Last Thing

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I know I've put up a lot of updates that have nothing to do with the book but this one does ^-^

So I've had some questions about how I ended the book, I know it was a weird way to end it but let me explain.

Q1: How come you ended Bound by Blood like you did?

At the end of this book I jumped to a different family who 'bought' the legendary mothers doll house iv mentioned in some of the chapters through out the book. This means I left the idea open for another book with the same ordeal but different story.

I also ended Lights and Elighs part to shortly I don't have a reason or excuse for that I just didn't know where to end with them but I'll fix it sooner or later ;)

Q2: Do you plan continuing this book?

I thought about it that's why I left the book end how it did. It won't be anytime soon as I need time to plan and think but maybe.

It won't be with the characters in this book if I do though once again same ordeal different story.

Those were the main questions people asked if there's anything else that confuses you either about future of this book or something that happened in the story line please let me know so I can set it straight ^-^


One last thing I hope you guys can please check out Hybrid as its recently hit it off and the views and amazing people voting is unbelievable.

Again, bye for now hope to see you guys in my future books :3!

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