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"Boys! Oh my gosh! I'm so glad you came! I haven't seen you all since the fucking movie!" Demi squeals, throwing herself at the three brothers who stood at the front doors of El Palacio.

To say, I was pretty shock to meet such talented musicians.

"Hey Dems, of course we came. We didn't wanted you to move all that heavy furniture by yourself." They say and Demi rolls her eyes at them as she finished hugging each of them.

"I can move it, I just don't know how to put the freaking things together." She says.

"There's a booklet called instructions, I'm sure you have heard of such a thing." Nick says sarcastically and Demi glares at him.

"I know there are! I just don't feel like following the instructions and knowing me, I'll probably lose the instructions." Demi says, before looking back at me.

"You probably will," Joe says, and the brothers look over at me.

"Shut it. I was homeschooled." Demi says before walking over to me, slinging a arm over my shoulder as she grins at the brothers.

"Boys, meet my son, Edward. Edward, meet the Jonas brothers." Demi introduce us and I step forward, extending my hand out to shake theirs as I smile friendly at them.

"Edward," I say as Kevin clasp his hand against mine, shaking my hand firmly before pulling me into a bro hug.

"Kevin, nice to meet you dude, hope Demi here isn't giving you so much trouble." He says, flashing me a grin as I nod.

I then move onto Joe and instead of shaking my hand like I thought he would do, he grabs me and hugs me tightly, pulling me off the ground a bit.

"Nice to meet you man," He says, setting me down on the floor before ruffling my hair, grinning at me.

"Nice to meet you too," I breathe, giving him a smile before going to the youngest brother, Nick.

"Nick," Nick says as I shake his hand, giving me a friendly grin.

"Edward," I say in return before going back to Demi's side.

"Okay boys, lets start unpacking."

Hours later, I was standing inside my room with Demi as we watch the brothers struggling to push the mattress inside the room, it was stuck between the doorframe.

"Watch, one of them is gonna get hurt." Demi says next to me, her arm on my shoulder as she leans into me for support.

I look toward the door with amusement, watching as Kevin tries to pull the mattress inside while Joe was on the other side, trying to push it.

"I'm gonna drop it!" Kevin says, his hands gripping onto the mattress.

"Don't drop it!" Joe shouts from the other side.

"I'm gonna drop it!" Kevin says again, his hands slipping slightly.

"Don't drop- AH FUCK KEVIN THAT WAS MY FUCKING FOOT!" Joe yells as Kevin drops the mattress and Demi burst out in laughter beside me as we heard Joe curse profoundly at his older brother.

"Sorry man! It was slipping out of my hands!" Kevin says, but chuckles as we heard Joe's painful yells.

"Oh god, see I told you, one of them were gonna get hurt. Nick, help out your brothers." Demi says and we look over at Nick who was standing on a ladder, putting up a ceiling fan.

He looks toward his brothers, chuckling softly as he lets go of his tools and climbs down the ladder, going over to Kevin and helping them bring in the mattress.

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