I Dont Want To

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It had been one month since my dad died and I had barely moved from my bed. My mom wasn't taking it so well either, but Auggie was doing better.

I hadn't been to school in a month and neither had Auggie since he didn't know how to get there alone. All my mom did was lay in bed all day and called some sort of take out food for breakfast lunch and dinner, she never ate it though.

Auggie would try to get us out of our beds, he was bored all the time. I didn't want to get out of bed. I didn't want to go to school when my dad isn't there. I didn't want to look at the couch and not see him sitting there watching football. I didn't want to anything.

Auggie walked into my room.

"Hi Riley," he said and sat down on my bed. He had changed since our dad died. He was a lot less energetic and was very calm and almost sad all the time.

"Can we get food other than take out tonight?" He asked.

"Maybe," I said, barely paying attention to him.

I was thinking about my friends, they had all called and texted me countles times but I didn't answer them, even though I missed them like crazy.

"Riley," Auggie said.

"Yeah Auggie?"

"Do you miss dad?"

I sighed. "Yeah Auggie," I said as tears began to fill my eyes. "I miss him a lot."

"I do too. But I think he would get mad if he found out what we've been eating all the time," Auggie said.

I quietly laughed.

Wait a minute, that was the first time I had even smiled since the accident.

I sat up and pulled Auggie close to me, hugging him tightly.

"You know what Auggie? I'm going to take you to get some real food," I said and slowly got out of bed.

I looked like crap, my hair was everywhere and my cheeks were tear stained. I was wearing pajamas that had a ton of stains on them.

"Alright Auggie, I'm going to get dressed and I'll get you when I'm ready," I said and Auggie left my room.

I changed into jeans and a white top with a black trench coat over because it was pretty cold outside.

I brushed my hair and went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth before going into my moms room.

"Hey mom?" I said quietly. "I'm going to take Auggie to get some dinner. Do you want to come?"

She shook her head. "Ok, love you," I said and told Auggie it was time to go.

Holding Auggie's hand, we walked around for a little bit until we found a nice Italian restaurant. I had some money saved up so I would be able to pay for it.

We walked in and were seated right away. Auggie ordered kids spaghetti and meatballs and I ordered fehttuchini alfredo.

When we were done eating, I payed the bill and Auggie wanted to walk around a bit more and I agreed since he had barely been out of the apartment for a month.

We were just heading home when I spotted Farkle and Lucas.

Oh crap, what do I do? I look horrible!

"Farkle!" Auggie yelled and ran up to him, giving him a hug.

"Hey Auggie, are you out here all alone?" Farkle asked just as he saw me walking toward them.

"Hey guys," I waved shyly.

"Riley oh my gosh you're outside!" Farkle exclaimed as he and Lucas engulfed me in a giant hug.

They let go and asked how I was doing.

"I'm ok, I really miss my dad and I didn't want to leave my bed a few hours ago but I think I just needed to get outside for a bit so now I feel a little better."

"What about Auggie?" Lucas asked quietly so only I could hear.

"Better than my mom and I," I said.

"Can I call Maya? She really wants to see you," Lucas asked and I nodded.

About thirty minutes later, we were at a pizza parlor where Maya was going to meet us.

"Riley can I have pizza?" Auggie asked.

"You just had spaghetti, are you really hungry again?"

Auggie nodded.

"I'll get you a milkshake, but no more after that," I said.

After I got Auggie's milkshake, Maya walked in.

We just stared at each other for a few minutes.

She ran up to me and hugged me so tight I could barely breathe. She was crying, which was not normal for Maya.

"Please never do that to me again," she whispered to me,

"I won't."

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