So Many Authors Notes Ahh!

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Hi again.

I'm am sooooo sorry for all of these authors notes.

Okay, so I deleted the History chapter because I logged out and read it so I saw that it was only at the end.

I would add a chapter to this authors note but I can't think of anything to write about right now because I've been thinking too much about school.

Every year in the third quarter, we have this HUGE presentation worth like 60% of our grade in that class and it's super hard.

And now my moms freaking out because sister just got home from Washington.

So anyways...tell me about yourself! Just tell me any random facts about you.

For example:

My name is Elly
I have freckles and redish brownish hair
I love the movie All Stars on Netflix
This one is weird, but I've noticed that when I'm bored, I poop.

Last summer I was home alone a lot so I was bored all of the time and I pooped like four times a day, it was crazy.

Cya later calculator.

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