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"Okay, so, favorite animal?" Demi asks me, smiling softly at me from the end of my bed, her legs crossed over with a bowl of purple grapes in her lap.

"Dogs! I love dogs." I say, grinning as we were playing twenty questions with each other. I lean back against the wall, my legs stretch out in front of me as I had a bowl of green grapes on my lap.

"Cool, me too." She says, grinning at me as I thought of another question.

"Um, what's your favorite thing about your job?" I ask her and she nods, before throwing me a grape and I catch it with my mouth.

"Woah! Good one!" Demi says, and reaches over to give me a high five. I grin as I chewed and swallowed the grape. "And it has to be meeting my fans, they mean everything to me. Performing for them and having a blast is just awesome."

I nodded at her answer before grabbing a grape of my bowl and throwing it to her. She opens her mouth to catch it but it bounces off her nose instead. I chuckle as she giggles, grabbing the grape that landed next to her legs and eating it.

"Uh, what do you wanna be when you grow up?" She asks me and I crack a smile, shaking my head at her.

"It's stupid, really. You'll laugh." I say and she tilts her head at me, raising her pluck eyebrows at me.

"What? Come on it's not stupid, tell me. I won't laugh. I wanna know." She says and I rolled my eyes before telling her.

"A rockstar," I mumble and she cracks a smile at me so I continued. "I don't know, I just really like music. I like playing guitars and maybe even sing sometimes but it's stupid really. Besides it won't come true, since I have this stupid heart condition. I think it's cool to write your own music and have other people enjoy it. It just seems. . . rad."

Demi's lips curl into a huge smile. "I say do it, but I would want you to have a plan B. If you work hard and dream big, you'll get to where you wanna be. That's how I did it, I work hard and dream big, and look at me now. I don't think it's stupid to become a rockstar, I'll support you every step of the way. In fact, I'll even show you the studio. Come on babe!" Demi says, jumping off my bed and grabbing my hand before pulling me off the bed and dragging me toward the hall.

I grab my shoes just as Demi grab her sandals before pulling me to the garage. She grabs the keys of Fiona and we got in, Demi pulls out of El Palacio and starts to drive to the entrance of Tierra del Sol.

I slip on my shoes as Demi starts to drive to the studio, the excitement was plastered across her face as she drove.

"Okay so, there's the recording studio I usually go to. A lot of people come here to produce new tracks or write new music so you may see some familiar faces." Demi tells me as she parks Fiona as we have arrived to our destination. I grab the handle and push the door up before stepping out, then push the door back down as Demi locks the door.

Demi grins as she walks over to me, reaching over and grabbing my hand before we started to walk toward the recording studio. Once inside, my jaw went slightly ajar as I saw a couple of people inside the studio.

"Holy shit is that-" Demi giggles, finishing my sentence as I let go of her hand and press myself against the window, my eyes wide as I look into the studio room.

"Yeah, Patrick Stump from Fall Out Boy! But come on, I wanna show you how the studio works!" Demi says, wrapping her arms around my waist as she tries to drag me away from the window I was pressing my face on, Fall Out Boy were inside this studio room.

"Wait, wait, wait! Come on can I just get their autograph?! I love their music! Please Demi! Wait!" I beg her as she drags me away, giggling her head off.

"I don't think they're leaving anytime soon, they are writing for their next album you know. But I'll make sure that you'll meet them." Demi says and I look over at her, raising my eyebrows at her, not convinced.

"Promise." She promises and I nod, hoping she'll keep her promise.

"Okay fine, but you have to take me to one of their concerts." I tell her as she stops in front of a door, the letters 'studio 23' written on the door.

"Sure. Ah this one's empty, come on." Demi says as she opens the door, letting me walk in first.

"Woah," I say in awe as I look at all the technical stuff in here.

"Yep," Demi laughs as she closes the door behind her, walking over to me. "here is where you produce the music, or try to find that beat you're looking for. Over here is the recording booth," Demi says as she walks over to the glass door, opening it slightly as she motions toward the microphone stand inside with the headphones, a glass window so you can look inside.

She then points over to the room in front of me. A drum set was on the left, a piano sat on the right, a few different guitars lean against the wall while a couple of microphones stood in the middle. "That is where you can have jam sessions or just rock out to the song you're writing. Why don't you check it out?" She tells me and I nod, walking over to the door and opening it, I walk inside as the door shuts behind me.

My fingers trace the edge of the piano as I pass by it, smiling gently as I go over to the guitars. I pick up a acoustic guitar and sat down on the chair, I settle the guitar on my lap as I move my fingers to the strings.

I look back at Demi and she gave me two thumbs up from her place behind the glass window, before I look back down to my guitar.

I started to strum my guitar before starting to sing Life Of The Party by Shawn Mendes.

"I love it when you just don't care, I love it when you dance like there's nobody there, So when it gets hard, don't be afraid; We don't care what them people say, I love it when you don't take no, I love it when you do what you want cause you just said so, Let them all go home, we out late, We don't care what them people say," I sang, before finishing the song off.

"Woohoo! Oh my god that was so good! I didn't think you could sing! That was amazing babe!" Demi says, her voice bouncing off the speakers inside the room as she looks at me happily.

I felt a blush rush to my cheeks and scratch my neck as I smile. "Thanks, I guess." I say and Demi gets off her chair, opening the door before walking over to me as the door closes behind her.

"You are welcome. Come here, do you know how to play the piano?" She asks me and I shook my head, she smiles at me as she takes a seat on the piano bench.

I put the guitar back to where it was before walking over to her, I sit down beside her.

"Alright, then I'm going to show you how. Press that key there. . ." Demi says, pointing over to one of the piano keys. She taught me simple tunes, grinning widely at me as I play along with her.

She then show me how to produce music and everything else that I needed to know, she looked quite happy as she explains to me everything. She even kept her promise, I got to meet Fall Out Boy and get their autographs, even took some pictures with them.

I then realize that the Demi Lovato always keep her promises, no matter what it is.

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