f o r t y

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e d w a r d

"Are you serious?" I jump out of my seat, standing on my feet as I look at her, a smile creeps up on my lips.

Sammy nods. "Yeah, let's go. We're gonna do the surgery now." She says and I grin, looking over at Demi.

She smiles and stands up, grasping my hand in hers. We followed Sammy back inside the hospital, as she explains. "Now I'm not a surgeon but I'll be watching, just to make sure. There's a good chance that this will be successful, after the surgery we are going to be around you on the clock." Sammy says, pushing open the door to my room.

Maddie and Dallas look up at us confused and I grin. "There's a heart guys," I tell them and wide smiles spread across their faces.

"Oh thank God." Dallas says, standing up from her seat, a hand to her stomach.

"Yes, we'll be doing a heart transplant now. I need to ask you to wait in the waiting room, so Edward can change and we can get him ready." She tells them and they nod.

Dallas walks over to me and kiss my cheek. "See? Everything's coming together," She says and I smile at her then she leaves.

Maddie gives me a tight hug. "You're strong, you'll get through this, I know it. Love you," She says, grinning at me as she pulls away.

"Love you too," I smile at her and she walks out of the room too.

Two nurses walks in, and one of them hands me a plastic hospital gown, telling me to change into it. I do, walking into the bathroom. I felt relieved, I had a heart, and I wasn't gonna die, I could continue living, with Demi and everyone else.

Changing into the hospital gown, I made up my decision. After the surgery, I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna call Demi mom and tell her I love her. Making up my mind, I exited the bathroom and walk over to my bed as the nurses and Sammy disconnects the bed from the machines.

I sat down, looking at Demi. She gives me a smile, and walks over to me. "Ready?" She asks me, and I nodded, her fingers run through my messy hair.

"Yeah, I'm gonna be okay Demi. We're gonna do all those things together," I say, grinning at her. Something flashes across her face but it quickly leaves just as it was there.

Demi leans forward and press a gentle kiss to my forehead, but lingers there for a moment. "I love you babe," She mutters, before wrapping me in her arms, squeezing me tightly.

I hug her back tightly, smiling as she holds me a bit too long. "I love you so much son, so damn much." Demi whispers to me.

"Promise you'll be here when I wake up?" I ask her, pulling away just enough to look at her.

Demi looks down at me, caressing my face gently, as if she wanted to remember my features. "Yeah, rockstar, I'll be here." She says and I beam at her.

"Hey, I heard." I heard Nick's voice saying and I turn to watch as he walks into the room, one of the nurses tells him he has to leave but he holds up a finger, then he walks over to us.

He grins. "Ready champ?" He asks me, ruffling my hair and I nod, not bothering to fix my hair.

"Of course, you'll be here too, right? After I wake up?" I look at him and he nods quickly.

"Oh defiantly, I ain't leaving anytime soon little man." Nick says, and smiles at me. I smile at him too.

"Okay, Edward. Let's get going," I heard Sammy say gently from behind me, and I nod, not watching as a hard look cross Demi's features, but she hides it.

I laid down on my bed, and look up at her. Demi smiles at me, caressing my cheek. "I love you honey." She says and I smile at her.

Looking over at Sammy, I saw she was watching Demi but then looks at me. She gives me a force smile. "We're gonna put you to sleep now, and when you wake, your chest will be numb from the pain, don't worry, it's normal." She tells me, motioning to the male nurse, who had a needle in hand.

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