I Don't Have It?

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Riley's POV

I was sitting on my bed reading when I heard my mom's cell phone ring. She must've left it here.

I got up and answered the phone.

"Topanga Mathews' phone."

"Hello, is Topanga there?" A professional female voice asked.

"Not at the moment," I said as I tried to sound mature. "Can I take a message?"

"Yes please. Can you tell her that Dr. Samuels would like to talk to her about her daughter?"

"Sure. May I ask what this is about?"

"I'm sorry but I can only talk about this with Topanga. You have a good day now."

"You too," I said and hung up.

That's weird, I wonder what's going on.
Today has been really crazy, first Maya starts acting all weird and protective of me, then Hayden makes me feel like it's my fault my dad is dead, and now my doctor needs to speak to my mom about me. I'm way too stressed out.

Suddenly, I heard someone walk in and shut the door behind them.

"Riley! Have you seen my phone?" My mom yelled. "I left it here this morning."

"Yeah," I said and handed it to her. "The doctor called, she needs to talk to you."

"Ok, thanks sweetie, I'll call her in a little bit. I have to go back to work, bye."

"Bye, love you," I said as she left.

Well now I'm really bored. I finished all my homework and I just read a ton so now I don't want to read anymore.

When in doubt, eat food.

I made my way to the fridge and grabbed some bread and salami to make a sandwich. When I had finished making it, I sat down on the window seat in the family room and gazed down at the people below. It was hard to see much because of the angle I was at, but I could make out a few people walking.

Wait...is that?

There she was, Hayden. She was with Lucas and Farkle and she looked like she was angry about something. Farkle seemed to be irritated with her, maybe they were having an argument.

Hayden's arms were crossed over her chest and she was shaking her head. Farkle had thrown his hands up in the air as if trying to convince her to do something, but Lucas just seemed like he was trying to stay out of whatever was going on.

Finally, Farkle stormed off towards my apartment building with Hayden stomping behind him.

Why are they coming to see me?

There was a buzz. "Farkle here."

"Come on up."

I waited a few minutes and soon, Farkle, Lucas, and an angry Hayden walked in.

"Hey guys," I greeted them.

"Riley we need to talk to you about Maya," Lucas said.

I instantly tensed up. "What about Maya?"

"You heard about what she did to Hayden right?"

"Yeah I heard. It's not true."

"Of course it is! Why wouldn't it be?"

"Why are you even asking me that, Lucas? Maya would never do something like that, you obviously don't know her as well as you think you do."

"Guys--" Farkle tried to intervene but Lucas cut him off.

"I do know her well enough. I thought that she wouldn't do that but I was wrong, there was evidence Riley! You have to believe me."

"Why? Why are you even here anyways, so you can ask me to de-friend Maya?"

"Actually, yes."

"Get out. All of you, out right now."

"You're wrong Riley," Lucas said.

I could see Hayden smiling, what a jerk.

"I'm not wrong, and I said get out."

They all left.

I can't believe this is happening.

I cleaned my plate and went back to my room to check my phone. Farkle had texted me.

Sorry about that

I didn't reply.

Soon, my mom got home.

"Hey Riley? Come here sweetie," she said.

"What's up mom?"

"So I called the doctor back and she said that she had been talking to the therapist about your sessions and they think that you don't really have PTSD."

"Really?" I asked, surprised.

"Yeah, they thought it was unlikely for someone to develop PTSD from the death of a close one when you  didn't witness the event but they thought it could be a rare exception. After hearing you talk about how you felt and what was going on, they've realized you don't really have PTSD, just a few of the symptoms."

"Oh, wow. Well I guess that's a good thing right?" I said.

"Yeah, are you okay?"

"I'm fine mom. I'm going to go read."


I'm really sorry for such a long wait, my big presentation for school is next week and it's a really big deal. We sort of have two weeks off, the first week, we just have to come to school to present and thirty minutes later we can go home and then I'll be on break so I can update more. I'm so sorry though, school just has to be my main priority right now. I'll be in high school next year and I'm worried that I'm not going to do so good, so I have to prepare myself this year and work extra hard so I'll be more used to the bigger work load for next year. I'll do my best to update more.


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