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Riley's POV

I had been staying home for the past few days since my nightmares have been getting worse and I get too scared to go to school.

My first therapy session is today in a few hours, and honestly, I'm really nervous. I can barely talk to the people I'm closest to about my dad for more than five minutes without breaking down, how am I going to talk about it for a whole hour with a complete stranger?

I was still in my pajamas so I got up from the couch to get dressed. I threw on a black skirt with black tights, a lacy white shirt and you guessed it, combat boots.

Auggie was at pre-school and my mom was working until she had to take me to the therapist so I was going to be home alone for a little while.

I took out my phone and was surprised to see a ton of texts from Farkle and Lucas. Most of them said stuff like "we need to talk now" or "answer it's really important."

I looked at the clock, 12:20, they were at lunch right now so I guess I'll call them.

I dialed Lucas' number and waited for him to pick up.

"Riley, where have you been?" He said when he answered the phone.

"Home, I haven't been feeling so well."

"Oh well that sucks."

"Yeah. So what's so urgent?"

"Something happened yesterday at school between Maya and Hayden but I don't think it's my place to tell you, ask Hayden."

"Ok," I replied.

I hung up and called Hayden, I wonder what's going on.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Hey Hayden it's Riley, Lucas told me that something happened between you and Maya, what is it ?"

"Uhh...oh yeah! She um totally just slapped me and called me a whore out of no where," she said quickly.

"Oh really?" I said.

"Yeah, it was so unreasonable, plus I have a HUGE bruise on my left cheek now so I look horrible and that sucks,"

"Ok well I hope you feel better," I said and quickly hung up.

I don't believe this girl, Maya would never do that. Plus she sounded like she was lying.

I pushed the thought out of my head and went to the kitchen to get something to drink. I got some lemonade and watched T.V until my mom got home and it was time for my first therapy session.

I know it seems like I watch a ton of T.V, and that's true, I just don't have much else to do when I'm bored.

On the way there, scary thoughts kept leaping into my mind.

What if I can't talk about it? What if I have a panic attack right in the middle of the session?

I guess my mom noticed that I was worried. "Sweetie it'll be fine, this will make you feel better."

"I guess," I mumbled and stared at my thumbs.

Soon we were at the therapists' office and I was extremely nervous, but I don't really know why. I don't even know the name of this person and soon I'm going to have to tell them my inner most thoughts, I might even have to tell them what's bothering me the most, but no one else knows about it.

I took a deep breath and followed my mom inside. Eventually, it was my turn to go in and my mom stayed in the waiting room.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Coleman, but you can call me Veronica," the therapist said.

"Take a seat," she gestured to a brown couch.

The room was pretty nice, there was a brown couch in front of a matching chair and a green carpet underneath them. On the walls were two shelves filled with books and an abstract painting.

I sat down on the couch and tried to calm down.

"Alright, so your name is Riley Mathews, correct?" I nodded. "Good. Ok honey so I understand that your father recently passed away-"

"He didn't pass away, he was killed," I cut her off.

"Oh yes, I apologize. Anyways, can you tell me about these nightmares I hear you've been having?"



I have a question, does anyone read these authors notes? I'm sorry if I write them a lot, sometimes I just get lonely...hehe. Ok that sounded creepy. Just ignore that.

I'm sick again, but I get to miss school this time so yay!

Ok this authors note was pretty pointless so I'm just going to go to bed.



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