Also I've been rewatching the mcu movies and I just finished infinity war and endgame.... :(
I am grieving. Again. Freaking Nat.

Buckeye: Steve
Steeb: I thought my name was Steeb
Steeb: but yes what were you saying
Buckeye: Ok so don't freak out
Buckeye: But
Buckeye: You know that mission I'm on rn
Steeb: rn is right now right?
Steeb: and yeah I do
Buckeye: well
Buckeye: I may have tried to do that thing you do when you jump out if the plans without a parachute
Steeb: Are you dumb!!
Steeb: That's only a thing for the original super soldier. I'm still heaps stronger than you why in the hell would you do that
Buckeye: Hey I said you can't freak out
Steeb: I never agreed
Buckeye: Fair point
Steeb: So, you going to tell me what this injury you got from the jump is
Buckeye: Oh I just rolled my ankle
Steeb: you had me freaking out
Steeb: over a rolled ankle
Buckeye: Ok but to be fair when I texted it felt broken
Buckeye: but Nat's here now she said it's just rolled
Steeb: I can't believe you
Steeb:I was ready to hijack a plane to come to you
Buckeye: aw you'd do that for me
Buckeye: would you forgive me if I promised to get better at jumping from planes?
Steeb: no
Steeb: I will forgive if you get better and don't do it again though
Buckeye: too late
Steeb: don't tell me you did it a again
Steeb: Bucky
Steeb: god your almost as dumb as me today
Buckeye: I did it again :)
Buckeye: both ankles are rolled now
Buckeye: bye

Eh I kinda hate this but I like the texting when injured trope even if I had it make it funnier. This is so short but I'm sick at home today so I might spam

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