Or Maybe It's Hormones

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I hate Sundays. The whole day I'm usually just waiting for Monday so I can go back to school again, but nowadays I've just been terrified of Mondays. First of all there's Hayden who hates both me and my best friend, and is trying to break us all apart. And then there's Mr. Samuels, my dad's replacement teacher.

I really don't like the way he teaches, he's really dull. I don't mean to sound rude but history is just so boring now. Plus he just keeps reminding me of...well everything.

My mom has been spending most of her time at work since she missed a lot, which sucks for me because she's the only other person I know who understands how I feel. So now I'm home alone while Auggie is playing with Ava. Even my little brother has a girlfriend and I have barely even thought about boys recently.

Oh right, I had a crush on Farkle, didn't I? I don't think I do anymore. I don't have time for boys.

I heard a buzz on the intercom and I got up from the couch to see who it was.

"Who is it?" I said into it.


It doesn't really sound like Maya but maybe she's sick or something.

"Come on up."

A few minutes later someone walked into the apartment, but not Maya.

It was Hayden.

Oh god not this again. I sighed. "What is it now Hayden?"

"I wanted to apologize."

"Oh really?" I said. "That really doesn't sound like you." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"I know, I realized I was being kind of ridiculous like Maya said."

"Are you lying or not?" I really didn't have the effort to deal with her.

"Why would I be lying?"

I stared at her.

"Okay, I can see why you would think that, but I promise I'm not. You're a really great person and I regret ruining the friendship we could've had."

"That does sound sincere, but what about Maya? Will you apologize to her too?"

Hayden hesitated.

"What now?" I asked, annoyed.

"It's just...she's not as nice as you. And there's a better chance that she'll start liking Lucas."

"Are you seriously still stuck on this whole Lucas thing? Get it into your head that they will never be a thing. Ever. I'm sorry but if you don't apologize to Maya too, I'm not going to be your friend. Besides, she would kill me if she knew I forgave you. Now if you'll excuse me, I have stuff to do."

"What stuff?"

"Just stuff okay?" I was lying to get rid of her, but I didn't actually feel that bad about it.

"Fine, bye Riley."

Hayden walked out the door and I closed it behind her.

Maybe I should have forgiven her, she really did seem sorry and I guess she could be a good friend. I'm normally a really forgiving person. I don't know, maybe everything that's been going on has made me act different. I've just been angry at pretty much everyone lately, even Maya. Or maybe it's hormones.

I guess I should call Maya and tell her what just happened. I dialed her number and listened to it ring, she didn't pick up.

"Hey you've reached Maya, leave a message after the beep."

"Maya, it's Riley. I just wanted to talk to you for a bit. Hayden just came over and tried to apologize to me. I asked her if she would apologize to you too and she said no, so I didn't forgive her. Now I feel kind of bad about it, maybe she really felt bad for everything she's caused. I'm thinking about accepting her apology. Call me back." I hung up.

For once, just want Maya to put her and Hayden's fights behind her and be there for me, but something tells me that she's going to hate the idea of Hayden and I being friends.

Ah god, deep stuff. I really need to be around other people right now, maybe I could go over to Farkle's apartment.

I got out my phone to text Farkle.

Me: Hey, can I come over?"

He replied a few minutes later.

Farkle: Sure.

I put my phone and wallet in a purse and headed down to the subway station. I've only been to Farkle's place one or two times but I remembered how to get there.

When the train arrived at my stop, I got out and walked out of the station. After getting lost several times, I finally found Farkle's apartment. Before I even knocked, he popped his head outside.

"Hey Riley, come on in," He greeted me.

"Were you looking for me through the peep hole?" I asked him.

"Pfft, nooooo!"

I followed him over to the couch and sat down.

"Where are your parents?" I asked.

"My dad is working and my mom is at a movie with some of her friends. Anyways, why did you come over here? You never do."

"I just needed someone to talk to."

"About what? Wait let me guess, Hayden?"

"Yeah. Well, partially about Hayden."

"What's going on?"

"She came over to my apartment today and apologized."

"That's good, maybe now we can all be friends again." He looked excited.

"Not exactly. I asked her if she would apologize to Maya too and she said no. I don't know if I should forgive her or not. If I do, then I guess maybe we could all be friends again, that is, except for Maya. And if I don't forgive her, we may never solve this. I want to solve it, though. I want us to all be friends again, but if Maya found out that I forgave Hayden, she would probably hate me. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if my best friend hated me."

"You know how much I want us all to forgive each other and be friends again, but I don't necessarily think we can do that with Hayden. She was really nice at first, but then she made up that whole thing about Maya and she even told me some stupid rumors about you. I just don't think I can hang out with her."

"Wait, so you believe Maya and I?"


"Yaaaaaaaay! Now we just need Lucas." I said and bounced up and down.

Farkle laughed.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"Nothing, it's just so good to see you acting like you again. Cheery and happy. I haven't seen you like that in a while."

"Yeah. I guess there's just been a lot going on."

I felt happier right now than I had been in a while, and I don't even know why. I may still have this whole Hayden thing going on but something tells be it'll work out. For the past few months, I've pretty much just been sad all the time, but now I feel much better.

Maybe talking to Farkle is what I needed.

"Thank you Farkle," I said as I hugged him. "You're the only person who I feel like I can really talk to right now."

"Sure, Riley. You know I'd do anything for you."

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