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Heeeeeeey everybody reading this. Sorry this is not an update, but do not fret, it is coming soon :))))))) (double chin smiley).

So first of all, I wanted to write this because I feel lonely right now. For the first time in a very long time, my friends and I actually have some drama going down, which is weird for us.

Happy Holidays yay!

Soooo, I also wanted to thank everybody for reading my story. It's a lot more popular than I ever expected it to become. Thank you so much. When I go back to read some of the earlier parts, they don't always make sense to me... I might go back and edit them a bit because they don't flow so well.

That was pretty much all I wanted to say for now, but I don't want to waste your time! I am going to sing a little song for you.

Here it goes.


I hurt the gingerbread boy. Cause' he's pretend bread boy. Little cookie man never waved to me. So he got knocked out! Man cause' I flow! La piggy jar jar do, due due due dee dur. Yeah I just flow! Shoe shine.

No one wanting your stinking tiara. Cause' no one wanted your sticky chair, and why you always talking bout' the cool kids who take archery? Yeah you're a shrinky dink. You get a funeral if you don't wise up and call me

Carl Poppa

I threw a brick in the air. It shouldn't matter cause' a brick is just a brick. Dark days, darker nights, found my way down a hall without a light man cause' I flow! La piggy jar jar doo, dur dur dur dee dur. This whole thing where random dead people try to kill me is gotta go.

End song.

Weeeeelll, thank you for reading this mess of my brain, and have a wonderful day!

Actually before I go, I want to write a poem about grilled cheese.

Grilled cheese

Yes please.

I eat it.

With cheese.

Then I poop it out.

Bowel movements.

Poop three times a day son!

What kind of cheese?



Peace out.

End epic poem.

Okay, I think I'll stop bothering you now.

Thanks for reading!


P.S What were you for halloween? I was Piper McLean from the Heroes of Olympus series.

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