Back To School

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It was a Monday and I had decided to go back to school. My mom still isn't doing good. She just lays in bed all day either staring at the empty space next to her or crying.

I love her so much, it's hard to see her like this.

Even though I was still pretty sad, my education was important to me and I didn't want to get too behind in school.

I guess I should look good for my first day back.

I found a green, orange and yellow floral dress that I put on with a gray knitted cardigan and short black heels. I brushed my hair and left it down like always.

After I ran into Lucas and Farkle a few nights ago, we had all been hanging out a lot. They were being really supportive, and I appreciate that. Sometimes I just feel like they pity me. I just want to stop thinking about my dad but sometimes the way my friends talk to me just brings him back into my head.

Grabbing my bag, I headed to the kitchen and made myself cereal. When I finished eating, I checked on Auggie. He was up, he wanted me to take him to school.

"Heeeeeeeey," I heard through the buzzer. It must be Maya, I let her in.

She was wearing a dark purple tank top with a black jacket over it and black leggings with combat boots.

"Hey Maya," I greeted her. "Is it okay if we drop Auggie off at school too? I know where it is."


We left and boarded the subway train to go to Auggie's school. I held his hand tight, there can be some dangerous people on the subway.

When we got to our stop, we walked Auggie to his school and made sure he got to his class okay. He was in pre-school.

I found the principal of his pre-school, her name was Mrs. Alley.

I walked up to her at her desk. "Hi Mrs. Alley, I'm Riley Mathews, Auggie Mathews' big sister.

She nodded.

"I just wanted to let you know that we recently lost our dad in a car accident and if Auggie does anything weird or something then that's probably why," I said. I started to tear up a bit but I blinked to hide it.

"I'm so sorry for your loss Riley, thank you for letting me know," Mrs. Alley said and I walked out to where Maya was waiting for me.

"You ready?" She asked.

"Yup," I smiled. We linked arms and made our way back to the subway station.


When we got to school I stood in front of the doors. This is scarier than I thought.

"It's okay Riley, I'll be right by your side the whole time," Maya smiled at me.

We walked in.

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