Chapter 40

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Bella's POV....
I woke up early in the morning. I could still hear everyone else asleep. i didn't want to wake them so I chnaged back into theh clothes I came here in and left.

When I walked intot my home I coudls till hear Charlie snoaring upstairs. I decided to make him breakfast sinc ei knew he would b waking up soon. I chose something simple; eggs, bacon, hashbrown, and toast. Right as i finsished plating the food eh alked down the stairs.
" Smells good in here. When did you get back?''
" Just this morning. I wanted to make you breakfast befre I head back to bed. I'm not feeling well and I just want to lay down,'' I told him while handing his plate.
" Is everything okay?'' He questioned taking a bite from his food. I sighed.
" I don't want to make things awkawrd at work for you because Damon helps you and Liz out but he broke up with me yesterday,'' I said. Tears pooled in my eyes again.
" Oh, Bells. Are you alright? Please don't spriral like last time. I can't bare to see you like when Edward left.''
" It won't appen again. I just need to be by myself for a few days. Don't worry, I'm confidant that things will go back to normal,'' I told him. I walked uptairs to leave him finish his breakfast. They will go back to normal.  I walked into my room and threw myself on my bed. I heard Charlie leave the house an hour later. I finally let all my emotions out.

I cried and cried and cried. the hole I felt when Edward left was nothing compared to what I'm feeling now. I would fall asleep exhausted and wake up hours later crying again. Everytime I closed my eyes I played the memory of Damon walking away from me. I could hear my phone bing with texts from Rebekah and Elijah but I just turned it off. I go out of bed and decided to change intosomething more comfortable. I opted for some sweats and buriedmyself back in my bed. I sobbed like a baby. I just couldn't stop. This was unbearbale. I'm justso weak. I fell asleep again. It was almost six when I woke up again. I didn't want to worry Charlie so Ihave to pretend to be fine for his sake. I pulled on my sneakers and headed to my car. I'm going to pick up dinner from the grill because I don't have the energy to make food myself. I sat on one of the tables and waited for a waiter.
" Hey, Bella, long time no see,'' Matt said. I have him a half smile.
" Hey, i'm not feeling that well. Could I just get a burger with fries and a soup to go. Can youplease tell the cooks to hurry,'' I pleaded.
" Yeah, sure, no problem.''
I rested my head on the table once he walked away. I felt a pouding in my head again. I groaned. Being half witch sucked. My phone was still ringing with all of the phone calls from Rebekah, Elena, and Elijah. I turned my phone off so my phone would stop it's constant buzzing. Once my food was given to me I headed home. I locked myself in my bedroom the rest of the night.
I woke up for school the next day. The week flew by quick. Elena tried to talk to me throughout the week and so did the other girls but I mainly blew them off. Stefan had told Elena about mine and Damon's breakup. I didn't feel like talking about it. I tried to pull through for Charlie but I was so happy when winter break came along next week. There were still two more weeks until the next full moon. I honestly don't care about becoming stronger or controlling my powers. At least I don't have to worry about school for a month.

I unlocked the door to my house and walk in with my head down.
" You've been ignoring me.''
I jumped an dropped my keys when I heard the voice. I whirled around to find Elijah standing in my living room. He was holding a picture of me as a child that I had on the fireplace.
" You scared me,'' I breathed.My hand flew to my chest as I calmed my heart beat. I ducked down to pick up my keys and cleared my throat.
" I wasn't ignoring you,'' I said evasively. He raised his eyebrows with a humorless smile.
" Really, I believe the hundred missed calls that range from Sunday to Friday beg to differ. You awoke on Sunday and left without a goodbye and then proceed to ignore me all of this week,'' He said.He tilted in head to the side waiting for my response.
" It wasn't just you I was ignoring,'' I said quietly.
" So you were ignoring me,'' he conclude.
" I just needed to be alone. I'm more of the suffer in silence type and I needed to stay indoors away from other people."
"I can see,'' he said pointing to my clothes. I looked down at my sweatpants and sweater.
" Well i'm sorry I didn't feel like dressing up today. Or any day. There's no point."
" Bella, you can't just remain locked up here. We need to find a way to keep you alive. We only have two weeks and Klaus won't wait another month if we do not find a solution,'' he begged. I shrugged my shoulder.
" Then I die,'' I said nonchalant. I paused " Did you just call me Bella?''
" You always did insist on me calling you Bella. I just wanted to please you. I can call you Isabella if you prefer,'' he offered.
"No, No, I like it better,'' I said, " I honestly don't care about this stupid ritual anymore. If I die I die and if i don't then okay I guess.''
" You cannot speak like that. i have been looking for a way to help you. You can do this but we have to try,'' he insisted.
" Please, if not for me then for your friends and family. All of those people that you wish to protect by sacrificing your own life,'' he said softly. I sighed as I walked to where he stood.
" Okay,'' I agreed. His eyes filled with relief then he beamed with excitement. I looked at him confused.
" I brought you something,'' he said. He grabbed my hand and led me to my kitchen. I saw a box sitting on the island counter.
" What is it?'' I asked, my voice showed the excitement I felt when i neared the box.
" Open it,'' he smiled. I looked at him with a smile of my own and opened the box quickly. Right as I took off the lid a head popped out from the box. A dog. A cocker spaniel just like the one I wanted as a child. I looked at Elijah with tears in my eyes.
" You got this for me?'' I asked in a quiet voice. He nodded.
" You said you always wanted one,'' he explained. I sniffled as I reached in the box and took out the puppy.
" Thank you,'' I sobbed as I threw my arm around his shoulder. I held the dog in one arm and hugged Elijah tightly.
" I was expecting you smile and laugh not cry,'' he said pulling away.
" I am happy, these are tears of joy,'' i sniffled and smiled at him.
" what's her name?'' I asked as I examined the dog.
" Lady."
" Oh Elijah, you have no idea how much this made my day. I've been so sad all week and this really made me fell a lot better,'' I confessed. The dog in my arm began wagging her tail in excitement. I set her on the counter and watching as she lay on her back and wagged her tail again. I giggled at the sight and began rubbing her stomach gently.
" I'm glad I could put a smile on your face,'' Elijah said to me.
" I'm glad you could put a smile on my face too,'' I beamed. I set Lady on the floor and she began running around the small kitchen stopping to sniff every corner.
" I also brought you this,'' he said grabbing a cooler from under the counter. Inside were blood bags for me to drink.
" I know that you don't like feeding from people directly and that you mainly got your supplies from Damon so I figured you would appreciate having your own stash,'' he explained. I let out a sigh of relief.
" Yes, I was starting to worry about that,'' I admitted. I grabbed one of the bags and opened the tube to drink some. I sipped the red liquid as I watched Lady try to jump on the stairs.
" Would you like to stay for dinner?'' I asked him. He smiled at me and nodded.
" I would love to,'' he answered.

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