The Mall

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It had been about a week since I came back to school. People were treating me different, I guess word got around that my dad died and now everyone is treating me like a charity case. I appreciate their concern but sometimes I just want to get my mind off my dad and people constantly asking me if I'm okay or if I need anything isn't exactly helping.

Lucas, Farkle and Maya are acting normal around me again, they seem to understand how I feel. Farkle is acting different though. He clams up and gets a little nervous every time he and I are alone. Maybe he has a crush on me too, but that's really unlikely. I doubt anyone could possibly have a crush on a girl like me.

It was lunch time and I was sitting at a table waiting for Maya. She walked up to me a few minutes later with her lunch.

"Hey Riles," she greeted me and sat down. "Do you want to go to the mall on Saturday? I've always wanted to get kicked out of a mall."

I laughed, classic Maya. "Sure, as long as you don't make me do anything too extreme," I said.

"But Rileeeeeey-"

"Nope," I cut her off playfully. "I'm not going to pull someone's hair like you made me do the last time we went to the mall."

"Fine," she pouted.

"Hey guys," Lucas and Farkle said as they sat down.

"Want to come to the mall with us on Saturday?" Maya asked them.

"Sure," Farkle said.

"I can't, I'm having lunch with my grandma on Saturday," Lucas said. "She's visiting from Texas."

I could see Maya was disappointed.

We continued eating our lunches, talking about what pranks to pull at the mall on Saturday.


Yay! I'm going to the mall with Maya and Farkle today. I'm so excited, I love the mall, it just smells so...nice.

Maya came to my apartment before we left so we could get ready together.

Maya walked in, slamming the door behind her. I was watching T.V in my pajamas.

"Riley get up! We only have two hours to make you look amazing for Farkle," Maya said sternly.

"Yeah, two hours is a long time. And why are you making a big deal out of this? It's not a date," I said.

"Yeah but you're still going to be hanging with him outside of school for FIVE HOURS STRAIGHT!"

I know five hours may seem like a really long time to be at the mall, but it's so fun.

"Alright fine, I'll go get dressed," I said as I turned off the T.V and walked to my room.

I put on a black and white t-shirt and a blue cardigan over it and a grey skirt with some brown combat boots. I looked in the mirror one last time before I went to show Maya.

"Well?" I said as I turned around for Maya to see my outfit.

"Hmm...alright, it's good enough," she said and pulled me back into my room.

We just hung out until it was time to leave. I grabbed my purse and we headed to the subway station.


Maya and I walked into the mall and I inhaled the mall scent.

"Don't you love that smell?" I asked.

Maya laughed. "You're crazy."

We were meeting Farkle at a Wetzel's Pretzels on the second floor of the mall. When we got there, I saw him stuffing cinnamon and sugar pretzel bites into his mouth.

He waved to us and we walked over to him.

"Mmph hey guys!" Farkle greeted us with his mouth full of pretzels.

"These are sooo good, you have to try them!" He offered us some of the pretzel bites and I gladly took a few but Maya didn't want any. That's weird, she didn't eat at my house either. I shrugged it off and we started walking.

"We should totally go to Forever 21!" I said excitedly and Farkle groaned in frustration.

"Hey, this is what you get for going to the mall with two girls," Maya said and we walked into Forever 21. We didn't buy anything but we forced Farkle to try on a sleeveless red dress with black lace on it. He complained but for a guy, he looked pretty darn good in a dress.

We eventually left and agreed to go look at turtlenecks with Farkle at Dillard's.

"I never knew this place sold the turtlenecks you wear," Maya said.

"They don't, but my tailor works here," Farkle smirked.

He led us to a door that said "EMPLOYEES ONLY". He then punched in a code and we walked inside.

"You really have a tailor for turtlenecks?"
Maya said.

"Yep, my dad says they look good on me so he pays extra for my own personal tailor," Farkle said proudly.

For the next thirty minutes, we had to watch him get fitted, but we eventually left and Farkle had three new turtlenecks.

When we came out of Dillard's, I was really surprised to hear what Farkle said to me next.

"Hey Riley, can I talk to you over there? Alone?" He said.

"Um, sure," I said as I nervously looked back at Maya.



Heeeeey. Well I was right, I have a ton of school work. I think I even have more homework now than I did before winter break. Sorry for not updating in a while, I've been extremely stressed out. I'm trying to get better grades this semester and that means I have to be proactive and do a ton of extra work every night *sarcastic yay*.
This story has 400 reads. Daaaaaang! Thank you so much, my stories have never gotten this far and I'm really surprised that so many people have seen it. I hope you're enjoying it. I'm so happy, I just ate this dumpling thing and it was SO GOOD so now I'm all warm and fuzzy inside because FOOOOOD <3
Oh I wanted to say that lucas isn't really a major character right now. Sorry if you like him, I'll probably add him in some more later in the story though.
Alright I'm probably boring you. Have a good night, or day, or whatever it is when you read this. Bye. Oh! And if this chapter shows up before the chapter that I updated about History class then Wattpad is being weird and idk how to fix it. Alright, bye.


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