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It was time for second period and I walked into my dad's classroom. He wasn't there.

"Hey, does anyone know where Mr. Matthews is?" I asked my classmates.

They all shook their heads.

Hmm... that's weird, my dad is never late.

I walked out of the classroom and saw Maya, Farkle, and Lucas talking by their lockers. I walked up to them.

"Hey guys, have you seen my dad?"

"No I haven't, but maybe we have no class today," Maya said, making Farkle sad. He absolutely loves school.

Just then, my phone rang. I checked the caller ID to see it was my mother.

"Hey mom, what's up?" I said.

"Riley...There was an accident. This morning when your dad was on his way to school..." She trailed off. I could tell she was crying.

"What happened mom? Is he okay?" I asked, getting worried.

I heard her sobbing through the phone.

"Mom are you ok?"

"Riley your dad was hit by a taxi this morning and he didn't make it," she stuttered out.

I hung up the phone, sliding down to the floor.

This can't be happening. He can't be dead. He can't.

Tears filled my eyes and I didn't even bother trying to hide them.

"Riley what's wrong?" My friends looked at me curiously.

I shook my head. I didn't want to talk about it. All three of them were instantly surrounding me on the floor, hugging me and trying to comfort me. It wasn't working. I cried into Maya's shoulder. I didn't want to look up, I didn't want to open my eyes and accept the fact that my dad was really gone. I didn't want to face the world without him.

But I have to.

I looked up from Maya's shoulder which was now drenched with my tears.

"M-my dad is..." I couldn't even get it out without bursting into tears.

Maya seemed to understand because she hugged me again.

I slowly tried to stand up but my legs were wobbly and Lucas and Farkle had to support me. They helped we walk over to a bench and I sat down.

"Riley, come on I'm taking you home," I heard my mom say. She must've come to pick me up early.

I stumbled over to her. She looked broken. She was crying and was holding a tissue, even though I could tell she was devastated, she put her hand on my back and guided me to the car. No matter how she feels, I know she'll always be here for me.

I buckled my seatbelt and my mom started driving home.

I didn't want to go to the apartment, there will be too many memories of him there. I began crying again and I looked out the window.

How will I take on the world without him?

Hormones Ruin Everything (Girl Meets World fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now