t h r e e

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d e m i

"Hey kid, wake up." I say to Edward, poking his cheek as he slept on my bed. Since he didn't had a bed yet, I let him sleep in my room while I slept in one of the guest rooms.

He groans softly, swatting my hand away as I smile softly. "Come on, we are going to shop till we drop." I say, poking his cheek again as he then buries his face in my pillow.

I chuckle, guess he wasn't a early bird. "I'll pour ice cold water on you if you don't wake up sport." I say and his eyes snap open before he quickly sats up and before I had a chance to move, we collided heads.

"Ah!" I yelp, wincing as I place a hand on my throbbing forehead. Ed hisses in pain as he puts a hand to his head, also feeling the slight pain.

"Ugh sorry bout that." He apologized and I wave him off, could feel the pain lessing by the second.

"It's fine, I made you some breakfast. I'll be downstairs when you are done getting ready." I say, smiling at him before getting off the bed and leaving the room. I walk toward the staircase but there was also a swirly slide next to it. Feeling lazy and childish, I went with the slide.

I laugh as I got to the bottom, before standing up and made my way to the living room. I plop my ass down on one of my white couches and took out my phone, my legs resting on the coffee table in front of me.

I decided to tell everyone that I adopted a boy and maybe do a question and answer later.

'Hey guys! Just to let you all know, I have adopted a teenage boy who name is Edward. I will be doing a question/answer later today, I can't wait for you guys to meet him! You'll love him! 😊😉' I tweeted before locking the screen when I saw Edward sliding down the swirly slide, laughter escaping him.

I grin as he got to the bottom and stands up, a grin on his lips. He wore a black and white flannel over a 1975 shirt, black jeans and white Converse.

"Hey kid, waffles and eggs are in the kitchen. Eat up so we can get going." I tell him as I got off the couch and walk toward him. He nods, starting to walk to the theatre room instead of the kitchen.

I giggle, grabbing a hold of his flannel and pull him to the right direction of the kitchen. "Kitchen's this way champ." I say and I could see the faint blush creeping up on his cheeks.

"I knew that." He says and I roll my eyes, smiling as we walk into my big kitchen.

"Of course you do," I say sarcastically and he just rolls his eyes at me but walks over to sit on the stool by my island counter, a plate of waffles and eggs waiting for him. I already ate, and was glad that I knew the basics of cooking. After Ed was done eating, he follows me out to the garage as I swung my purse on my shoulder.

"Okay rockstar, which car should we ride in?" I ask him, smiling as I put on my sunglasses.

"Chase, we are riding in Chase." He tells me, a grin on his face as he looks at me excitedly.

"Chase it is," I agree, grabbing the keys of the Ferrari and he jumps inside the passenger seat while I got in the driver seat. I put my purse in the back then turn on the Ferrari, it roars into life and Edward grins beside me.

"This is so cool," He gushes and I smile at him as I press a button on the panel, the garage door open and I drove out. After we left Tierra del Sol and started heading to the mall, Edward tells me to turn on the radio.

I did, turning up the volume and I grin as a familiar song came on. Macklemore & Ryan Lewis song Can't Hold Us was blarring in the radio.

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