Chapter 28

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Bella's POV....
" So he showed up at your house, threatened you, snapped you neck, and then came looking for me,'' I concluded as I paced around the room.
" More or less,'' He said.
" Huh, what has my life become,'' I said throwing myself on my bed.
" If you don't mind me asking, what were you doing alone in the middle of town,'' He asked. I avoided eye contact, happy that my body no longer blushed at everything.
Um.. well.. Damon and me had a fight, I got mad and stormed out and ran until I got there, Klaus showed up and wouldn't let me go, so yeah,'' I said quickly.
" Is everything alright with you and Damon?''
" Yes! No.. I don't know,'' I groaned. I snuck a small peek at him to see him looking out the window with an unreadable face. I sat up and played with my fingers.
" Um Elijah?'' I called. He turned to face me, waiting for me to continue.
" I know that you were really in love with Elizabeth and that deep down you still are. I also know that  I look exactly like her.. but I need to know if some of the feelings you feel for Elizabeth have been directed towards me,'' I said quietly as I looked into his eyes. He looked out the window again.

"I'm afraid I can't give you the answer you want to hear. I don't want to lie to you so its best if that question is not brought on again. I wouldn't want any problems. Just know I respect you and your decisions,'' He said whilst still looing out the window.

So that meant that he does have feelings for me. I looked down at the ground as I processed it. Stupid Damon was right.

" Elijah... I-"

"No please, you don't need to say anything. Let's focus more on the problem at hand. Klaus has come back into town and that's the problem we need to worry about now.,'' He said. I nodded

" Okay, What do we do?'' I asked.

" First we need to tell everyone else about his arrival so they know to be aware,'' He said

" What about my dad, He can't know what's happening but its still dangerous,'' I said growing scared.

" Don't worry I doubt Klaus will go for your father. He's practically the only thing you have left and he wouldn't risk you not cooperating. We just to be precautious. He only wants you. He needs a witch, vampire, wolf, and doppelgänger to break the curse but he doesn't need all of that if he has you so you are our main concern. We also have the moon stone so that won't be an issue."

" Yeah about that, its in the tomb under the church with Katherine,'' I said.

" Then it will stay there for now,'' he concluded.

" Right now the safest place is your house since he can't come in but that doesn't mean he won't try to lure you out so we need to find somewhere safer. We also don't want to put your father in immediate danger."

" What do you suggest?'' I asked. He paced back and forth as he thought about it.

" I cut the vervain from system of the town. No one knows so that mean everyone, including your father, is vervain free. I say we compel him into letting you stay somewhere else and bind that house with a spell that he can't come in through. Like a safe house,'' He suggested.

" Okay that makes sense,'' I said, " But how will we kill him?"

" there's only a few more days until the full moon. if you get me close enough to him we can kill him or you could stop his heart. Given you lack of experience it will be best if you only hurt him enough o be immobile and I will come and rip his heart out. Simple as that,'' He said.

I could tell it hurt him as he planned his death. After all it was his brother. I know that it can't be easy to plan his death. I looked at him softly.

" Elijah, Are you sure you want to do this. He's your brother-"

"I know that but it must be done. If he gets what he wants then he'll be even more dangerous,'' he interjected. He avoided my eyes as he said that. I slowly stood up from my bed and walked over to him. He still hadn't looked at me. I gently pulled him into my arms

" I know what you're family means to you, Elijah. Yes, he is dangerous but at the end of the day.. he's your brother.

He pulled away from me abruptly and turned away from me.

'' Yeah, a brother who daggered our whole family and spread them across the Atlantic!'' He yelled. I walked nearer.

" I know but-"

'' Why are you defending him? He is trying to kill you!'' He yelled at my face. I shrunk back. I could immediately see the regret in his face. I turned away from him. I was feeling emotional. I'm such a girl. I can't handle it when people yell at me.

" Isab-"

" No, you're right. I just didn't want you to do something that would hurt you. I would hate it if you resented yourself if you did it.''

" I apologize. I didn't mean to yell at you. It does hurt me but it's the right thing to do,'' He said. I feel like he was trying to convince himself rather than reassure me. I turned to him once again. Our eyes met. I looked away first and cleared my throat.

" it's getting late. Perhaps I should go,'' He said turning towards the door.

" Wait!'' I screamed. He paused and turned to look at me.

" M-Maybe you should stay. I don't think Damon will com tonight after our fight and Klaus is still out there. I think it would be safer if you stayed. My dads almost home. We could make an excuse and you can stay for dinner,'' I rambled,'' Only if you want to.''

" Okay, how about this, I go back and grab some clothes really fast so Klaus doesn't find me, which I doubt, and come back,'' He smiled. I returned it with a grateful one.

" Yes please, I 'll feel a lot safer with someone else here. I still don't know how to use my powers so it would make me feel more comfortable,'' I said relieved.

" I'll be back in 15 minutes,'' He said and disappeared.

Two minutes later I got a message from Charlie saying he had to handle business in the next town over and was going to be staying there with Liz and a few other cops for the rest of the week. Relief washed through me knowing he wouldn't be in town where Klaus was while everything went down. The timing couldn't have been more perfect. I went down stairs to see what I could make for dinner. Elijah didn't peg me for the frozen pizza type of guy. SO I opted for some steaks.

I quickly checked my phone to see if Damon had texted me. Nothing. Should I text him? No I'm mad. Should I tell him about Elijah? No, he needs to text me first. I began dinner and made some potatoes and vegetables to go with it. O checked my phone for the time.

Elijah hasn't come back and its been 20 minutes. Should I call him?

I had barely found his name in my phone when I felts someone touch me from behind.

I screamed as I felt them grab my shoulders.

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