Chapter 5

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Bella's POV....

'' Excuse me,'' I said quickly and got up from the table. I could hear the question at the table about me being said. 

I pushed past the people trying to get to where I saw her. I know I saw her. I know I didn't imagine it. There were so many people passing in front of me that I didn't even realize she was gone until I got to where she was standing.

I stopped in my track. I couldn't believe I imagined her. I just knew I saw her. 

" Bella!" Damon said from behind me. " Why did you leave?"

I could feel the tears forming in my eyes, completely heartbroken. I thought I saw her. I slowly turned to face Damon. His eyes softened when he saw my expression.

" I thought- I swear I saw her," I said as a few tears escaped my eyes. I felt my breathe go un even as I began to hyperventilate. 

" Whoah Bella, Calm down," Damon said as he put his hands on my shoulders. " I need you to breathe."

My shoulders shook with emotions and I began my vision begin to go dark. I thought I was past this. I thought I was healing and the moment that I thought they came back I get like this. 

I felt my body being lifted from under my feet and then complete darkness.


" Damon you need to chill out. She's fine. I think she was just overwhelmed. Whatever she say must have really affected her," I heard a voice say. I tried to open my eyes but they seemed to be closed shut. I wanted to wake up but my body was so tired.

I tried again and this time my eyes began to flutter. 

" Oh my god Stefan, she's waking up," I recognized  Elena's voice. I smelt alcohol right under my nose. I scrunched my nose up with the strong smell but breathed it in to wake myself up more.

I groaned as I sat up. I opened my eyes and took in my surrounding. I didn't recognize the house but it was very antique looking with historic decorations. 

" Where am I?"

" You're at the Salvatore Boarding house. You fainted at the mall and we brought you here. How do you feel," Elena asked. She sat right next to me and rubbed my back. I put my head in my hands still feeling a bit dizzy.

" My head hurts," I said simply.

"You like sprinted away from the table and then Damon comes back with you fainted. I thought he killed you or something," She said. I managed a small smile at her comments. Memories from the mall came flooding back.

" I don't know why that happened," I said to them. I finally got a good look at Damon who was holding a drink in his hand looking concerned and angry at the same time as he sat in the couch in front of me. Stefan was leaning behind the couch next to Damon.

" Who did you see?" Damon asked.

" No one," Technically I'm not lying because she really wasn't there. Damon's expression got frustrated. 
" You must have seen something to make you faint. Now what did you see?"

I looked between all of them. I could see they were all concerned. Just the fact that all of them cared so  much about me made me wants to cry. I was making them feel the same way I made Charlie. They were going to start to worry and treat me differently if they know. 

My bottom lip began to tremble.

" Take me home," I said to Elena. " Please."

" Okay, don't worry. I'll take you home. Let's go," She said. She stood me up and helped me walk to the car.

From Heartbreaks to New Beginnings (Bella/Damon)Where stories live. Discover now