Chapter 18

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Bella's POV....
I ignored her comment and turned towards Edward.
" Can you wait outside. I'll call you if We need help,''
He nodded. " I'll be right outside."
I turned to Katherine to find her smirking at me.
" Wow, Bella. I didn't take you for a player.''
" You can stop with those comments. We both know that I am faithful to Damon."
" Do your boyfriends even know that you are here?"
" That doesn't matter," I answered . She smirked.
" Enough with your questions, we came for some information."
" what makes you think that I'll help you."
I pulled out the water bottle of blood. She barred he fangs and banged  against the door. Elena and me sat on the floor at a distance from the door.
" I am going to ask questions and you are going to answer them. Every time you answer the question I will give you a little bit of blood,'' I said as Elena poured a small amount in a cup .
" First question, Why is Elijah after you?''
" I am going to tell you my story and how I met Elijah and his whole family, including his brother Klaus. I lived in a small village in Bulgaria where I was basically disowned by my father because I had a child out of wedlock. I gave birth to a beautiful girl but I never got to hold her in my arms because my  Dad took her away before I could..''
" So that explains why Elena is here. Your bloodline did continue and your parents kept it so hidden that even Elijah didn't know that you had a child."
Elena pushed the cup past the barrier with a stick. Katherine drank it fast, careful not to leave one drop.
"You are correct."
" So how did you meet Elijah."
" A few years later I was invited to a ball that they were having. There are 5 siblings; Elijah, Kol, Finn, Rebekah, and Klaus. Klaus took and immediate liking towards me and I never understood why. So did Elijah but Klaus intrigued me more. I thought I could trust him until one night I found out the truth. I found out that they were all vampires, but Klaus is not just a vampire, he is a hybrid, werewolf, and vampire. I also found out  that he was planing on sacrifice me to break a curse that was bestowed upon him by his mother. A curse that ket him form being able to create more hybrids."
" What did you do when you found out?'' Elena asked.
" I ran. I tried to run away but Elijah and his men came after me. One of his guards, Trevor hid me in his cottage the his friend Rose. I could tell that Rose did not want me there. She knew what could happen if they found me there. She led me into a room and left me there. I didn't want to be sacrificed and I knew that my only way out was to die so I used a dagger that I found in the drawer and stabbed myself. Rose found me and gave me her blood. I hung myself shortly and fed off of their housemaid. I completed my vampire transformations and fled. I never looked back."
" How could you betray them like that. Trevor got his head cut off because of you,'' Elena said.
" I did what I had to do. You would have to, but you're just too nice to admit it."
" Then what happened?"I asked.
" I went back to my town in search for my family. When I got there everyone was dead. Klaus had slaughtered everyone in my family. One by one. As a warning for what I did. He wants revenge. He wants to kill me and he will stop at nothing. He will stop at nothing until he breaks the curse. He will come after you, Elena and if you don't cooperate he will kill everyone you love."
"We'll find a way. It's okay everyone will be safe,'' I tried to comfort Elena. Katherine turned to me and smirked.
" You're right. I'm surprised you haven't asked about yourself. I know that Elijah must have reacted when he saw you."
" How do you know?' I asked cautiously.
" Bella, Bella, Bella, you didn't think that you were completely human now did you?''

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