Chapter 43

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Bella's POV....
It has been one week since I broke the curse. Damon and I spent the whole week together. We definitely made up fr lost time. I couldn't express how much I love him.He felt the same. Thinking I lost him forever made me realize how deep my feelings run fo him.

I felt him un his finger tips up and down my bareback. I smiled as I realized into his touch.
" Morning,'' he said huskily. I turned to face him with a smile.
" Hey,'' I breathed. He smirked as he began toying with a strand of my hair. I leaned up to plant a kiss on his lips but recoiled harshly as I felt a sudden urge to vomit. I sped over to his bathroom and emptied out the contents from my stomach. I felt his hands caress my neck as he pulled my hair away from my face.
" Bella, are you okay?''
" I'm fine. I don't know why that happened. I guess witches can still get food poisoning,'' I said to him half joking. He looked concerned as he observed me. I tried to give him a reassuring smile. I stood up from the toilet.
" I have to go over to Elijah's house today. He said he needed to talk to me,'' I told him.
" Can't you just stay?''
" Damon, I've been here all week. I need to go over there. I'll be back later,'' I said. I tried to put on some jeans but they seemed too tight so I just put on some leggings.

I headed over to his house where all three waited in the living room. I smiled at them but it quickly disappeared whenI saw Elijah and Rebekah's faces.
" What's wrong?'' I asked taking a seat.
" We're leaving, Bella,'' Rebekah said.
" What do you mean you're leaving.''
" I found a pack of wolves in the Appalachians that I wish to convert into my hybrids. Elena has given me enough blood for my trip and we leave tonight,'' Klaus answered.
" All of you?''
" Yes,'' Elijah answered.
" But why? You guys could stay,'' I insisted.
" It is time we leave. We must stick together as a family."
" I understand but I wish you wouldn't leave."
" Let us take a walk," Elijah said to me. I looked at him but followed him outside.
" Why are you leaving, Elijah,'' I asked him. He looked away from me.
" I can't stay here,'' he said.
" But why?"
" because I love you. Yet, your heart belongs to another. I cannot sit here and watch it. I must leave. We all must,'' He admitted. I felt myself sniffle.
" I'm sorry. Please don't leave,'' I begged. He shook his head.
" The preparations have already been made. we leave tonight. This is our final goodbye.''
I let a sob rack from my chest.
" Can I at least get a hug?''
He wrapped his arm around my waist and I did the same. I felt him sigh and kiss the top of my head.
" Goodbye, Isabella.''
With that he disappeared. I felt tears fall on my cheeks, I brushed them away softly and walked back to my car.

I drove back to Damon's house to find him drinking on the couch. Lady came up to the door as soon as I walked in jumping at my feet.
" She's been crying ever since you left,'' Damon groaned. I sniffled.
" Yeah, she's been super attached to me lately,'' I said. He turned to look at me when he heard me sniffle.
" What happened?''
"Klaus, Rebekah, and Elijah are leaving. Klaus is going to look for a wolf pack to turn into hybrids and well... everyone's going with him. I'm fine,'' I dismissed, " I'm just going to miss my friends.''
" I'm sorry. I know you got really attached to them,'' Damon said. I let out a deep breathe as I walked to where he sat. I slumped on the couch next to him. He pulled me into his shoulder. Almost immediately Lady came and snuggled up to my stomach.
" She's so clingy,'' Damon said. I nodded in agreement.
" She's just a baby," I cooed. Damon shifted and rested his head on my chest. He sighed in content as he snuggled into my boobs.
" And you say she's clingy,'' I teased. He shrugged his shoulders.
" They were calling my name."
I moved my hand to his hair and pulled at his locks. I ran my hand through his hair.
" At least we're together. No more rituals or spells. No more problems,'' I said.
" I'm glad I have you,'' Damon said. I smiled.
" I'm glad I have you too,'' I confessed. I moved to get up from the couch and he groaned. Lady looked at me confused but immediately hopped to her feet to follow wherever I went. I smiled at her and ducked down to pick her up. Unfortunately that movement caused me to lose my balance and fall to the floor. I felt lightheaded as I tried to catch myself. I heard a whoosh as Damon got up to my side and held me up.
" Bella, there's something wrong. This morning you throw up and now you faint."
" I'm fine really. Let me just see if there's anything I can read in Elizabeth's journals or something,'' I quickly peck his lips and walked upstairs. I had a feeling of what was happening but the doubt of it being impossible kept me from saying it out loud. I opened the grimore to the page I needed and began chanting. If the candle in front of me lit then it was true, if it stayed unlit then it was all in my imagination. I closed my eyes as I whispered the spell. I opened them slowly hoping to see it lit. To my dismay, it was not. I sighed. It seemed too good to be true. I slowly rose from the floor and tuned to put the book back in my bag. I froze when I heard a flame from behind. I turned slowly as tears pooled in my eyes with hope. I froze when I saw the candle lit, the flame fluttered strong. I was pregnant. My hands flew to my stomach. Pregnant.

I stared at the candle for a good 5 minutes before I broke out of my shock. I picked it up gently as if it was my baby. I needed to tell Damon.

I walked slowly down the stair as I watched the candle flare mesmerized.
" Damon-"
I came to a stop when I saw the view before me. The dinning table was beautifully decorated. Candle lit the room as around. Rose petals filled the floor and table. A box. A tiny box in the middle of the table. I gasped through tears as I set my candle down and picked up the box. I heard footsteps from behind me. I whirled around to face Damon.
" Damon what's all this?''
" Isabella Marie Swan,'' he said as he knelt down. I couldn't control my tears as this point, " I vow to love you every moment of every day. Would you please do me the honor of being my wife?''
" Yes!'' I gasped and lowered down to kiss me. He picked me up and twirled me around.
" I love you,'' He said grabbing my face. I laughed through my tears.
" I love you more,'' I pulled his face down for a kiss.
" I have something to tell you,'' I said pulling away.
" What is it?''
" I'm pregnant,'' I confessed.
" You're pregnant? What? How?'' He stuttered. He put me at arms length s he examined my body.
" I don't know, my body can still have children and well I don't know. I didn't think it was possible with you being a vampire but I am. I did a spell to check and its true. That explains all of my symptoms,'' I said to him in a rush.
" You're having my baby,'' he said in awe. I nodded eagerly.
" You're having my baby! We're having a baby! We're going to be parents,'' he said excitedly. He picked me up and twirled me around again. I laughed at his antics.
" I love you, so much.''
" I love you too.''

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