I'll Give You Another Chance

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I knocked on Riley's door. "Come on Riles open the door," I said.

There was no reply. I could hear her quiet crying, and it breaks my heart to hear her like this.

"Riley I know you're upset but it really isn't your fault, just let me in."

I heard her blow her nose and slowly walk to the door. It swung open revealing a heart broken Riley. Her tear-filled eyes were glued to the floor and they were red and puffy, I immediately pulled her into a hug and didn't let go for at least two minutes.

"Maya, I love you to death and I appreciate you being here for me but I think I just need some time on my own right now," Riley said when I finally let go.

"Ok," I said sadly and left.

I took the subway back to my house, trying to think of ways to expose Hayden on the way there. I finally came up with something right before I got off the train, this is going to take a lot of planning, but I'll be able to do it.

I walked into my room, shutting the door behind me. Taking out my phone, I called Farkle. He didn't seem that mad at me, he would probably help me get Lucas to forgive me, but that's not what I'm focused on. My first
Priority is getting back at Hayden for hurting my best friend.

I know, getting revenge is kind of bad, but this girl deserves it.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Farkle hey, can you help me with something?"

"I don't know Maya, what you did to Hayden was really mean and I don't know if I want to be around you right now."

"Come on, you know I didn't do it!"

"You know I love you Maya, but without any evidence on either sides, I can't make any decisions right now," Farkle said and hung up.

I sighed and put my phone down on my bed. I guess I'll have to do this on my own, I could ask Riley but I care about her too much for her to get involved any more than she already is.


It was Monday and Riley had finally decided to come back to school again. She's still pretty upset, but school should cheer her up, I'm just worried that Hayden is going to do something mean again.

Before class started, I found Hayden reading a magazine in the cafeteria.

"Hey," I said as I walked up to her, making sure my phone was on in my pocket.

She closed her magazine. "Hey."

"So I've been thinking and I've decided that I will forgive you if you tell Lucas and Farkle the truth," I said.

"And why would I do that?" She replied.

"Because if you don't, and you keep messing with Riley, well let's just say you'll never see your precious Justin Bieber poster collection again."

"How did you know about that?" She had a scared look on her face.

"Actually I was just guessing but thanks for that," I laughed.

"Look Hayden, I get that you really like Lucas but that doesn't mean you have to hurt an amazing person like Riley, and for what? So she isn't in the way of Lucas? You know they're never going to be together, right?"

"No, I don't know that and neither do you. Just let me do what I want, okay?"

"No, not okay. You can't just lie and stab people in the back just because you feel like it. Riley was devastated after you told her it was her fault that her dad died. Do you know what that was like for her? She already thought it was her fault, but you made her feel worse. What kind of person uses the loss of someone's father just for some stupid crush? You're crazy, and you better leave all of us alone, including Lucas."

Hayden looked down, maybe she actually felt bad for a second, but then Lucas walked into the cafeteria.

"Hey Hayden, I saw that...oh. Hi Maya," he said.

"Lucas you have to stay away from her, she's a liar and she even told Riley that it was her own fault that her dad died, you can't believe her over me! I've known you for so much longer, I thought you trusted me," I said.

"There was a mark on her cheek from where you slapped her, Maya."

"She faked it! All of it, just lies!"

"I don't think I can believe that," he said. "Come on Hayden, let's go to class."

The two walked out of the cafeteria side by side.

This cant be happening.


After a long morning, it was finally lunch time. Riley and I were sitting away from Lucas, Farkle and Hayden, who were now acting all buddy-buddy.

Hayden walked up to us. "Hey guys, Riley how's your mom doing?"

"Go away Hayden," I said.

She ignored me. "Your mom must be pretty mad at you since you're the reason your dad died," she said.

I quickly stood up. "That's it, I'm done with you! I grabbed Riley's hand and lead her into the hall. She was on the verge of tears and she wouldn't meet my eyes.

"Riley ignore her, she's just trying to get under your skin. It is not your fault that your dad died," I tried to comfort her.

"Whatever," she said looking down. "Doesn't matter now anyways, he's gone."

She went to the bathroom to wipe her face.

I gave Hayden a chance to be nicer but she turned it down, looks like I'll have to get revenge after all. I don't want a person like that near my best friend. If she thinks I'm going to let her treat Riley that way, then she's even more than crazy.

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