e i g h t e e n

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e d w a r d

"You're Edward, right?" Piper asks me as she comes to stand next to me while we watch Demi performing.

I cross my arms and not looked at her, jaw clenching. "Yeah." I answer.

She smiles at me. "Nice to meet you, I'm a friend of Demi's," She says and holds out her hand for me to shake. I ignore it.

"Like wise." I say and nodded.

Piper raises a eyebrow at me, before looking to Demi who was playing guitar and singing. "Demi's awesome, I've worked with her and she's a amazing person, you know when she wasn't mean to me half of the time on the movie." Piper giggles softly.

I didn't look at her. "I saw the movie, you both did awesomely." I say.

"Thanks," She grins at me. "I'm glad it was a huge hit, guess lots of people wanted a 'Camp Rock Three'." She aired quoted the words, smiling.

I still continue to not look at her. "So, what's up? I hope I didn't do anything wrong, I know you're giving me the cold shoulder." Piper says and I glance down at her, she was giving me a look.

"I have nothing with you." I say and shuffle on my feet, and clench my jaw even more.

"Right," She laughs. "obviously I did--oh." And then she breaks out into a huge grin as she looks at me.

"Are you jealous?" She asks me and I scoff, looking at her.

"Jealous? Me? No, no you got it wrong, I'm not jealous. I don't get jealous." I say and shook my head.

She raised a brow at me, as if challenging me. "Okay, I'll prove it then." She says before grabbing a mic from behind us, turning it on and walking on stage. I watch with slight confusion as the crowd roars louder.

"Hey Demi!" Piper chirps, interrupting Demi in the middle of her song. Demi looks over at her and smiles, but there was confusion in her eyes.

"Hey Piper, but what are you doing? I'm like in the middle of a song," She chuckles lightly.

"Oh, just wanted to see how my favorite counselor is doing." She emphasis and the crowd cheers as Demi grins.

"Well your favorite counselor is doing just dandy, come here hermosa." Demi says before giving her guitar to a crew worker.

Demi sits down on a stool and motions for Piper to get on her lap, Piper does so with a smirk flash my way.

I only narrow my eyes.

Demi wraps her arms around her waist and looks at her. "Shall we?" Demi asks and Piper nods.

"We shall." She grins.

Demi clears her throat before glaring at Piper. "Shut the fuck up you little shit, its not even fucking funny so do me a goddamn favor and shut up." Demi says through gritted teeth.

Piper turns away from Demi, ignoring her. Then a moment pass before she spoke up. "Do you like camp, Demi?"


"Then why did you came here in the first place?" Piper jumps off her lap and turns to Demi.

"Because I was fucking forced to! I didn't even wanted to come here in the first place! Now I'm stuck at this crappy camp for the rest of the mother fucking summer! This camp sucks ass and I'll do anything to get out of this hell hole." Demi says and also stands up, glarring at Piper.

Piper goes quiet for a moment before breaking it with, "So you don't wanna be here with me?"

"No, I don't wanna be here, or anywhere near you, or anywhere near this camp!"

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