t h i r t y n i n e

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d e m i

Edward throws open the doors, stomping out of the cafeteria, angry curses spilled from his mouth but hot tears stream down his face.

I look at Nick and he looks at me, we both nodded.

We ran after him, calling for him but he ignores us.

"Edward baby please! Just stop for a second!" I call out to him but he doesn't acknowledge us, pressing a button for the elevators and the doors shut behind him before we could join him. A curse spills from my mouth and I took the stairs with Nick on my heels.

"That was just," Nick says as we run up the stairs, I imagine him shaking his head.

"I know, and she didn't even said I love you back, he's so heartbroken. Did you see that look on his face when he turn to us? Just fucking heart broken." I say, my hand lingering on the railing as I go up the stairs.

"I saw it. But he didn't even know, she's leaving." Nick says and I slam open the door when we reach the children's level, and I run out. I look down both ways and saw the head of Edward turning a corner just before disappearing from my view, expect his room was the other way.

"Over there!" I pointed to that direction and we ran over there.

"What do even boys do after they get out of a relationship? Do you guys cry or what?" I ask Nick as we went through the halls, searching for my son.

Nick gives me a look. "What do you think we do?"

"Well, go partying or something, go out with your bros and shit. I don't know! When a girl gets out of a relationship, she's usually crying her heart out and watching sappy romantic movies and eating ice cream! That's what we do and we get over it after some time. That's what I do." I tell him, poking my head into a room but didn't find Edward in there.

"Come on Demi, we cry too. I cry over girls who break my heart." Nick says and I turn to look at him.

"Did you cry over me?" I ask him.

Nick nods. "Of course I have Demi," He says and we heard a door slamming. We follow it. "there, he must've went to the roof." Nick points at the door and we go up the stairs.

I push open the door when we reach the roof, and sighed in relief when I saw Edward sitting a couple of feet away from the edge of the railing.

"Oh babe," Pity fills my voice when I saw him with his legs to his chest and arms wrap around them, he was sniffling. I walk over to him and sat down next to him, I wrap my arm around his shoulders and brought him closer to me. I kissed his head, and he sniffles as Nick sits on his other side.

"It's okay honey, it's okay to cry over a girl that broke your heart," I whisper to him, feeling Nick's arms wrap around us. "you'll be okay, I promise."

Three days later, I watch as Edward and Madison kill aliens on the Playsation 4, while I was having a soft conversation with Dallas.

"Did you find out the gender?" I ask her, leaning against the wall as she sits in the chair.

She nods, giving me a smile. "Yeah, it's a girl." She tells me and my eyes widen, a grin play on my lips.

"Really? Oh my gosh, I can't wait to spoil her endlessly. She's going to be so cute," I gushed and she laughs, then takes a sip of her coffee.

"I know, I can't wait to dress her up. We're still deciding on the names," Dallas tells me and I grin.

"Well I know of a great name," Dallas raises a brow. "you can call her Demi." I say, nudging her and she laughs.

"We'll see." And she smiles at me.

I lay a hand on her shoulder. "I'll be right back, I gotta go talk to someone." I tell her and she nods, motioning to Maddie and Ed.

"I'll watch them. I'll be here." She says and I nod, before slipping out of Edward's room quietly.

My footsteps hit the floor quietly, while I look around for a specific blind teenage girl. Poking my head into one of the rooms, I smiled when I saw Jamie in a room, listening to music.

I knock on the door and she takes out a earbud, eyebrows furrowing. "Who's there?" She asks.

"Just me Jamie," I say, stepping in the room.

Jamie smiles. "It's you again. What's up?" She says, putting away her iPod.

"Um, I was wondering if you could do me a favor."


After my conversation with Jamie ended, I walk back to Edward's room.

"Hey little man, can you come with me?" I say, leaning against the door.

He looks over at me and nods, then pauses the game. "Sure," He mumbles and gets out of his bed. Maddie and Dallas look at me and I just smiled at them.

Edward walks over to me and I grab his hand before pulling him out to the hallways. I started to walk with him to the elevators. "So," I look at him. "wanna play chess?"

And he gives me a small smile. "Okay."

So I lead him to the garden the hospital has, where patients could stroll around, or sit on benches or play chess.

The last three days, Edward was an emotionless person. He didn't said much, only talk when spoken to, and spend his time playing video games or listening to music or sleeping the day away. I stood by him, knowing he was hurting by the break up and comfort him as much as I can. I didn't like him like this so I thought maybe playing some chess with me will help.

I saw him grow weaker by the hour, his face pale, dark bags under his eyes and he was tired, didn't even wanted to get out bed. I know it was the symptoms, so I just watch my boy with concern.

It was a good day, the sun up, trees and flowers blossom and not a cloud was in the sky, a soft breeze tickles our skin.

Finding a empty chess table, we both sat down and started to play. After I let him win, we started to talk more, exchange jokes and just having a good time.

I started to hum. "When I'm gone, you're gonna miss me when I'm gone," Edward throws me a questioning look.

I shrug, smiling at him as I move one of my Knights. "I don't know, it just pop in my head."

Then I started to sing the song softly. "When I'm gone, when I'm gone, You're gonna miss me when I'm gone, You're gonna miss me by my hair, You're gonna miss me everywhere, oh
You're gonna miss me when I'm gone," I crack a smile as Edward makes another move.

"Check mate! Ha!" He says and points at me, I laugh.

"There you are!" I heard Sammy shouting and we look over at her. She smiles as she walks over to us.

"What's up?" I ask her, wondering why she looked so jumpy and happy.

She gives me a side glance but I choose to ignore it, my attention then turns to Edward.

"There's a heart," She breathes.

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