Chapter 37

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Bella's POV...
" Damon I can explain-"
" I told you to wait for me. I told you to stay in the apartment with Elena and wait! Thats all I asked! I told yo uI would go with you! I told you how dangerous it was! I told you! And what did you do! You did the complete opposite!''
" I know but-"
" What the hell is wrong with you, Bella. I mean how stupid and naive can you be!'' I felt tears prickle my eyes.
" Now, boy I suggest you watch your tone before I watch it for you,'' I heard Elijah warn.
" You! Haven't you done enough! You left her! We had a deal and you bailed. She almost died! Do you know what it feels to watch the love of your life almost die in your arms?''
" How about we all calm down,'' Rebekah suggested. Damon turned to look at her.
" Who the hell are you?''
" I'm Rebekah Mikaelson."
" Great! Barbie Klaus,'' Damon said throwing his hands up.
" Lets all sit down and talk,'' Elijah said.
" Bella!'' Elena came out of the bedroom, Stefan trailing behind.
" Stefan,'' Rebekah breathed. I looked at her confused. Stefan gave her the same confusing look.
" I'm sorry do I know you?'' Stefan asked.
" Oh brother, I think we have a bit of a predicament,'' Klaus said. He sat down on one of the chairs I was standing next to.
" Niklaus, what did you do? Why won't he remember me?'' Rebekah asked.
" We encountered Stefan in the 20s. We became pretty close us three but unfortunately our adventure had to be cut short,'' Klaus stood up and walked to Stefan.
" You will remember everything,''Klaus compelled him. I saw Stefan close and open his eyes.
" Rebekah, Klaus,'' he acknowledged, " All this time I knew two originals yet I never knew.''
" Don't beat yourself up, mate,'' Klaus said walking back to his seat.
" I'm sorry Rebekah, but i'm with Elena. I hope we can be friends but nothing else,'' Stefan said softly. Elena looked between them and stood behind Stefan.
" No hard feelings, I suppose, its not your fault my brother is an absolute wanker,'' She glared at her brother. I stifled a laugh.
" Great now that we took a trip down memory lane. Would you mind telling me why the hell you didn't listen to me,'' Damon asked me. I cleared my throat.
" First of all, never. Never. Ever speak to me like that again. I am not a child. I am perfectly capable of making my own decisions. Second, I found a solution to our problem,'' I said. I took a seat in the chair next to Klaus.
" Well what is it?'' Damon asked impatiently.
" I will do the spell,'' I gave him a glare when I saw him about to interrupt, " In exchange Klaus will not kill any of you and he will find a way to keep me alive.''
" So I'm safe,'' Elena asked. I cringed a little.
" Technically, no one can kill you. Klaus needs your blood to complete his hybrids transition. I told him that we would draw blood bags and give them to him as long as he doesn't hurt or try to take you away.''
" Yes, I was feeling quite selfless,'' Klaus commented.
" I give you my word that Klaus will keep his end of the bargain so long as no one dares to trifle with him,'' Elijah said.
" Your word is invalid among us,'' I told him. I saw hurt flash in his eyes.
" Then I will do my best to make it valid,'' he declared. I ignored him and focused my attention to the rest of the group.
" Does everyone agree?''
Everyone nodded their heads but Damon.
" Damon?''
" Screw this. They tried to kill you, Bella and now you want to trust them again. No. I won't stand it. I'm out,'' with that he walked out the door, slamming it behind him. I heard him start the car and speed off. A tear fell from my eye.
" I'll handle my brother,'' Stefan said, " I'll make sure he goes along with the agreement.''
" Perfect, now that thats settled. Why don't we head back to our small town?'' Klaus suggested with a smile."I shall make arrangements for our flight.''
I debated going over to Damon's house but decided agains't it. Charlie would be home tonight and I rather be there when he gets home. I slowly walked up the steps feeling defeated. I threw my body on my bed and groaned. My life turned completely around in the past week. I felt that I didn't have anyone on my side.Everyone is trying to protect me but at what cost. Their own lives? I couldn't let them sacrifice themselves for me. I wasn't worth it.
I heard Charlie as he opened the door downstairs.
" Bella?'' He called out. I immediately ran downstairs.
"Dad,'' I sighed and ran into his arms. I could tell I caught him off guard by the way he shifted trying to gain his balance.
" Woah, are you alright?''
" Yeah, I just missed you. That's all,'' I said pulling away.
" I missed you too Bells. I'm super hungry. How bout we order a pizza and watch a movie?''
" Yes, I'll order it while you put away your things.''
He headed upstairs to his room. It was nice to have him back but I worried about the vampires in town. We enjoyed the rest of our night. Charlie had fallen asleep on the couch. I grabbed a blanket from the closest and draped it over him. I headed upstair to my own room to finally let sleep consume me. I vaguely remember feeling a hand caress my cheek but I ignored it and snuggled closer to my pillow.

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