Poop Poem

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She gave me a weird look. "Um, what?"

"I...uh... need to talk to you?" I nervously replied.

"Doesn't sound like you're sure."

I took a deep breath in an attempt to gather myself. About three minutes later, I was still just standing there across from her with my eyes closed. I could hear her trying to sneak away a few times, but I blocked her path.

"Riley, I need to get to class."

"No you don't! we still have fifteen minutes until school starts," I said, very satisfied with myself.

She looked very annoyed, I guess I better get out the outline of my speech.

"What's that?" She asked as I read over the paper.

"My speech outline," I wasn't paying much attention to her questions. I was more focussed on the wording of the speech.

"For what?"

"My speech."

"Your speech on what?"



"Yes you, now if you would just be quiet for a second while I fix my selling errors. Please?" I asked as nicely as possible.

"Sure does sound like you."

"Excuse me?"

"Fixing something that doesn't even count for a grade. That's something you would do."

It kind of made me mad that she just assumed that she knew me, but I was busy so I just ignored it.

After looking over the outline for the millionth time, I decided there was no longer any errors. That means I need to make my speech now, doesn't it?

Just as I was about to begin my beautifully prepared presentation, the five minute bell rang.

"Can I go to class now?" Hayden asked.


"Riley, we don't have time for your weird noises. You don't want to be late, do you?"

When I heard the word "late," I immediately ran to my first period. I can never be late, ever.

Once class started, I tried my best to focus, but all I could seem to do was run over the speech in my head.

By the time I got to art class (which Hayden was in), I had my speech completely ready.

We were all in the middle of drawing a piano when I decided this was the perfect time.

I slowly walked up to Hayden. "Alright, I'm ready for my speech now."

"One second Riley, I'm really in the zone here."

"But I won't ever be this brave to do it again!"

"It can't be that hard, just do it at lunch," she replied, still not looking up from her drawing.

"But I wanna do it now! I complained.

She just shook her head.

"Fine then," I said and stood up on a chair in the middle of the room. "Everyone, I have something I would like to say."

Every single person in the room turned their attention to me, making me freeze.

"What is it Riley?" the teacher asked impatiently.

Maybe this isn't the right time for my amazing speech. I'm already up here though...I'll just make something up.

"Um, I wrote a poem that I would like to recite for everyone." Oh no. What have I done?

"That's wonderful Riley! Go ahead," the teacher said.

"Roses are red, violets are blue. I have to pee, and also poo. Pooing is good, good for you. I poo and poo and poo and poo in the loo. That is right, I said loo. Like a british person. Do not be mistaken, my friends, for I am not really British. Or am I? I could be an old British man disguised as a teenage girl, secretly plotting to take over the world. In conclusion, don't be constipated, and don't trust your eyes. Thank you." I bowed and walked back to my seat. Everyone clapped very slowly.

"Riley, you're such a dork," Maya told me.

I'm just glad that half of the class was pulled out to work on some English project they were behind on. Luckily, that included Lucas and Farkle.

Eventually, it was time for lunch and I was about to talk to Hayden again. I walked up to her and the words came flowing out of my mouth. I was intensely proud of myself by the end, and I patiently waited for her to reply. All she was doing was giving me a confused look, though.

"Well?" I asked.

"Well what?"

"What do you think?"

"I think you just recited your poem from art class."

"What? No! That's impossible, I did my speech for you."

"No, you just talked about poo."

I facepalmed. I am utterly ridiculous. "Okay. Let me try one more time."

"Fine, but hurry up. I'm hungry"

I honestly don't even remember half of what I said, which drives me crazy because I had an amazing outline all ready. I think I talked for about five minutes.

By the end of it, Hayden was staring at the ground.

"I guess you're right..." She said.

"I am?"

"I guess. I'll think about what you said," Hayden ran off.

Daaaaaang I'm good.


Yay I updated. Sorry it took forever, I feel like the story is really bad and the chapters are too short so I've been trying to think of ways to make it better. That isn't such a great excuse for such a long time, but that's what has been going on for the past few weeks. Before that, I was kind of really upset that school was ending. I have to grow up, and it makes me sad because I'm going to have so much more responsibility. I'll never feel the same about certain things again. Plus I'm terrified of doing badly in high school.

Oh and in the time since the last update, I have kind of become obsessed with ostriches. They're so adorable! I have a picture of one as my lock screen, I named her Doris Louise Donovan. Alrighty, byeeee!

Elly :)

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