Im Back Ya'll

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I walked into the school with Maya by my side. Right when Farkle and Lucas saw us, they rushed up to me.

"Hey Riley how are you doing?" Lucas asked.

"Fine, I just want to get through the day."

They all walked with me to my locker. By now, a lot of people were looking at me. Murmuring amongst themselves.

"There have been a lot of rumors about why you were gone," Maya warned me.

"Like what?" I asked.

She hesitated and Farkle nodded at her as if saying it was okay to tell me.

"Someone started a rumor saying that you got pregnant and that's why you missed so much school," Maya said.

I looked down at the floor. Wow, people can be harsh. I felt even more eyes on me.

You know what, this is bull crap. I went through something that the majority of the people here won't experience until they're way older and it is extremely hard losing my own father. These people should just shut up and stay out of my business.

"Hey can I get everyone's attention please?" I yelled as I stepped up onto a bench. Everyone in the hallway turned to look at me.

"I just wanted to inform you all that I am not pregnant, as you can probably tell, and I never was. I lost someone very close to me and if you have a problem with that, then say it to my face. Thanks."

I stepped off of the bench, grabbed my bag and headed to first period.

When it was time for history, I just stood outside of the door. I didn't want to go in and have class without my dad teaching. Farkle was heading into the classroom when he saw me.

"Riley..." He said as if he knew why I wasn't going in. "I know it's hard, but you can't keep living like this."

I shook my head. "I can't do it Farkle. I'm not ready."

He hugged me. "I hate seeing you like this," he said into my ear.

I hugged him back. Wow this is really comforting, this is the best I've felt in a while.

We let go and Farkle grabbed my hand. "Come on, I know you can do it," he said.

I took a deep breath. Yeah it'll be hard having history without my dad, but I need to get through it. And the best part is that I'll have my friends right beside me.

Hormones Ruin Everything (Girl Meets World fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now